Chief Seattle’s Speech Treasure Trove Short Stories Workbook Solutions Ch-1 Passage-3

Chief Seattle’s Speech Treasure Trove Short Stories Workbook Solutions Ch-1 Passage-3.  Question with answer of Workbook of Short story Book “Treasure Trove”. All the solutions has been given as council latest prescribe guideline. Therefore you can achieve your goal in next upcoming exam of council. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10 English.

Chief Seattle’s Speech Treasure Trove Short Stories Workbook Solutions Ch-1 Passage-3

Board ICSE
Class 10th (X) / 9th (IX)
Subject English
Book Name Treasure Trove
Chapter-1 Chief Seattle’s Speech
Chief Seattle’s Speech Treasure Trove Short Stories Workbook Solutions Ch-1 Passage-3
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow
Passage 3 – It matters little where……………….We will see.

Question 1. How does Seattle predict the future of his tribe to be?

Answer: The Chief Seattle’s prediction of the future of his people and the white people was that the whites never be alone even when the last native would have perished, “these source will swarm with The invisible dead of his tribe”. So Seattle request White man to deal kindly with his people as the “dead or not powerless”. Seattle by the end states that there is no death but only a change of worlds.

Question 2. How does the speaker realize that he should not mourn the untimely fate of his people?

Answer: The speaker realizes that he should not mourn the untimely fate of his people because tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea.  It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. The cycle of life continues and change is the law of nature.

Question 3. Why does Seattle say that they maybe brothers after all?

Answer: Seattle say that they may be brothers after all because a common fate in the form of ultimate decay awaits both. The decay and death for the white race may be distant, but it would surely come, for even the White Man whose God walked and talked with him as friend to friend, could not be exempted from the common destiny that is death and decay. So being bound by a common destiny made them brothers after all.

Question 4. How does the speaker differentiate his tribal people from the white people?

Answer: Seattle feels that although the decay of his people might come earlier, the white people would also not be spared. They too would perish, the only difference being that they survive a little longer.


– : End of Chief Seattle’s Speech Treasure Trove Passage-3 :-

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