CISCE Textbook 2023: How much Fit for Preparation

CISCE Textbook 2023: How much Fit for Preparation of council exam. The new session 2023-24 has been started in various ICSE/ISC school. List of new textbook has been given to guardians/students. Main question is that how much these textbook are fitted for preparation of upcoming council exam in 2024.

CISCE Textbook 2023: How much Fit for Preparation

The CISCE Textbook 2023: There are many publication for ICSE / ISC textbook. most of them are popular among student as well as teacher. In case of new session 2023-24 school management given the list of such publication which is not only costly but also unfit for exam.

Focus on Commission not on Quality of Textbook– Report

As latest report the school head always prefer the amount of commission during textbook selection. Some management / principal never take correct decision over the topic. Guardians as well as student have to force buy such low standard textbook only on prescribe shop.

Some Book Never Teach Even Compulsory to Buy

According to survey report few of them are only show piece and never use during the academic session. There are 5 to 6 book in English but  only 2 or three book is useful among students.

Extra Charge for Covering the Book

Shopkeeper charge extra amount for covering the textbook. These cover are printed with school name. guardian are also forced to buy such cover unwillingly.

Textbook Change in Every New Session

As report the textbook publication change session to session so that old book become unuse for fellow student. Government never take any strict decision over the issue. Although council never prescribe any certain publication.

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