Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-1 MCQs: ICSE Class 10 Drama Workbook Solutions

Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-1 MCQs: ICSE Class 10 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama. Multiple Choice Questions of your prescribe English Drama Textbook for upcoming board exam of council. Extra Important MCQs other than workbook questions are also added for complete analysis the topic. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-10 English.

Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-1 MCQs ICSE Class 10 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-1 MCQs: ICSE Class 10 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Board  ICSE
Subject English
Class 10
Book Name Julius Caesar (Workbook )
Session  2024-25
Topics Solutions of Act-4, Scene-1
Question Type MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions

Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-1 MCQs: ICSE Class 10 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Que-1: The three triumvirs who are seated at a table are

A. Antony, Octavius and Lepidus B. Cassius, Brutus and Lucilius C. Cicero, Publius and Casca D. The high priests

Ans: A. Antony, Octavius and Lepidus

Que-2: Lepidus is sent on an errand to

A. fetch Caesar’s will B. find out who are levying powers C. find out who is prick’d to die D. search for Brutus and Cassius

Ans: A. fetch Caesar’s will

Que-3: The meaning of prescription is

A. an official list of those who are to be killed B. list of those who will rule Rome C. list of honourable men of Rome D. list of powerful Romans

Ans: A. an official list of those who are to be killed

Que-4: According to Octavius, Lepidus is

A. a useless man B. a tried and valiant soldier C. unfit to be a part of the triumvirate D. an inexperienced soldier

Ans: B. a tried and valiant soldier

Que-5: Antony considers Lepidus to be

A. a barren spirited fellow B. one who feeds on objects, arts and imitations C. a property D. a useless person

Ans: A. a barren spirited fellow

— : end of Multiple Choice Questions of Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-1 : —

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