Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-3 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 Eng Drama

Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-3 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 Eng Drama. Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evaluation of skill among students . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-10 English.

Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-3 Context Questions ICSE Class 10 Eng Drama

Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-3 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 Eng Drama

Board ICSE
Subject English
Class 10
Book Name Julius Caesar
Session  2024-25
Topics  Act-4, Scene-3
Question Type Context Questions

Context Questions

Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-3 ICSE Class 10 workbook Solutions

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

BRUTUS- You wronged yourself ….. ……. bear his commitment.

Que-1:  Where are Brutus and Cassius? What charge is levelled by Brutus against Cassius?

Ans: Brutus and Cassius are in the tent of Brutus. Brutus blames Cassius of being involve in corruption by taking bribes.

Que-2: Why does Cassius feel that they should not argue in ‘such a time’?

Ans: Cassius feels they should not argue at such a time because enemy is at the head  and condition is critical. so unity is must at any rate.

Que-3:  What did Brutus accuse Cassius of? How did Cassius react to this accusation?

Ans: Brutus blames Cassius of corruption and bribes, to which Cassius responded with excitement, stress their friendship and the selling public property for personal gain

Que-4:  Explain the line: “It is not meet that every offense should bear his comment”.

Ans: The line means that it is not good time to discuss on such minor issue, suggesting a need of mutual cooperation

Que-5:  Brutus accuses Cassius of many wrongs. Was Brutus justified in doing so? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Brutus’s blames were partially correct because he was honest but on seeing current critical issue brutus blames were too harsh

BRUTUS – The name of  …. ….. …. Chastisement  BRUTUS Remember, the ____ of ____’, Remember.

Que-1:  What does Brutus remind Cassius of? Fill in the blanks of the lines in the extract.

Ans: Brutus reminds Cassius of “the Ides of March”. The fillings are “ides , March 

Que-2:  What do the words in the blanks signify? For what purpose did Julius Caesar bleed ‘for justice sake’?

Ans: The words “Ides of March” signify the moment when they stabbed Julius Caesar, mark it as a moment for the sake of justice and the republic.

Que-3:  How does Brutus connect the act of murdering Caesar to corruption?

Ans: Brutus joint the act of murdering Caesar to corruption that their noble deed should not lead them to engage in corrupt practices

Que-4:  How is Brutus wrong in his assessment? Was Brutus being fair to Cassius? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Brutus’s assessment is perfectly wrong because it effect of their struggle. , Brutus has missing the support in a rebellion. He was not being totally fair to Cassius,

BRUTUS- Must I stand and crouch  ….. …..  Though it do split you

Que-1:  Explain the lines: “You shall digest the venom of your spleen/Though it do split you.”

Ans: The lines suggest that one should not shown his anger and bitterness. it must be suppressed at demand of time and circumstances.

Que-2:  How does Brutus taunt Cassius in the succeeding lines of the extract that Cassius tells Brutus in exasperation ‘Is it come to this’?

Ans: Brutus taunts Cassius that he should express his anger and bitterness other than here, showing that Brutus does not take Cassius response seriously.

Que-3:  Why does Cassius consider himself a better soldier than Brutus? Was he justified in the assessment of himself? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Cassius considers himself as a better soldier due to his experience and ability to make quick and responsive decisions at war time. his military experience and understanding of strategy, is better than Brutus.

Que-4:  State any two derogatory remarks made by Brutus for Cassius. Was Brutus justified in doing so?

Ans: Two derogatory remarks commented by Brutus are  “itchingpalm” and “waspish” Yes Brutus is justifying by doing so

Que-5:  What was the mis understanding between Brutus and Cassius? How does Cassius justify himself to Brutus? What makes Cassius soften towards Brutus?

Ans: The misunderstanding revolves around Brutus’s blames of Cassius accepting bribes and not releasing money for military. Cassius urges the importance of unity and sharing in Caesar murder therefore Brutus softens

CASSIUS – There is my dagger, ….. ….. …..  be’st a Roman, take it forth,

Que-1: What has made Cassius become so frustrated in anger? What were Cassius ‘ complaints against Brutus before this extract?

Ans: Cassius’s frustration flourish on Brutus blames , being currupt and not releasing fund for army maintenance while Cassius blames Brutus to ill comment of a close frind

Que-2:  What does Cassius mean to say when he says his heart is “Dearer than Pluto’s mine”? Who is Pluto? Why does Cassius compare his heart to Pluto’s mine?

Ans: Cassius’s statement expressing the value of loyality and faithfulness. the Pluto is the God of underword property. He uses this comparison to stress the depth and worth of his commitment to Brutus.

Que-3:  Why had Cassius, according to Brutus, denied giving gold to him? How did Cassius justify this accusation made to him by Brutus?

Ans: According to Brutus, Cassius reject the releasing of gold for his army, suggesting that he was trying to deposit fund while Cassius reply that it was due to mis understanding of a messanger .

Que-4:  How does Brutus try to pacify Cassius and end the quarrel? How would you have ended the quarrel? Write your answer in two sentences.

Ans: Brutus attempts to satisfy Cassius by telling fact on their friendship, suggesting they should not let their disputes divide them. to end the quarrels, suggested the value of our friendship and mutual cooperation. We should keep focus on our common enemy ignoring personal issues.

Que-5:  Who enters the scene? Why has the person come here? How does Brutus react to the person’s intrusion?

Ans: A poet enters the scene. The person comes to compromise between Brutus and Cassius. Brutus  dismiss  the poet’s intrusion at such critical matter.

BRUTUS- No more I pray …… …….  towards Philippi.

Que-1: . Who does Brutus speak to in the first line of the extract? Why does he not want the person to speak of the topic anymore? What is the topic of conversation that is upsetting to Brutus?

Ans: in the first line of the extract Brutus speak to Messala He (Brutus) does not want to speak more because of delivering the upset news. topic of conversation that is upsetting to Brutus is Portia’s death.

Que-2:  Whose thought is Brutus trying to wave off? What philosophy of his is he trying to use in the extract?

Ans: Brutus try to ignorance of personal grief and emotion on hearing Portia death. He is trying to focus on military preperation at present crises

Que-3:  Who is Messala? What piece of information does Messala give after the extract?

Ans: Messala is a messenger and friend of Brutus and Cassius. After the extract, He deliver a shocking news of the approaching army of Octavius and Mark Antony.

Que-4:  How does Brutus plan to meet his enemy? What does Cassius advice Brutus contrary to his plan?

Ans: Brutus plans marching of army to Philippi to face Octavius and Mark Antony directly. Cassius advises against Brutus proposal that it would be wiser to wait their enemies come to them, suggesting that waiting would tire the enemy.

Que-5: . How did Cassius prove himself to be ‘a better soldier’ than Brutus in his advice?

Ans: Cassius proves himself to be a better soldier by his strategy, conserving energy and resources, using timing to their advantage, a deeper understanding of military compared to Brutus’s decision.

BRUTUS- There is a tide in ……..  shallows and in miseries

Que-1: What instructions are being given before the extract and to whom?

Ans: Before the extract, On arguing between Brutus and Cassius, Brutus giving instructions to Cassius about the need and their allies, suggesting for marching to Philippi to face their enemies directly.

Que-2:  Explain the lines: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.”

Ans: The lines mean that  Important moments in life has occure time to time, if someone understood it in time wisely and smartly, can lead to great success just like tides that, when caught at their peak, can brings a lot of treasure with flow.

Que-3:  How does Brutus compare the voyage of life to the voyage at sea?

Ans: Brutus compares the voyage of life to the voyage at sea that just like a sailors must navigate tides to reach their target successfully, he must capture opportunities at the right moment to achieve success in life.

Que-4:  Was Brutus justified in taking advantage of the ‘tide’ in his life? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Brutus was justified from his priciple, suggesting that taking immediate action in right time  could lead to success. His statement is based on luck favors the bold on immediate decision while mis fortune on delay in decision.

Que-5:  What does Brutus propose to do after the extract? Who does he call for and why?

Ans: After the extract, Brutus proposes that twe must immediately march to Philippi to face our enemies head-on. He calls for his officers and messengers to organize their forces and communicate this plan, demonstrating his commitment to action and readiness to seize the moment.

BRUTUS-How ill this Taper ….. ……   monstrous apparition

Que-1:  Describe the setting of the scene. What does Brutus see that makes his blood turn cold?

Ans: The setting is in Brutus’s tent at night, in a dim burning lamp. Brutus sees the Caesar’s ghost, which makes his blood turn cold due to its sudden and unexpected scene in his tent.

Que-2: What does the apparition tell Brutus? What effect does the apparition have on Brutus? How would you have felt had you been in place of Brutus?

Ans: The apparition tells Brutus that we will meet him at Philippi, indicating a foreboding of Brutus’s upcoming doom. This shocked brutus deeply thinking consequences of his battle. If I was in Brutus’s place, I would felt fearful and more tensionise.

Que-3:  What is the significance of the words of the apparition in the play?

Ans: The words of the apparition describe the ill deed of Brutus and indication of his death that confirm no one can save his life due to ill deeds. althogh it was a hallucination due to fear and sin. These sign gives a clear vision about upcoming destruction.

Que-4:  Was the apparition real or a figment of Brutus’ imagination? Give reasons to justify your answer.

Ans: Althogh it is not clearly mention in the extract on the question that it is real or imagination but apparition appear due to brutus ill activity giving sign of future dreadful result.

Que-5: When does the apparition appear to Brutus again? To whom did Brutus tell this to, later in the play?

Ans: The extract does not clearly mention when apparition appear to Brutus again . This apparition describe the pre scene which  would be take place at the battle of Philippi. The text does not detail whom Brutus shares this experience later.

— End of Julius Caesar Act-4 Scene-3 Context Questions :–

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