Language of Chemistry MCQs Class-8 Dalal Simplified ICSE Chemistry Solutions Chapter-5

Language of Chemistry MCQs Class-8 Dalal Simplified ICSE Chemistry Solutions Chapter-5, Language of Chemistry Dr Viraf J Dalal Middle School Allied Publishers Solutions. Chapter-5. We Provide Step by Step Solutions to Fill in the blanks, Match the following, Correct answer of Dr Viraf J Dalal Middle School Chemistry Allied Publishers. Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-8.

Language of Chemistry MCQs Class-8 Dalal Simplified ICSE Chemistry Solutions Chapter-5

Board ICSE
Class 8th
Subject Chemistry
Book Name Dalal New Simplified
Chapter-5 Language of Chemistry
Unit-1 Language of Chemistry
Topic Solution of exercise MCQs
Session 2023-24

Objective Types Questions

Language of Chemistry MCQs Class-8 Dalal Simplified ICSE Chemistry Solutions Chapter-5

Question: 1. Complete the statements given below by filling in the blank with the correct words.

 1. The formula of silver [I] chloride is _AgCl_ [AgCl/AgCl2].

2. The basic unit of an element is a/an _atom_ [molecule/atom/ion]

3. Atoms contains _nucleus_ [neutron/nucleus/, with positively charged _protons_ [electrons/protons].

4. Element _lead_ [calcium/lead/carbon] has the symbol derived from its Laltin name ‘plumbum’.

5. From the elements – He, Br, Pt & O; the element which forms a polyatomic molecule is _O_ & which is liquid at room temperature is _Br_.

6. The valency of iron in FeO is _2+_ [2+/1+] of chlorine [chloride] in CaCl2 is _1_ [1/2] and of dichromate in K2 Cr O7 is [2+/2].

Question: 2. Match the statements – 1 to 10 below with their correct answers from – A to J.

List – I
List – II
1. Elements having valency of two.
(a) Br1-
2. An anion
(b) Divalent
3. A gaseous non-metal
(c) Reactants
4. A cation
(d) Ammonium
5. The term used for the substances which take part in the chemical reaction
(e) Nitric oxide
6. The meaning of the symbol ‘Δ’
(f) Nitrogen
7. The chemical name for nitrogen monoxide
(g) Zero
8. A radical containing nitrogen & hydrogen only
(h) Nitrous oxide
9. The chemical name for dinitrogen oxide
(i) Heat required
10. The valency of noble gases
(j) K1+


List – I List – II
1. Elements having valency of two. (a) Divalent 
2. An anion (b) Br1-
3. A gaseous non-metal (c) Nitrogen 
4. A cation (d) K1+ 
5. The term used for the substances which take part in the chemical reaction (e) Reactants 
6. The meaning of the symbol ‘Δ’ (f) Heat required
7. The chemical name for nitrogen monoxide (g) Nitric oxide Zero
8. A radical containing nitrogen & hydrogen only (h) Ammonium 
9. The chemical name for dinitrogen oxide (i) Nitrous oxide
10. The valency of noble gases (j) Zero

Question: 3. Match the compound in List I – 1 to 20 with their correct formulas in List II – A to T:

List – I
List – II
1. Copper [II] sulphide
(a) KMnO4
2. Potassium permanganate
(b)  Mg3N2
3. Phosphoric acid
(c) Mg(NO3)2
4. Copper [I] oxide
(d) Al2(SO4)3
5. Carbonic acid
(e) Na2ZnO2
6. Aluminium sulphide
(f) N2O
7. Iron [II] oxide
(g) H2CO3
8. Iron [III] sulphide
(h) Al2S3
9. Iron [II] sulphate
(i) NO
10. Sodium zincate
(j) FeS
11. Nitrous oxide
(k) Fe2S3
12. Aluminium sulphate
(l) H3PO4
13. Magnesium nitride
(m) Cu2S
14. Iron [III] sulphate
(n) CuS
15. Copper [II] oxide
(o) Fe2O3
16. Iron [III] oxide
(p) FeO
17. Nitric oxide
(q) FeSO4
18. Copper [II] sulphide
(r) Fe2(SO4)3
19. Iron [II] sulphide
(s) CuO
20. Magnesium nitrate
(t) Cu2O


List – I List – II
1. Copper [II] sulphide (a) Cu2
2. Potassium permanganate (b)  KMnO
3. Phosphoric acid (c) H3PO4 
4. Copper [I] oxide (d)  Cu2O  
5. Carbonic acid (e) H2CO3  
6. Aluminium sulphide (f) Al2S3  
7. Iron [II] oxide (g) FeO
8. Iron [III] sulphide (h) Fe2S3
9. Iron [II] sulphate (i) FeSO4  
10. Sodium zincate (j) Na2ZnO2  
11. Nitrous oxide (k) N2O
12. Aluminium sulphate (l) Al2(SO4)3
13. Magnesium nitride (m) Mg3N2  
14. Iron [III] sulphate (n) Fe2(SO4)3  
15. Copper [II] oxide (o)  CuO 
16. Iron [III] oxide (p) Fe2O3
17. Nitric oxide (q) NO
18. Copper [II] sulphide (r) CuS
19. Iron [II] sulphide (s) FeS
20. Magnesium nitrate (t) Mg(NO3)2

Question: 4. Underline the incorrectly balanced compound in each equation & rewrite the correct equation:

1. 2Na + 3H2O ⟶ 2NaOH + H2
2. 4P + 4O2 ⟶ 2P2O5
3. Fe2O3 + 2H2 ⟶ 2Fe + 3H2O
4. 2Al + 2H2SO4 ⟶ Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2
5. N2 + 3H2 ⇌ NH3
6. ZnO + 3NaOH ⟶ Na2ZnO2 + H2O
7. FeCl3 + 3NH4OH ⟶ 2NH4Cl + Fe(OH)3
8. FeS + 2HCl ⟶ 2FeCl2 + H2S
9. 3NH3 + H2SO4 ⟶ (NH4)2SO4
10. PbO2 + 4HCl ⟶ PbCl2 + H2O + Cl2


1. 2Na + 2H2O ⟶ 2NaOH + H2

2. 4P + 5O2 ⟶ 2P2O5

3. Fe2O3 + 3H2 ⟶ 2Fe + 3H2O

4. 2Al + 3H2SO4 ⟶ Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2

5. N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3

6. ZnO + 2NaOH ⟶ Na2ZnO2 + H2O

7. FeCl3 + 3NH4OH ⟶ 3NH4Cl + Fe(OH)3

8. FeS + 2HCl ⟶ FeCl2 + H2S

9. 2NH3 + H2SO4 ⟶ (NH4)2SO4

10. PbO2 + 4HCl ⟶ PbCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2

– : End of Language of Chemistry MCQs Class-8 Dalal Simplified Solutions :–

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