Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions. Asking Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evalution of skill among students . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Context Questions ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Board ISC
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Macbeth
Session  2024-25
Topics Workbook Solutions of Act-3, Scene-5
Question Type Context Questions

Context Questions

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

Hecate: Have I not reason ,………  of our art?

Que-1: Who is Hecate? Who is she speaking to?

Ans: Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft. She is speaking to the three witches

Que-2:  Fill in the blanks in the extract

Ans: Have I not reason, beldams as you are, Saucy and overbold? How did you dare To trade and traffic with Macbeth In riddles and affairs of death; And I, the mistress of your charms, The close contriver of all harms, Was never call’d to bear my part, Or show the glory of our art?

Que-3:  What does Hecate want to collect from the corner of the moon? What does she intend to do with it?

Ans: Hecate want to collect a drop of vapour from the corner of the moon. She use to it preparing spirit for magical trick to destroy Macbeth.

Que-4:  Which three words does Hecate use for the person she is speaking to?

Ans: The Goddess Hecate uses three words for the persons she is speaking to are “beldams”, “Saucy”, and “overbold

Que-5:  Which three words does Hecate use for Macbeth ?

Ans: Goddess Hecate uses these three words “wayward”, “spiteful”, and “wrathful”.

Hecate: But make amends now; get you gone, And at the pit of……………meet me in the………. thither he will come to know his destiny..

Que-1:  Fill in the blanks in the extract. Who is ‘ he’ Hecare refers to?

Ans: In this extract the blanks part “But make amends now; get you gone, And at the pit of Acheron meet me in the morning: thither he Will come to know his destiny:” The “he” refer to Macbeth

Que-2:  What amends does she ask the witches to make? Why?

Ans: Hecate suggest to witches to improve their past deed of respond with Macbeth without her involvement. She suppose that they have wrongly handle the situation regarding Macbeth future.

Que-3: What are Hecate’s plans regarding Macbeth?

Ans: Hecate plans to create magical power of spirit using witches’ prophecies to handle Macbeth. Her plan is destruction of Macbeth

Que-4:  What will Hecate catch and from where?

Ans:  Goddess Hecate will catch a drop of vapour from the corner of the Moon.

Que-5:  What confusion does Hecate intend to create?

Ans: Hecate want to create  hallucination and confusion in the mind of Macbeth. She plans to to misguid him over prophecy and spirit creating overconfident so that could not be attentive of any upcoming danger.

— End of Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions :–

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