Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 MCQs: Workbook Solutions of ISC Class 12 Drama

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 MCQs: Workbook Solutions of ISC Class 12 Drama Multiple Choice Questions of your prescribe English Drama Textbook for upcoming board exam of council. Extra Important MCQs other than workbook questions are also added for complete analysis the topic. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 MCQs Workbook Solutions of ISC Class 12 Drama

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 MCQs: Workbook Solutions of ISC Class 12 Drama

Board ISC
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Macbeth (Drama)
Session  2024-25
Topics Workbook Solutions of Act-3, Scene-5
Question Type MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions

Que-1:  Hecate is angry with the witches because

A. they had met Macbeth earlier without consulting her B. they had killed Banquo C. they had challenged her superiority D. they had not told Macbeth about her powers

Ans: A. they had met Macbeth earlier without consulting her

Que-2:  Hecate instructs the witches to meet her

A. in Macbeth’s palace B. at the pit of Acheron C. in the heath D. in the moon

Ans: B. at the pit of Acheron

Que-3:  Hecate intends to collect a drop of vapour from

A. the moon B. the lake C. the pit of Acheron D. the grass

Ans: A. the moon

Que-4:  According to Hecate the chiefest enemy of man is

A. hatred B. wisdom C. grace D. security

Ans: D. security

Que-1:  Hecate can not stay any longer because

A. she is late to meet the devil B. her little spirit is waiting for her C. she has to go to hell D. she has to collect all the ingredients to charm Macbeth

Ans: D. she has to collect all the ingredients to charm Macbeth

—: End of Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 MCQs: Workbook Solutions of ISC Class 12 Drama  :–

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