Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Summary: ISC Class 12 Drama

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Summary ISC Class 12 Drama. Scene wise summary is given to grasp the story easily using simple word. Therefore read the summary carefully so that you can able to answer the extract question in your own word. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Summary ISC Class 12 Drama

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Summary: ISC Class 12 Drama

Board ISC
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name Macbeth (Drama)
Session  2024-25
Topics Summary of Act-3, Scene-5

Act-3 Scene-5 Summary of Macbeth

In this scene-5 of Act-3 is bogus and not need to fit in Drama, “said experts”. The witches convene with their goddess Hecate, who is angry that they have been dealing with Macbeth without her advice To know the summary in detail read the following

Three Witches Meets with Chief Witchcraft

opening of scene takes place on a deserted heath where three witches are meeting Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft. The Hecate is angry with the three witches for dealing with Macbeth without consulting her. She refers to them as “beldams” and blames them of being “saucy and overbold.” Hecate says she is the one who provides the witches with their magical powers and charms. She also complains that the witches have been disturb with Macbeth without her suggestion.

Hecate Instructs Witches to Meet Macbeth at Pit

The Goddess ,Hecate refers to Macbeth as a “wayward son” who is cruel and acts only for his own benefit. Hecate order the witches to meet her at the pit of Acheron the next morning because of Macbeth will come to know his future from the witches. Hecate added she will spend the whole night in collecting magical instruments to prepare formulas. Her plan is to confuse Macbeth for his destruction

 Create Magical Spirits From Moon Drop for Trick–Witches Supremo 

Hecate says that she will gather a vaporous drop from the corner of the moon and use it to magical spirits that will trick on Macbeth. This will cause him death. She hears that her spirits calling her from cloud. The Goddess annonce that she must leave at once to fulfil work.

The three witches decides to run soon and creat the formula for the next day’s meeting with Macbeth.

— : End of Macbeth Act-3 Scene-5 Summary ISC Class 12 Drama :–

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