Macbeth Act-4 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Macbeth Act-4 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions.  Asking Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evaluation of skill among students . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Macbeth Act-4 Scene-1 Context Questions ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Macbeth Act-4 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Board ISC
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Macbeth
Session  2024-25
Topics Workbook Solutions of Act-4, Scene-1
Question Type Context Questions

Context Questions

Macbeth Act-4 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

 First witch: Round about the cauldron ….. ……  charmed pot.

Que-1:  Describe the atmosphere prevailing all around in this scene.

Ans: The atmosphere prevailing all around in this scene is sorrowful, terrible and evil. The witches are cooking a foul and poisonous solution. They mix ingredients into the cauldron which boils above fire.

Que-2:  What are the witches preparing? Name any four ingredients they put on the cauldron

The witches are cooking a foul and poisonous solution. They mix ingredients like toad’s poison,  snake’s fillet, eye of newt, toe of frog, wool of bat, tongue of dog, adder’s fork, sting of blindworm’s , lizard’s leg, howlet’s wing

Que-3:  What significance does the boiling of the charmed pot have?

Answer:  the significance of boiling of the charmed pot creating a false visions that will help Macbeth and lead him to his destruction by giving him a false sense of protection about his f Kingship future.

Que-4:  What is the main intention of the witches in this scene?

Answer:   the witches main intention in this scene is to use tricks to motivate Macbeth for more evil deeds by misleading him into thinking he is unbeatable.

Macbeth: How now, you secret, … …. All: A deed without a name.

Que-1:  What is the difference we find in the manner and attitude of Macbeth now when he addresses the witches from that when he first met them?

Answer: In first meeting to the witches, Macbeth was tentative and suspicious but in second meeting, his attitude towards them is more official, commanding and impolite as he calls them “secret, black, and midnight hags” and demands answers from them as an officer in spite of requesting.

Que-2:  What does Macbeth demand from the witches as soon as he meets them?

Answer: As soon as Macbeth meets the witches, he demands that they should reply his questions honestly, regardless of the evil ways.

Que-3:  What terrible consequences are expected to be produced by the evil words of the witches? State any three.

Answer: The terrible consequences expected to be produced by the evil words of the witches are 

  •  untie the winds and let them fight against churches,
  • cause yeasty waves to confound and swallow navigation, cause bladed corn to be lodged and trees blown down,
  • and cause castles to topple on their warders’ heads.
Que-4:  What option do the witches put forward to Macbeth in answering his questions? What option does Macbeth choose?

Answer: The witches offer two option to Macbeth of getting their prophecy. The first option is from their own mouths while the later was from their master spirits. Macbeth chooses the second option

Que-5:  What instructions are given by the first witch to the others to throw into the fire?

Answer: The first witch instructs the others to pour in blood of pig which has eaten her nine kids, and fat that has sweated from the murderer’s mother, into the flame.

First apparition: Macbeth! Macbeth! .. ….  . Dismiss me. Enough

Que-1:  Describe the first apparition that appears in the scene.

Answer: The first apparition that appears from cauldron is an Armed Head which cries out, “Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth!  to be attentive from Macduff!  and Beware the Thane of Fife! Dismiss me.”

Que-2:  What is the symbolism of the first apparition?

Answer: The first apparition, an Armed Head, represents symbolically Macbeth’s head cut off by Macduff and brought to Malcolm

Que-3:  How does Macbeth react to the warning of the first apparition?

Answer: Macbeth reacts to the warning of the first apparition by thanking it for the good caution and saying that it has “harped my fear aright” or touched the chord of his fear correctly. However, he wants to know one more thing from the apparition.

Second apparition: Be bloody, Bold …… …..  shall harm Macbeth

Que-1:  Describe the second apparition.

Answer: The second apparition is a Bloody Child which says Macbeth to be bloody, bold, and firm, and  not to fear of such man born of a woman can harm.

Que-2:  What does the second apparition symbolise?

Answer: The second apparition indicate the Macduff who was not naturally born from his mother’s womb

Que-3:  What are the three qualities Macbeth must acquire to despise the power of man?

Answer: The three qualities that Macbeth must acquire to despise the power of man are to be bloody, bold and firm

Third apparition: Be lion-mettled, proud, a…. ….. high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him.

Que-1:  Which apparition gives this assurance to Macbeth? How does it instil a sense of false security in Macbeth

Answer: third apparition offer this sureness to Macbeth which is a Child Crowned, with a tree in his hand. It drop a false sense of security into Macbeth mind. The child tells that he shall never be defeated until the these impossible incident take place – until the Great Birnam Wood moves to the high Dunsinane Hill against him. This appear almost improbable to Macbeth and he feels sureness.

Que-2:  What is Macbeth confident about? What is impossible and against the law of Nature to happen, according to Macbeth?

Answer: Macbeth is confident that a man always born from his mother the forest of Birnam can not move towards Dunsinane Hill,due to their fix roots. He sure that it is against the law of Nature to be happen.

Que-3:  Give the meanings of the following words: (i) mettled (ii) chafes (iii) frets

Answer: (i) mettled refer high-spirited, courageous (ii) chafes refer grieves or vexes  (iii) frets refer worries or is anxious

Macbeth: who can impress the forest … … …  Reign of kingdom ?

Que-4:  Macbeth uses the words ‘Our high-placed Macbeth’. Why does he do so?

Answer: Macbeth uses the words ‘Our high-placed Macbeth’ as he is so much overconfident after the statement given by the apparitions that he starts supposing himself in third person and calling himself ‘ our high-placed’

Que-5:  What pertinent question does Macbeth ask the witches which they all decline to answer? What do they say to Macbeth in unison?

Answer: The Fire question that Macbeth want to get reply if Banquo’s descendants will ever reign in Scotland while The witches not to reply over this doubt directly, and say  “Do not try to get more clearance.

First witch: Show! … ….. ….  shadows; so depart.

Que-1:  What is the spectacular show that the witches display in front of Macbeth’s eyes?

Answer: The special show that the witches display in front of Macbeth’s eyes is a scene of eight kings reflecting in a glass, followed by the  Banquo’s ghost.

Que-2:  Why does the vision burn Macbeth’s eyes and make them jump out of their sockets?

Answer:  because the eighth king bears a glass which displays a lot of  kings, some carrying two-fold balls and triple supremacy, indicating that they are Banquo’s successor who will become as king of Scotland after Macbeth.

Que-3:  How many visions does Macbeth see? Describe each vision.

Answer: Macbeth sees a display of eight kings. The first one appear the spirit of Banquo, the second has hair bound with gold , the third is like the former while last eighth king who put a glass showing many more kings indicating they are Banquo’s successor.

Macbeth: Time thou anticipat’st my dread …. ….  bring me where they are

Que-1:  What change do we find in the mood of Macbeth in the beginning and at the end of the scene?

Answer: In the beginning of the scene, Macbeth is fully satisfy by the witches’ prophecies and develops an increased sense of confidence, while the end of the scene, when he saw the reflection of Banquo’s successor as future kings, his mood disturb in tension , anger, and try to take immediate action.

Que-2:  What crime does Macbeth plan to execute at the earliest?

Answer: As soon as he gets the latest news that Macduff has fled to England, Macbeth plans to immediately ordered to seize Fiff of  Macduff, ,and bring Macduff’s wife, children to kill them

Que-3:  How do we know that Macbeth’s cravings to know more about his future have died down? Quote the line that tells us so.

Ans:  the line “But no more sights!” shows that he is unwilling any more visions or apparitions from the witches.

— End of Macbeth Act-4 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions :–

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