Beethoven Logic Based Questions: ISC Class 12 Poem Rhapsody Workbook Solutions

Beethoven Logic Based Questions: ISC Class 12 Poem Rhapsody Workbook Solutions composed by Shane Koyczan. Very Important solutions of Logic Based Questions for upcoming board exam. Logical Based Questions help candidates in improving their decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and setting goals. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Beethoven Logic Based Questions ISC Class 12 Poem Rhapsody Workbook Solutions

Beethoven Logic Based Questions: ISC Class 12 Poem Rhapsody Workbook Solutions composed by Shane Koyczan

Board ISC
Publications Evergreen Publications
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Rhapsody (A collection of ISC Poem )
Chapter-13 Beethoven
Wrter Shane Koyczan.
Topics Solutions of Logic Based Questions
Academic Session 2024-25

Logic Based Questions

Beethoven Logic Based Questions: ISC Class 12 Poem Rhapsody Workbook Solutions composed by Shane Koyczan.

Que-1: Beethoven’s father would often hit him for

Ans: Not producing the perfect heavenly tone on his player piano. therefore badly treated and  mentallic tortured.

Que-2: Beethoven’s father was never satisfied with his music because

Ans: He expected more and more perfection by son regarding music pleasant tone.

Que-3: Like his father, Beethoven too would never praise his instrumentalists because

Ans: it was in his DNA  and never being satisfied with his musicians’ tone.

Que-4: People at first failed to appreciate Beethoven’s music because

Ans: He was badly torured therefore starts playing without touching the piano.

Que-5: Beethoven never got down on his knees for anyone because

Ans: He was a self respect man who never bend before anyone, whether a king or queen, but he bowed before music and got down on his knees for creating pleasant tone.

Que-6: Beethoven cut off the legs of his piano because

Ans: He wanted to feel the vibration of piano on floor due to weak hearing power

Que-7: The musicians mimicked Beethoven’s movements without touching the strings with their bows as

Ans: They tried to tease him, making fun of his deafness, by imitating his movements without actually playing on the instruments.

Que-8: The musicians were confused because

Ans: The team could not confirmaly decide whether Beethoven was eccentric or a genius one, as his notes had a divine capacity.

Que-9: The poet alludes to the mythical Towers of Babylon because

Ans: both of them are so high that can touch comets to collide and affecting heavenly constellations.

Que-10: The poem begins and ends with the same word ‘Listen’ because

Ans poet want to focus only to listen to his music.

Que-11:  Beethoven could transform emotions into music as

Ans: His great thoughts into mind and regular practice converted  his emotions into the musical expression.

Que-12: The joy imparted by Beethoven’s music was tangible because

Ans: It was like a idol thing, which was touchable and for the first time, it was possible to watch love and hate dance on the same song.

–:  End of Beethoven Logic Based Questions: ISC Rhapsody Workbook Solutions  : —

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