Classification of Animals ICSE Class-7th Concise Selina Biology Solutions

Classification of Animals ICSE Class-7th Concise Selina Biology Solutions Chapter-3 .We Provide Step by Step Answer of Objective, True False , Fill in the blanks , Match the following , Short/Long Answer Type of Exercise-3 Classification of Animals. Visit official Website  CISCE  for detail information about ICSE Board Class-7.

Classification of Animals ICSE Class-7th Concise Selina Biology Solutions Chapter-3

Review Questions 



1. Tick (✓) the appropriate answer:

(i) Identify the aquatic animal with scaly skin which breathe with gills –
(a) Rohu
(b) Tortoise
(c) Sparrow
(d) Rat



(ii) The unicellular organism causing malaria –
(a) Amoeba
(b) Paramecium
(c) Euglena
(d) Plasmodium



(iii) Identify the animal which is not an Arthropoda —
(a) Prawn
(b) Butterfly
(c) Earthwonn
(d) Spider



(iv) Scientist who introduced binomial nomenclature is —
(a) Charles Darwin
(b) Carolus Linnaeus
(c) Robert Hooke
(d) Gregor Mendel


Carolus Linnaeus

Short Answer Questions (Classification of Animals ICSE Class-7th)

1. Give two examples of each of the following

(i) Amphibians:
Ans. Amphibians: 1. Frog 2. Toad
(ii) Segmented worms:
Ans. Segmented worms: 1. Earthworm 2. Leech
(iii) Reptiles:
Ans. Reptiles: 1. Snake 2. Lizard
(iv) Coelenterates:
Ans. Coelenterates : 1. Hydra 2. Jellyfish
(v) Arthropods:
Ans. Arthropods: 1. Crab 2. Centipede
(vi) Flatworms:
Ans. Flatworms: 1. Tapeworm 2. Liverfluke

2. Give names of two animals which are found as parasites inside the human intestine.
Ans. (a) Tapeworm (b)Ascaris ’

3. Name one example each of an animal which shows the following characteristics:

classification of Animals
(i) Fixed animals with a pore-bearing body:
Ans. Fixed animals with a pore-bearing body: sponge
(ii) Star-shaped body:
Ans. Star-shaped body: Star-fish
(iii) Can live in water as well as on land:
Ans. Can live in water as well as on land: Frog
(iv) Has a flattened ribbon-like body:
Ans. Has a flattened ribbon-like body: Tapeworm

4. Write one difference each between the following pairs:

(i) Porifera and Coelenterata.
(ii) Arthropoda and mollusca.
(iii) Invertebrates and Vertebrates
(iv) Platyheminthes and Nematoda


(i) Porifera and Coelenterata.
  1.  Body is porous i. e. bears many tiny pores to draw water into the body cavity.
  2.  e.g. Sponge


  1. Sac-like body with only one opening i.e. mouth.
  2. e.g. Jelly fish, hydra,sea-anemone.
(ii) Arthropoda and mollusca.
  1.  These are animals with
  2.  They have segmented body.
  3.  They may or may not have wings
    Example: Crab.


  1.  Move with the help of a muscular foot.
  2.  Soft body which is not segmented.
  3.  Body enclosed in a hard shell Example: Octopus
(iii) Invertebrates and Vertebrates


  1.  The animals which do not have a back bone.
  2.  They are further classified into nine groups.
    Example: Octopus, Starfish.


  1.  The animals which have a back bone or a vertebral column.
  2.  They are further classified in to five groups.
    Example: Human Being, Lizard.
(iv) Platyheminthes and Nematoda
  1.  Body thin and flattened.
  2.  Mostly live as parasites in the bodies of other animals (hosts)
    e.g. Tapeworm.


  1. Body is rounded and unsegmented.
  2. Mostly live as parasites in the body of animals including humans.
    e.g. Roundworm commonly called Ascaris.

5. Match the animals given under column A with their respective classification group given under column B –
Column A                                          Column B

Match the following


6. Write the characteristics of class Aves with reference to their body covering and jaws.

The characteristics of class Aves are:

  1.  Body is covered with feathers.
  2.  They have wings to aid flying
  3.  scales on legs.
  4.  They have no teeth.
  5. They have jaws provided with homy beaks.

7. Categorise the following animals under their appropriate columns of classification.

classification of Animals


Worms – Arthropods, Butterfly, Ascaris, Scorpion, Honey bee, Liverfluke, Leech, grasshopper, Eathworm
Molluscs – Snail
Fishes – Rohu
Amphibians – Toad, Frog
Reptiles – Snake, Lizard, Turtle
Birds – Parrot, Pigeon
Mammals – Rat, Bat, Dog, Cattle, Cow, Rabbit, Monkey, Elephant


— : end of Classification of Animals Solutions :–

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2 thoughts on “Classification of Animals ICSE Class-7th Concise Selina Biology Solutions”

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