Death Be Not Proud Summary: ISC Rhapsody for Class 12

Death Be Not Proud Summary: ISC Rhapsody for Class 12. Stanza wise Explanations in very simple and easy language so that student can grasp the all stanza easily to prepare the poem in effective way. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Death Be Not Proud Summary ISC Rhapsody for Class 12

Death Be Not Proud Summary: Line by Line Explanation

Board ISC
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Rhapsody (A collection of ISC Poem )
Chapter Death Be Not Proud
Writer John Donne
Topics Line by Line Explanation

Line by Line Explanation of “Death Be Not Proud”

The stanza wise line by line explanation of ISC rhapsody Chapter/ Lesson “Death Be Not Proud” has been given in a very easy and simple word to grasp the whole topics in more effective ways to develop confidence for upcoming exam.

Death, be not ….. …. … thou kill me.

In these line speaker challenge to Death. He tells to death that you should not proud on your mighty and dreadful while you are not so awful. Death, in the poem, is a boastful figure that proudly trades on its reputation as “mighty and dreadful.” Yet the speaker sees death as petty and weak and confronts it directly, insisting that death can’t “kill” him—or anyone, for that matter.

From rest and sleep ….. ….. … soul’s delivery.

That’s because death isn’t the frightening end that people think it is. Really, the speaker argues, death is just like a more latest version of “sleep.” People generally feel good after getting some rest, the speaker reasons, so it follows that they’ll feel even more “pleasure” after dying. Death is simply a welcome reprieve for people’s “bones,” their physical selves, while their souls move on to the afterlife.

Thou art slave to fate ……. .. .. .. ….. thou then?

The speaker taunts death’s ego further by calling it a “slave” to earthly things. Death, in the speaker’s estimation, isn’t the master of anything; it’s beholden to “fate, tragedy, kings decision, and criminal men” and hangs out with lowly, despicable things like “poison, war, and sickness.” Even as a form of rest, the speaker continues, death isn’t all that impressive: “drugs” and “magic”  are far better to sleep than you.

One short sleep …… ….. …. thou shalt die.

Now speaker again challenging death deeply that Death is nothing more than a restful passage between life on earth and in heaven only, death is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, the speaker concludes, When some one die then it end of death itself as it never comes again for ever.  Therefore the death of some is the death of death forever.

—  : End of Death Be Not Proud Summary: ISC Rhapsody for Class 12. Stanza wise :–

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