Geography 2010 Solved Paper Previous Year Question ICSE Board
Geography 2010 Solved Paper Previous Year Question ICSE Board with Sample Paper for 2020 and Other Previous Year Solved for practice so that student of Class 10th ICSE can achieve their goals in next exam of council. Sample paper for Geography 2010 for 2020 exam also given . Hence by better practice and Solved Question Paper of Previous Year including 2010 is very helpful for ICSE student. By the practice of Geography 2010 Solved Question Paper ICSE Previous Year you can get the idea of solving. Try Also other year except Geography 2010 Solved Question Paper ICSE Previous Year for practice. Because only Geography 2010 Solved Question Paper ICSE Previous Year is not enough for preparation of council exam.
Geography 2010 Solved Paper Previous Year Question
(Two Hours)
- Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
- You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
- This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
- The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
- Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II.
- The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
Part-I [30 Marks ]
(Attempt all questions from this part)
Question 1:
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. 45D/7 and answer the following questions:
(a) Give the six figure grid reference of:
(i) Triangulated height 307
(ii) The spot height 196 [2]
Give the four figure grid reference of each of the following:
(i) The confluence of the Sipu River and the Mahadeviyo Nala.
(ii) Sheet rock. [2]
(c) Measure the shortest distance in kilometres between the temple in grid square 8192, and the perennial lined well at Bhakodar 8188. [2]
What do the following represent ?
(i) Black curved lines in 7788.
(ii) The blue line in the bed of the Sipu River. [2]
(i) What is the general pattern of settlements in the region shown on the map ?
(ii) Give a reason for your answer. [2]
(f) Which is the chief form of irrigation shown in the map extract ? Why is it necessary ? [2]
(i) What is the main form of transport in this region ?
(ii) Give the map evidence for your answer. [2]
(i) What is the compass direction of Dantiwada, 8582, from Bhadli Kotha, 7886 ?
(ii) What is the general direction of flow of the Arado, N ? [2]
(i) Name the type of drainage pattern found in grid square 8584.
(ii) What do you mean by 25r in grid square 8286 ? [2]
(i) What is meant by ‘R. F.’ ?
(ii) What is the R.F. shown on this map extract ?
Answer 1:
(a) (i) 858843 (ii) 834916
(b) (i) 8189 (ii) 8088
(c) Scale of the map 2 cm = 1 km Shortest Distance 8 cm = 8/2 = 4 km.
(i) Broken ground
(ii) Water channel
(i) The general pattern of settlements is scattered or dispersed.
(ii) Large farms are there, but availability of water is less due to which this region has sparse population which is scattered all over in search of water.
(f) The chief form of irrigation is perennial wells. It is necessary because this area gets seasonal rainfall which is not enough for cultivation. Wells are the only source which provide water throughout the year in this region.
(i) The main form of transport in this region is ‘Cart’.
(ii) There are many cart tracks marked on the map extract.
(i) The compass direction of Dantiwada is South East from BhadliKotha.
(ii) Arado. N flows from North East to South West.
(i) The drainage pattern is ‘Radial’.
(ii) The relative depth of the well is 25 metre.
(i) R.F. means Representative Fraction. In this method the scale is represented as the ratio of the length of a line on the map and the corresponding actual distance on earth’s surface.
(ii) R.F. show on the map extract is 1: 50,000
Question 2:
On the outline map provided :
(a) Label the river Chenab. [1]
(b) Label the river Chambal. [1]
(c) Shade and label the Nilgiri hills. [1]
(d) Mark and label the Eastern Ghats. [1]
(e) Mark and name the port city of Pakistan. [1]
(f) Mark and label Hyderabad. [1]
(g) Shade and label the Sunderbans. [1]
(h) Mark and name the Palk Strait. [1]
(i) Mark and label a region North of the Tropic of Cancer where tea is grown extensively. [1]
(j) Mark and name the winds which bring rain to Mumbai in July and August. [1]
Answer 2:

PART II [50 Marks]
Attempt any five questions from this Part.
Question 3:
(a) Name :
(i) A landlocked country which is also a member of SAARC.
(ii) The second largest of the SAARC countries. [2]
(b) Mention two factors which Myanmar has in common with the other members of SAARC. [2]
(c) The Himalayas are the birthplace of many rivers. Mention three ways in which we benefit from this. [3]
(d) Give geographical reasons for:
(i) The rivers of South India are easier to tap for power than the rivers of North India.
(ii) Roads and Railways are easier to lay down in the Northern plains than in peninsular India.
(iii) Industries in Bangladesh are mainly agro-based. [3]
Answer 3:
(a) Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus.
(b) Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus.
(i) Rivers provide us with perennial supplies of water needed for irrigation.
(ii) Rivers bring down fertile silt which is deposited on the plains and improving the quality of the soil.
(iii) Rivers help in navigation.
(iv) Rives are used for generation of HEP.
(i) The rivers of South India flow over the plateau region and therefore are swift
flowing, which are easier to generate power.
(ii) As the Northen Plains have a low relief, road and railways are easier to lay down.
(iii) Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus.
Question 4:
(a) What is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of Nepal ? [2]
(b) Why is agriculture concentrated in East Pakistan and animal rearing in the Western part of Pakistan ? [2]
(c) Mention three benefits that we derive from the Western Ghats. [3]
(d) Name the following:
(i) The river which is known as the Ganga of the South.
(ii) The plateau in India which is rich in minerals.
(iii) The highest peak in South India. [3]
Answer 4:
(a) Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus.
(b) Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus.
(i) The Western Ghats are highlands which are forested – forests.
(ii) They are the source of many rivers.
(iii) They obstuct the South-West Monsoons and induce rain for India.
(i) The Godawari.
(ii) Chota Nagpur Plateau.
(iii) Anaimudi.
Question 5:
(a) Mention two differences in the climatic conditions which prevail over Kerala and Uttar Pradesh in the month of June. [2]
(b) Name :
(i) The source of winter rain to Pakistan.
(ii) The source of the winter rain to Tamil Nadu. [2]
(c) Give reasons for the following:
(i) The North East Monsoons bring almost no rain to most of India.
(ii) The mango showers are beneficial local winds.
(iii) The latitudinal extent of India is responsible for the variation in the climatic conditions which prevail in the country. [3]
(d) Study the climatic data provided below and answer the questions that follow :
Months | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Section A | ||||||||||||
Temp °C | 21.0 | 22.6 | 26.3 | 29.2 | 29.7 | 27.5 | 25.1 | 24.5 | 24.8 | 25.5 | 22.5 | 20.5 |
Rain cm | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 1.5 | 2.7 | 11.4 | 16.7 | 9.0 | 13.4 | 9.0 | 2.7 | 0.3 |
Section B | ||||||||||||
Temp °C | 24.4 | 24.4 | 26.7 | 23.3 | 30.3 | 28.9 | 27.2 | 27.2 | 27.2 | 28.3 | 27.2 | 25.0 |
Rain cm | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 1-7 | 1.9 | 50.2 | 61.0 | 37.0 | 27.0 | 4.8 | 1.4 | 0.3 |
(i) Calculate the annual range of temperature of Station B.
(ii) Calculate annual rainfall of station A.
(iii) Presuming that both the stations are located in West India, state giving a reason as to which of the two lies on the windward side of the Western Ghats. [3]
Answer 5:
(i) In the month of June, Kerala has temperature range between 26°C to 32°C, as it has a moderating influence of the sea, but Uttar Pradesh has intense heat. Temperature around 48°C is not uncommon in this month.
(ii) In the first week of June Kerala experiences a sudden violent on set of rainfall, which is termed as ‘Burst of Monsoon’, whereas Uttar Pradesh experiences the strong and dusty winds called “Loo’ in the month of May and June. ‘Loo’ increases the temperature of U.P. but by mid June the monsoon winds from Arabian Sea branch approach this region and bring about a change in the weather towards the rainy season.
(i) Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus.
(ii) Tamil Nadu gets winter rain by North East Monsoon or retreating monsoon.
(i) The North East Monsoons bring almost no rain to most of India because these winds have no moisture, as they blow from land to sea.
(ii) ‘Mango showers’ are beneficial local winds because the little rainfall which they bringis important lor the growth ol mango, lea and coffee plants’m’Kera’la and the coasts of Karnataka.
(iii) India stretchers over a large latitudinal extent is responsible for the climatic change and controls the climate all over India.
Tropic of Cancer divides India into two heat zones, Tropical and Temperate zone. Peninsular India is in Tropical zone, this belt is close to equator and is also surrounded by water bodies so it has moderating affect of sea. But the northern part which is temperate zone has a different climate, because this belt is away from the equator and also away from the influence of sea, thus has extremes of climate. Its extremely high temperature in summer, attracts S.W. monsoon winds, thus is
responsible for rains all over the country.
(i) The annual range of temperature of Station B is 5.6°C (30.0-24.4).
(ii) The annual rainfall of Station A is 67.4 cm.
(iii) ‘B’ is at the windward side of the Western Ghats as it is getting 50 to 61 cm of rainfall in the month of June and July whereas Station ‘A’ gets only 11.4 and 16.7 cm of rainfall in the same months, which shows that it lies on the leeward side of the mountain.
Question 6:
(a) Name the soil which:
(i) covers the summits of the Eastern ghats.
(ii) makes up the delta of the river Ganga.
(iii) is the most suitable for the cultivation of cotton.
(iv) is sticky when wet and cracks when dry. [2]
(b) What is soil conservation ? How does reafforestation help in soil conservation ? [2]
(c) Name the process by which laterite soil is formed. What climatic conditions are responsible for its formation ? [3]
(d) Give reasons for:
(i) Black soil is largely found in the Deccan Trap region.
(ii) Khadar is more fertile than Bhangar.
(iii) Soil erosion by wind is common in arid regions. [3]
Answer 6:
(i) Laterite soil
(ii) Alluvial soil
(iii) Black or Regur soil
(iv) Black or Regur soil
(b) An effort made by man to prevent or reduce the rate of destructive erosion of soil by taking preventive measures is called ‘Soil conservation’.
Soil conservation is a mu£t to maintain the productivity of land. Reafforestation is planting of two saplings in place of one tree, in a place of deforested area, saves the soil from erosion caused by both water and wind.
(c) Laterite soils are formed by ‘Leaching’. Leaching is a process in which the nutrients of the soil get percolated down below the soil due to heavy rainfall, leaving behind the top soil infertile. Laterite soils are ‘In situ’ and the climatic condition responsible for it is high temperature and heavy rainfall with alternate dry and wet period.
(i) Black soil is largely found in the Deccan Trap region because it is ‘In situ’ and is formed by the weathering of solidified lava spread over large areas of Deccan Trap during volcanic activity.
(ii) Khadar soil is more fertile than Bangar soil because :
- Khadar is new alluvium deposited by the rivers in their flood plains. Bangar is older alluvium found in upland area above the flood plains, Bangar is older alluvium which is not renewed by the floods.
- Khadar has fine particles of clay where as Bangar is coarse and it contains ‘Kankar’ nodules.
(iii) Soil erosion by wind is common in arid regions because the arid regions receive no rainfall or has very scanty rainfall, so it is devoid of vegetation cover. Roots of plants hold the soil firmly in its place. In the absence of vegetation cover, soil becomes loose particles easy to be moved by high velocity winds.
Question 7:
(a) Name one centre in each of the following states where iron is mined :
(i) Orissa
(ii) Jharkhand. [2]
(b) Which variety of coal is popular for domestic use ? Give a reason for your answer. [2]
(c) Name a region which has natural gas deposits. Mention two uses of natural gas. [3]
(d) Why is an oil refinery located either close to an oil field or in a coastal city ? Name one oil refinery in the private sector. [3]
Answer 7:
(i) Orissa: Iron is mined at Keonjhar.
(ii) Jharkhand: Iron is mined at Singhbhum.
(b) The variety of coal, popular for domestic use is ‘Bituminous’ because the ‘Bituminous’ (50% to 80% carbon) is mostly available in India. This variety is good for domestic use.
(c) Assam, Mumbai High are some gas producing regions.
Two uses of Natural Gas :
- Natural Gas is used as the most important fuel (as cooking gas and also as fuel for vehicles).
- It is used in the chemical fertilizers.
(d) Oil refinery is located close to the oil fields so that crude oil can be brought to the refineries easily. Since two third of the petroleum is imported, the refineries are located near the coastal areas.
Oil refinery in the private sector: Reliance Petroleum Ltd. in Jamnagar.
Question 8:
Study the picture given below and answer the following questions :
(i) Name the crop which is being planted. Give one benefit of this method of planting this crop.
(ii) Mention the climatic conditions which favour the cultivation of the crop being planted. [2]
Name the stale in India which leads cotton cultivation. Mention two climatic factors which affect the cotton cultivation adversely. [2]
Answer the following questions with reference to sugarcane :
(i) Mention two different ways in which it is propagated.
(ii) Why is a lot of labour required for its cultivation ?
(iii) Why must the sugar mills be near the sugar fields ? [3]
Give geographical reasons for the following:
(i) Tea hashes are pruned at regular intervals.
(ii) Tapping of rubber trees is usually done in the morning hours.
(iii) Oil cake is a useful residue.
Answer 8:
(i) The crop which is being planted in the picture is ‘Rice’ The method used for sowing is ‘transplantation’ method Though it is a laborious method but it increases the yield by 45%.
(ii) Mean annual temperature of 24°C with a range of 22°C to 32°C.
Rainfall required : 150 cm to 300 cm, but much less is required if irrigation is available.
Gujarat leads in cotton cultivation.
- Frost is injurious to the crop.
- There should be no rains at the time of ripening of cotton balls.
(a) Sett Method: Cutting of two or three joints taken from a healthy plant and planted horizontally, in furrows then piled with fertilized soil.
(b) Ratoon Cropping: The Cane is cut close to the ground where the sugar content is concentrated. After the crop has been cut the stem begins to grow again and gives a new crop.
(ii) A lot of labour is required for sugarcane cultivation from the time of sowing.
Such as before sowing ground is prepared, furrows are made, cuttings (setts) are made by the sugarcane, besides this pesticides and insecticides are sprayed twice or thrice, manuring is also done two or three times. At the time of harvest also lot of manual work is done. Thus a lot of labour is required for sugarcane cultivation.
(iii) After harvesting cane it is processed within 24 hours If delayed the sucrose content starts decreasing. If the sugar mills are close to the fields, without wasting time in transportation sugarcane can be reached easily. Hence the sugar mills must be near the sugarcane fields.
(i) Tea bushes are pruned at regular interval as it helps in growing more new leaves and also the height of the plant does not increase, which helps in picking leaves.
(ii) Tapping of rubber tree is usually done in the morning hours as latex flows freely at this time, it is also to avoid heat after 12 o’clock and the convectional rain due to which the latex may be diluted.
(iii) Oil cake is a useful residue because it can he used as manure and also can be used as fodder for cattle.
Question 9:
(a) On which river is the Chukha Project constructed ? What was the purpose of erecting it. [2]
(b) Name the gas that is generated in bio-gas plants and then harnessed for power. Mention one advantage of bio-gas plants over the other sources of power. [2]
(c) Mention three advantages that hydro-electric power has over thermal power. [3]
(d) Name:
(i) the largest earthen dam in Pakistan. On which river is it ? Why was it constructed ?
(ii) a multi-purpose project m India which has been erected in joint collaboration with Nepal. [3]
Answer 9:
Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus.
Question 10:
(a) What is sericulture ? Name any two types of silk. [2]
(b) Classify industries on the basis of the nature of products Give one example of each. [2]
(c) (i) Mention two reasons for the importance of the cotton textile industry.
(ii) Mention one reason responsible for its poor performance. [3]
(d) Give geographical reasons for the following :
(i) Kolkata has many cotton mills though cotton is not grown in West Bengal.
(ii) Karnataka is an important centre for silk.
(iii) India produces very little cane-sugar though it is one of the largest producers of sugar-cane in the world. [3]
Answer 10:
(a) Rearing of silk worms on Mulberry leaves is known as ‘Sericulture’
Two types of silk: ‘Mulberry Silk’ and ‘Non mulberry’ silk as Tusser. Eri, Muga etc.
(b) On the basis of the nature of products, industries can be divided into two categories :
- Heavy Industry: Use heavy and bulky raw material as iron ore and coal etc. Example : Iron and steel industry.
- Light Industry: Use light raw material. Example . Pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry etc.
(i) Two reasons for the importance of the cotton textile industry.
(1) Directly or indirectly 2 crore people which is nearly 40% of the whole country’s labour force depend on this in d usury.
(2) India is the third largest exporter of cotton textile and earns foreign exchange for the nation.
(ii) Though the cotton textile industry is the largest, in India but its productivity is not veiy satisfactory. It is due to inadequate supply of good quality raw material and outdated machinery which lead to its poor performance.
(i) Kolkata has all the other factors which are required for a cotton mill except providing raw material. It has sufficient power s-xpjav because ?! is very dose to the coal mines . It has abundant capital supply, inexpensive labour, humid climate, excellent means of transport and communication, plenty of soft water and port facility.
Only raw material is no 1 there because West Bengal does not grow cotton, which is not a big problem.It is easily made available from the Deccan plateau region . That is why Kolkata ha3 many cotton mills and is a very big centre of cotton textile.
(ii) Karnataka is very important centre for silk because sericulture provides employment to a large number of people, thus it has become a primary occupation in many regions of South Karnataka..
(iii) India produces very little cane sugar though it is one of the largest producer of cane sugar in the world because
- The sugarcane cultivated in India is of poor quality giving low yield per hectare.
- 70% of population lives in rural areas, there instead of sugar, the demand of sugar and khandsari is more so the production of cane gur is less.
Question 11:
Mention two reasons for the development of the petrochemical industry in India. [2]
What is the difference between a public sector industry and one which is in the private sector ? Give an example of an industry in each of the two sectors. [2]
(i) How is it advantageous for a mini steel plant—
(1) to use electric furnaces
(2) not to be located close to the location of the raw material ?
(ii) From where does the integrated steel plant at Bhilai get its requirement of iron and coal ? [3]
Name the following: –
(i) A city in India where MIG aircraft are manufactured.
(ii) A centre where railway coaches are manufactured.
(in) The foreign collaborator of the iron and steel plant at Durgapur. [3]
Answer 11:
(a) The development of the petrochemical industry in India is due to its :
- Cost effectiveness.
- Economic stability.
- Cheaper products as produced on a large scale.
- Raw material is easily available and is not dependent on agricultural raw material.
Public Sector Industries are owned and managed by the Central or State Government such as Railways, Post and Telegraph, Heavy Engineering, Defence Establishment etc.
Private Sector industries are owned and managed by an individual or group of individuals such as Reliance India Ltd., Infosys, Wipro etc.
(i) (1) Mini Steel Plants use electric furnaces as it becomes easy for these plants scatter all over the country, and coal is also conserved.
(2) These steel plants are not located close to the location of the raw material ‘ because they use cheaply available scrap iron. It is advantageous for it because they cater to the local need of the market. Cost of transport is minimized as they are located in industrial towns.
(ii) Bhilai gets its Iron from Dalli-Rajhare Mines and Coal from Kargati of M.P., Bokaro and Jharia also.
(i) Bangluru
(ii) Kapurthala in Punjab
(iii) U.K
Geography Previous Year Solved Question Papers
Board – Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE),
Class – Class 10
Subject –Geography
Year of Examination – 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 .
- 2019 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2018 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2017 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2016 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2015 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2014 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2013 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2012 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2011 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- 2010 Solved Question paper for ICSE Geography
- ICSE Geography Sample Paper for 2020