Hygiene Short Answer Biology Class-9 ICSE Selina Publishers

Hygiene Short Answer Biology Class-9 ICSE Selina Publishers Solutions Chapter-15. Step By Step ICSE Selina Concise Solutions of Chapter-15 Hygiene-A key to Healthy Life with Exercise-15 including MCQs, Very Short Answer Type, Short Answer Type, Long Answer Type and Structured/Application Questions Solved Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-9.

Hygiene Exe-15 Short Answer Biology Class-9 ICSE Concise Selina Publishers

Board ICSE
Publications Selina Publication
Subject Biology
Class 9th
Chapter-15 Hygiene-A key to Healthy Life
Book Name Concise
Topics Solution of C. Short Answer Type
Academic Session 2023-2024

C. Short Answer Type 

Hygiene-A key to Healthy Life Class-9 Biology Concise Solutions  

Page 164

Question 1.


(a) Health

(b) Hygiene

(c) Pathogen/germ

(d) Vector

(e) Contamination


(a) Health is the condition of the body of a person who depicts or portrays physical, mental, social and emotional fitness.

(b) Hygiene is defined as the science and practice of maintaining good health. It requires caring of one’s own body (personal hygiene) and taking proper care of surroundings (social hygiene).

(c) The disease causing organisms are called pathogens or germs.

(d) Vector is any agent that acts as an intermediate carrier of a pathogen.

(e) Contamination means unwanted entry of disease causing germs into drinking water or edible foods.

C. Short Answer Type 

Hygiene-A key to Healthy Life Class-9 Biology Concise Solutions  

Page 165

Question 2.

Give suitable explanations for the following:

(a) One should breathe by nose and never by mouth.

(b) Hands must be washed before eating food.

(c) Eating places must be kept free of flies.


(a) One should breathe by nose and never by mouth because nose contains hair and mucous to trap dust and micro-organisms, so that the inhaled air becomes pure and the respiratory passage is free of dust and micro-organisms.

(b) Washing hands before eating food is essential because our hands come into contact with various objects and surfaces throughout the day, many of which can carry harmful germs. These germs which may be picked up by our fingers and transferred to other parts of our body or into the mouth through food. Thus, washing hands helps protect us from diseases that can be transmitted through these germs or vectors.

(c) Flies contaminate our food in various ways like by sitting on it, pouring out its saliva on it, depositing its excreta on the food while it feeds and so on. Hence, to avoid contamination of food and prevent the spread of diseases, eating places must be kept free of flies.

Question 3.

How are cockroaches and rats harmful to humans?


Cockroaches and rats are common household pests. They are harmful to humans in the following ways:

(i) Cockroaches eat and spoil food, paper and clothes. They are also suspected to be carriers of certain viral diseases, possibly including a cancer-causing virus.

(ii) Rats eat grains and other foods. They also spread germs of certain diseases. Rat-fleas is a parasite that lives on rat’s skin. It may carry germs of plague.

Question 4.

Name the two types of dysentery and their causative germs and give one main precaution against them.


The table below depicts the two types of dysentery, their causatives and precautions:

Type of Dysentery Causative Precaution
Bacillary Bacterium – Shigella Consume safe(boiled) drinking water.
Amoebic Protozoan – Entamoeba histolytica Always check for food and water contamination before consumption.

Question 5.

Mention three symptoms of the disease Hepatitis.


The three symptoms of Hepatitis disease are:

(i) Body ache

(ii) Eyes turn yellowish, due to the bile pigments – urine turns to deep yellow

(iii) Enlarged liver

Question 6.

Suggest any two methods of controlling flies.


Two methods of controlling flies:

Spraying of insecticides

Elimination of breeding grounds

Question 7.

List any three effective methods for controlling mosquitoes.


Effective methods for controlling mosquitoes:

(i) Spraying insecticides

(ii) Food should be protected by covering it

(iii) Eliminating breeding places of mosquitoes

Question 8.

Mention any three ways by which potable water can be contaminated.


Contamination of potable water can occur due to:

  • Improper disposal of sewage
  • Defecation and urination near lakes, rivers or ponds
  • Drainage of animal wastes and washings from dairies and poultries into water bodies

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