Indigo Short Answer: ISC Prims Class 12 Workbook Solutions

Indigo Short Answer: ISC Prims Class 12 Workbook Solutions. Step by step workbook answer of questions and explanations of ISC Prism Class 12 . Chapter Wise Workbook Solutions of Evergreen Publications . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Indigo Short Answer ISC Prims Class 12 Workbook Solutions

Indigo Short Answer: ISC Prims Class 12 Workbook Solutions

Board ISC
Publications Evergreen Publications
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Prism (A collection of short Stories )
Chapter Indigo
Topics Short Answer Questions

Short Answer Questions

( Indigo Short Answer: ISC Prims Class 12 Workbook Solutions )

Que-1: What information does Aniruddha Bose share with the readers in the beginning?

Ans:   Aniruddha Bose shares information about himself – that he is a 29 year old bachelor working in an advertising agency in Calcutta. He also mention that his father was a well known physician in Monghyr where he was born, his brother is 5 years older than him and settled in England, his father died when he was 16 therefore he shifted to Calcutta with his mother.

Que-2:  Why did Aniruddha Bose consider himself an expert on indigo plantations?

Ans:  Writer considered himself an expert on indigo plantations because for the last few months he had been reading a lot about the 19th century indigo plantations in Bihar and Bengal.

Que-3: Who was Pramode? Why did Aniruddha Bose want to visit Dumka?

Ans: Pramode was Aniruddha’s classmate in school and was now posted in Dumka in Forest Department. Aniruddha wanted to visit Dumka because Pramode had invited him to visit him there.

Que-4: Which snags does Aniruddha mention that came initially?

Ans: Aniruddha mention that one of the tyres of his car got punctured, he got caught in a thunderstorm called ‘norwester’, another tyre of his car burst and he took a wrong turn on the road

Que-5:  What happened when Aniruddha took a wrong turn?

Ans:  After taking wrong turn mistakenly  Aniruddha reached a dead end and his car blocked the road. A truck driver honked continuously as he could not pass due to Aniruddha’s blocked car.

Que-6: Why could not Aniruddha forget the twenty seventh of April?

Ans: Aniruddha could never forget the 27th of April because on this day he had the terrifying and haunting experience of transforming into an English indigo planter while spending the night at the bungalow.

Que-7: What is norwester? How could Aniruddha face norwester?

Ans: Norwester is a thunderstorm with heavy rainfall that is common in eastern India during summer. Aniruddha caught in the norwester storm, he had to drive very slowly and carefully keeping the car windows rolled up.

Que-8: How did the truck driver react at Aniruddha’s car standing in the way?

Ans:  When the truck driver feels Aniruddha’s car blocking the road, he blew the horn continuously. His helper had to get down and help to push Aniruddha’s car upon one side of the road.

Que-9:  Who was Sukhanram? What help did he render to Aniruddha?

Ans:  Sukhanram was the chowkidar of the old bungalow where Aniruddha spent the night. He offered Aniruddha shelter for the night at the bungalow and also gave him chapattis and dal.

Que-10:  What kind of bungalow did Aniruddha spend the night in? How did it affect him?

Ans:  Aniruddha spent the night in a Dak bungalow that belonged to an English indigo planter. The large bedroom with high ceiling and old furniture given dreadful feeling. Sleeping in the bungalow led Aniruddha to have a terrifying experience of transforming into the indigo planter.

Que-11: How did Aniruddha feel himself transformed?

Ans:  During sleeping Aniruddha felt his body transform completely – his skin turned pale, voice changed to that of an Englishman, the clothes he was wearing also changed. Though his mind was still conscious, his body was not in his fully control.

Que-12:  What do you learn about the indigo planter? What kind of person was he?

Ans:  From Aniruddha’s unusual experience, we learn that the English indigo planter was a greedy and unjust fellow. He had exploited the workers for money.

Planter felt lonely as his wife and son had left him and he had no friends. His letter showed that his mind was not in harmony and calm.

–: End of Indigo Short Answer: ISC Prims Class 12 Workbook Solutions :–

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