ISC English Literature Paper-2 Semester-2 Solved Specimen / Model / Sample Paper 2022 Class-12 for practice. Step by step solutions of ISC Class-12 specimen model sample paper. During solutions of semester-2 English Literature specimen paper we explain with figure , graph, table whenever necessary so that student can achieve their goal in next upcoming exam of council .Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12.
ISC English Literature Semester-2 Solved Specimen / Model / Sample Paper 2022 Class-12
Board | ISC |
Class | 12th (XII) |
Subject | English Literature Paper-2 |
Topic | Semester-2 ISC Specimen Paper Solved |
Syllabus | on bifurcated syllabus (after reduction) |
session | 2021-22 |
Question Type | Descriptive Type (as prescribe by council) |
Total question | Total-5 with all parts (Sec A and B) |
Max mark | 40 |
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Solved Class-12 English Literature Paper Sem-2 ISC Specimen Model Sample Paper
Question 1:
Read the lines given below and answer the questions given after each:
Iris: Of her society
Be not afraid. I met her deity
Cutting the clouds towards Paphos, and her son
Dove-drawn with her.
(i) Whom does Iris refer to as ‘her’?
(a) Venus
(b) Juno
(c) Ceres
(d) Sycorax
Answer :
(ii) Why was the person addressed afraid of “her”?
(a) She used her beauty to get her desires.
(b) She had conspired with Dis to abduct the person’s daughter.
(c) She was close to Zeus.
(d) She used others for her ends.
Answer :
(iii) What is meant by “dove drawn”?
(a) A drawing of doves.
(b) Attracted by doves.
(c) The chariot was drawn by doves.
(d) Doves were drawn to him.
Answer :
“But my darling, if you love me,” thought Miss Meadows, “I don’t
Mind how much it is. Love me as little as you like.”
(i) What had the “darling” informed Miss Meadows?
(a) That he loved her.
(b) That he could not go forward with their plans for marriage.
(c) That he was marrying someone else.
(d) That he was going away.
Answer :
(ii) Where was Miss Meadows as she thought these thoughts?
(a) In the music hall.
(b) In the corridor.
(c) At her window.
(d) In the Principal’s office.
Answer :
(iii) What was the effect of Basil’s letter on Miss Meadows?
(a) She was upset and agonized.
(b) She went into depression.
(c) She was struck dumb.
(d) She had a heart attack.
Answer :
Sophocles long ago
Heard it on the Agean…….
(i) Who is Sophocles?
(a) A Shakespearean character.
(b) The poet’s ancestor.
(c) A Victorian poet.
(d) A Greek tragedian
Answer :
(ii) What did he hear on the Agean?
(a) The tremulous, sad note of the sea.
(b) The sound of gulls.
(c) The sound of human misery.
(d) The note of hope.
Answer :
(ISC English Literature Paper-2 Semester-2 Solved Specimen / Model / Sample Paper 2022 Class-12 for practice)
Answer the following questions as briefly as possible and with close reference to the relevant text.
Question 2:
(i) Referring closely to the conversation between Prospero and Ferdinand at the beginning of Act IV of The Tempest, bring out Prospero’s concerns as a father.
(ii) How does Prospero prove, “the rarer action is in /virtue than in vengeance in the final act of The Tempest?
Answer :
Question 3:
(i) Referring closely to the short story, The Sound Machine, describe the encounter between Klausner and Mrs. Saunders. How did it affirm his belief in his own invention?
(ii) “Then paint the cut with iodine.” With reference to this line, what is your understanding of Klausner? Do you sympathise with him? Give your reasons.
Answer :
Question 4:
(i) Referring closely to the short story, The Singing Lesson relate what Basil wrote in his letter to Miss Meadows. What do you conclude about Basil from the tone and wording of the letter?
(ii) Referring closely to the short story, B. Wordsworth relate two important lessons that the young narrator learnt from his friend, B. Wordsworth. How were these lessons relevant?
Answer :
Question 5:
(i) Referring closely to the poem, We are the Music Makers, refer to any two examples given by the poet which identify poets and singers as “movers and shakers.”
(ii) Discuss how in the poem Dover Beach the poet, Mathew Arnold, reposes faith in love as a beam of hope amidst the surrounding despair.
Answer :
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