ISC Physical Education Semester-2 Solved Specimen Paper 2022 Class-12

ISC Physical Education Semester-2 Solved Specimen / Model / Sample Paper 2022 Class-12 for practice.  Step by step solutions of ISC Class-12 specimen model sample paper. During solutions of semester-2 Physical Education specimen paper we explain with figure , graph, table whenever necessary so that student can achieve their goal in next upcoming exam of council .

ISC Physical Education Semester-2 Solved Specimen / Model / Sample Paper 2022 Class-12

Board ISC
Class  12th (XII)
Subject Physical Education
Topic Semester-2 ISC Specimen Paper Solved
Syllabus  on bifurcated syllabus (after reduction)
session 2021-22
Question Type  Descriptive Type  (as prescribe by council)
Total question Total-14 (Section A, B & C)
Max mark 35

Answer all questions in Section A and Section B.

Attempt all questions on any two games in Section C

Warning :- before viewing solution view Question Paper

Solved Class-12 for practice Set of Physical Education Semester-2 ISC Specimen Model Sample Paper 


Question 1:

(i) Write the full form of CPR.

(ii) Due to which postural deformity a person normally faces difficulty while walking?

(iii) Name the postural deformity that occurs due to lateral curvature of spine.

(iv) Doctors mainly recognize ___________ and __________ types of fractures in sports.

(v) The process of providing relief and help to disabled or an injured person to again lead a normal and respectable life is known as ___________.

(vi) Which of the following is NOT a common sports injury? 

(a) Cramp

(b) Sprain

(c) Abrasion

(d) Asthma

(vii) Which of the following is NOT a soft tissue injury?

(a) Contusion

(b) Abrasion

(c) Strain

(d) Dislocation


Answer the following questions briefly.

Question 2:

Briefly explain any two major principles of health education.

Question 3:

What is air pollution? Mention any one cause of air pollution.

Question 4:

What is First Aid? Give one benefit of First Aid.

Question 5:

Briefly explain the basic causes of injuries in sports


Attempt all questions on any two games from this section


Question 6:

(i) What is an indirect free kick in the game of football? Give any three situations when a referee awards an indirect free kick.

(ii) Explain the term Advantage, with reference to the game of football.

(iii) What decision is taken by the referee when the goal is scored unintentionally by the centre referee?

(iv) What decision is taken by the referee when a player touches the ball the second time at the kick-off?


Question 7:

(i) Explain Follow on, with reference to the game of cricket.

(ii) Mention any four instances when the umpire signals a no ball.

(iii) A batsman comes to the crease at the start of a fresh over. As the bowler starts his run-up and reaches near the crease, the batsman backs away from the wicket and the bowler stops his run-up. What will be the decision of the umpire?

(iv) The batsman plays a sweep shot but misses the ball. The ball just nips the leg stump, but the bail does not come off. The bowler appeals. What will be the decision of the umpire?


Question 8:

(i) Draw a neat diagram of Hockey field with all its dimensions.

(ii) Explain the procedure followed for taking a penalty corner.

(iii) An attacking player hits the ball, and it touches the foot of the opponent in the striking circle. In the above situation, what will be the decision of the umpire?

(iv) If a ball goes out of the backline last touched by the defending team, what will be the decision of the umpire?


Question 9:

(i) Differentiate between team foul maker and player foul maker.

(ii) List any four equipment used in the game of basketball.

(iii) If a team fields an extra player without the knowledge of referee and that player scores a goal, what will be the decision of the referee?

(iv) When a defender attempts to block a 10-foot shot and touches it while the ball is on its downward flight, what should the referee call?

Answer :

(i) The difference between the two types of fouls is the way they are counted during a game. A personal foul is any penalty that is against the rules of play. This foul will be added to the player’s total fouls and the team’s fouls. A team foul is the number of fouls of every player added together, the total of each player is the number of team fouls.


Question 10:

(i) List any four attack errors, with reference to the game of Volleyball.

(ii) Answer the following questions.

(a) When is technical time out applied in a game?

(b) State the duration and number of technical time out.

(iii) After the serve, the ball just touches the net and lands on the side line of the opponent’s court instead of falling inside the play area. What will be the
referee’s decision (in/out) and which team will be given a point?

(iv) While lifting the serve the lifter misjudges the ball’s flight and the ball hits his face instead of touching the hand. What will be the referee’s decision?


Question 11:

(i) Explain the pattern of scoring in a tie-breaker.

(ii) What is Grand Slam in tennis? Name the different grand slam tournaments in tennis.

(iii) What will be the decision of the chair umpire if the ball touches the outside of the side line during a rally?

(iv) During a rally, player A catches his opponent’s shot behind the baseline on the full before the ball goes over the fence. What will be the decision of the chair umpire?


Question 12:

(i) Draw a well labelled diagram of a badminton racquet with all specifications.

(ii) Explain any four duties of the service judge.

(iii) What will be the decision of the umpire if the shuttle drops near the side line and the sight of the main umpire is blocked during a rally in the court?

(iv) What will be the decision of the umpire if the shuttlecock is broken during a rally in the court?


Question 13:

(i) What is meant by false start rope? What is its importance in swimming?

(ii) State any four duties of Inspector on Turns.

(iii) In freestyle event, a starter shot a bullet and then a false start was taken by a swimmer. What will be the decision taken by the judge in this situation?

(iv) If a swimmer reports for an event after the last call, what decision will be taken by the judge?


Question 14:

(i) What is meant by decathlon? List the events and their order in the decathlon competition.

(ii) Draw a neat diagram of a discus throw sector, with all its specifications.

(iii) After release, the discus touches the pole of safety case and lands inside the sector. What will be the decision of the judge?

(iv) A javelin, on landing, does not leave a mark on the ground. Will the throw be measured? Give one reason for your answer.

ISC Physical Education Semester-2 Solved Specimen / Model / Sample Paper 2022 Class-12

PDF Solutions ISC Physical Education

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