Julius Caesar Act-2 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 9 English Drama

Julius Caesar Act-2 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 9 English Drama. Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evaluation of skill among students . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-9 English.

Julius Caesar Act-2 Scene-2 Context Questions ICSE Class 9 English Drama

Julius Caesar Act-2 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 9 English Drama

Board ICSE
Subject English
Class 9
Book Name Julius Caesar (workbook)
Session  2024-25
Topics  Act-2, Scene-2
Question Type Context Questions

Context Questions Evergreen

(Julius Caesar Act-2 Scene-2 ICSE Class 9 English Drama)

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

CALPURNIA – Caesar, I never stood on ceremonies, …. …. …  sights seen by the watch

Que-1:  Where are Caesar and Calpurnia now?

Ans: Both Caesar and Calpurnia are in private chambers of their palace.

Que-2:  What does Calpurnia mean by “ceremonies”?. What is the main cause of her fear?

Ans: Here “ceremonies”, means omens, prophecies, and superstitious beliefs as per Calpurnia. In previous  she did not believe in such things but now they frighten her deeply. The main cause of her immense fear is the strange and unnatural sights people have seen around Rome as well as her own terrifying dreams about Caesar’s murder.

Que-3:  How does Caesar react to Calpurnia’s warnings? What does he ask his servants to do?

Ans: The fearless Caesar reacts as an arrogant manner, dismissing Calpurnia’s warnings and her request to stay home. He also refuses to even entertain the idea that the omens could mean danger for him.

To please her wife Calpurnia, Caesar asks his servants to conduct a sacrifice ceremony to analyze the omen reality.

Que-4:  What were the ‘horrid sights’ seen in this scene?

Ans: There were many fearful sights reported around Rome now days. Few of them as supernatural occurrences like a lioness giving birth in the streets, graves opening up their dead, ghosts shrieking and howling, and spectral warriors fighting and raining blood down on the Capitol.

Que-5: How does Caesar show his arrogance about fearing death?

Ans: Caesar shows arrogance in his lack of fear about death. He delivers a speech saying cowards allow themselves to die many times in their imagination,  However, the courageous taste death only once when it comes for them.

He believes death is inevitable for all men so there is no point in wasting time dreading or fearing it. This shows Caesar’s inflated self-confidence.

CAESAR- Cowards die many times before their deaths; …. … . that men should fear

Que-1:  What are Caesar’s views about death? How do cowards die many times before their death?

Ans:  Views of Caesar regarding death as a natural, inevitable occurrence that should not be feared. According to him, cowards are so frightened by this thought of dying that they mentally dying many time before their actual death.

Que-2:  What was the outcome of the sacrifice made by the priest? How does Caesar interpret this?

Ans:  As per report given by Priest that they could not find a heart inside the sacrificial animal, which is a sign of a very bad omen.

Caesar decode this omen in an another way. He claims the gods have removed the heart to shame Caesar for being cowardly, saying Caesar himself should not be “heartless” by staying home out of fear.

Que-3:  What does Caesar say about danger and himself being littered on the same day?

Ans: Great Caesar states that he and danger itself were born on the same day, meaning he is dangerous and powerful enough to face any threat. He sees himself as more daring and mighty than any danger itself.

Que-4: Why does Calpurnia take the responsibility on herself for Caesar not going to the Capitol? How does she portray her submissiveness?

Ans: Frightened Calpurnia takes the responsibility and blame on herself for Caesar’s decision not to go to the Capitol.

She portrays submissiveness by begging him on bended knee to stay home, saying it is her own fear, not his, keeping him there.

Que-5:  Who enters soon after? How does the person use flattery to change the mind of Caesar? What is his interpretation of Calpurnia’s dream?

Ans: Just after, Decius Brutus enters in the scene. He uses flattery, fabricating a story that the senators plan to offer Caesar the crown today.

Decius Brutus decode the Calpurnia’s nightmare as Rome and its citizens will gain strength and power from Caesar’s noble blood.

CAESAR – And these does she ….  …. …. that I will stay at home to-day. DECIUS BRUTUS – This dream is all amiss interpreted

Que-1: Who is ‘she’? What had she dreamt of?

Ans:  Here ‘She’ refers to Calpurnia. She had an unsettling nightmare in which she saw Caesar’s statue spewing forth copious amounts of blood as if pierced by many wounds, and Romans feverishly bathing their hands in the blood.

Que-2: Who came to accompany Caesar to the Capitol?

Ans: To accompany Caesar Publius, a senator, arrives with the conspirators Brutus, Cassius, and others to escort Caesar to go to Senate.

Que-3: How is Calpurnia being ‘on her knees’ similar to Portia in the previous scene? How is Caesar the ‘husband’ different from Brutus the ‘husband’?

Ans: In the previous scene Portia begging on her knees to Brutus  to disclose the secret and just same happened in this current scene in which Calpurnia begging Caesar on bended knee echoes.

Difference in Brutus and Caesar as husband is that Brutus feels Portia and ready to disclose, while the Caesar ignores his wife’s urge completely.

Que-4:  How does Decius tempt Caesar? How does Decius exploit Caesar’s egoistic nature that makes Caesar angry with Calpurnia?

Ans: Decius Brutus smartly and cunningly convinced Caesar by mentioning the Senate plans to offer him the kingship crown that day.

He makes Caesar angry with Calpurnia by twisting her dream to say Caesar staying home would allow the senators to mock his fear of “his wife’s dreams”. This manipulates Caesar’s pride.

Que-5:  What does Caesar finally decide to do? What is revealed of both Decius and Cassius in the scene?

Ans:  Caesar decide finally to go to the Capitol. This show Decius’s flattery powers of manipulation. It also reveals the two-faced nature of the conspirators who act friendly to lure Caesar to his death.

CAESAR- Good friends, go in, and taste some wine with me;  … ….. …. ..  The heart of Brutus yearns to think upon!

Que-1: Who are the ‘good friends’?

Ans:  Caesar refers  the conspirators, The ‘good friends’ including Brutus, Cassius, and the others who have arrived to escort Caesar.

Que-2:  Why is it ironic to refer to them as ‘good friends’?

Ans:  Calling them/Conspirator  “good friends” is deep ironic as they have conspired together to plan murder himself that day.

Que-3: Why have these good friends taken all the pains and courtesy to accompany Caesar to the Capitol?

Ans: These good friends are conspirators like Brutus have taken great pains to visit Caesar’s home and politely accompany him to the Capitol in order to lure him into their trap. Their courteous behavior hides their sinister intent.

Que-4: What does ‘yearns’ mean? What aspect of Brutus’ character is revealed in his statement? How does he contradict himself?

Ans: Here ‘Yearns’ means to desire or long for something extremely badly, even painfully. Brutus’ statement reveals he is internally conflicted – he calls Caesar his dear friend but will soon kill him in cold blood. This contradicts his seeming nobility.

Que-5:  What time is it now? Who was Caesar surprised to see? What trait of the person’s character is revealed here?

Ans: There is early morning and Caesar is surprised to see Antony who is late and idle, awaken so early. This small detail highlights Antony’s energetic.

–:  End of Julius Caesar Act-2 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 9 English Drama :–

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