Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 English Drama

Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 English Drama. Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evaluation of skill among students . Visit official website  CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10 English.

Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-2 Context Questions ICSE Class 10 English Drama

Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 English Drama

Board ICSE
Subject English
Class 10
Book Name Julius Caesar (workbook)
Session  2024-25
Topics  Act-5, Scene-2
Question Type Context Questions

Evergreen Context Questions

(Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 English Drama)

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

BRUTUS- Ride, ride Messala, …… …. legions on the other side

Que-1: Where does this scene take place? What is the meaning of ‘bills’? What is referred to ‘legions on the other side’?

Ans:  This scene takes place on the plains of Philippi, a location alive with troop movements as the battle field. Here ‘Bills’ refers to written messages or orders. ‘Legions on the other side’ refer to the division of Brutus and Cassius’s army positioned on the opposite wing of the battlefield, under Cassius’s control..

Que-2: What misconceptions does Brutus have about Octavius’ army?

Ans: As Brutus personal thinking that Octavius’ army as showing a ‘cold behavior,’ interpreting this as a lack of zeal and energy,

Que-3: What mistake does Brutus make that leads to the doom of his army?

Ans: Without any rough work Brutus  commanded immediate attack upon Octavius army.

Que-4: What traits in Brutus’ character is seen in this scene?

Ans: Ordering immediate attack without calculating  the depth of water showing that  Brutus’s traits is too careless and stubborn lack of strategic patience.

Que-5: How did this strategy of Brutus cause his end?

Ans:  Strategy of Brutus based on an incorrect assessment of the enemy and an impulsive order to attack, undermines his army’s position and set the stage to its defeat. This fatal error precipitates the bigger downfall of Brutus and the conspirators

Morning Star Context Questions

(Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 English Drama)

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

Brutus  Ride, ride, Messala,……. …… ….. all come down.

Que-1: Where does this scene take place? What is meant by “these bills”? What is referred to as “the legions on the other side”?

Ans:  please see above Ans-1 of Evergreen

Que-2: What instructions does Brutus give? To whom are these instructions to be given?

Ans: Brutus instructs Messala to deliver the orders to his legions positioned on the other side of the battlefield.

Que-3: Brutus hopes to have advantage at this juncture. What indications has be perceived in this regard?

Ans: Brutus perceives that Octavius’s forces are showing “cold behavior,” suggesting a lack of strategy or resolve. He believes that a sudden and forceful attack could lead to a confirm victory over them.

Que-4: What warning did Octavius give to Brutus the previous night? How was the warning taken?

Ans: In the previous night, Octavius warn is not mentioned directly in the scene provided, but within the context of the play, Octavius’s warning could refer to the earlier omen of Caesar’s ghost, which appeared to Brutus, foretelling his downfall. This warning was taken seriously by Brutus, causing him unease but ultimately leading him to continue with his plans.

Que-5: What changes do you notice in the character of Brutus in this scene?

Ans: please see above Ans-4 of Evergreen

— End of Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-2 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 English Drama :–

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