Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2: ISC Workbook Questions Answers

Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2: ISC Workbook Questions Answers of All type. You can get Answers of Context Questions. All the solutions has been fully adopted with council prescribe guideline. These question are short answer type. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-11/12 English

Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2 ISC Workbook Questions Answer

Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2: ISC Workbook Questions Answers

Board ISC
Publishers  Evergreen Publications
Subject English
Class 11 / 12
Book Name Macbeth (Workbook )
Session  2023-24
Topics Solutions of Act-2, Scene-2
Question Type Short Ans of Context Questions

Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2

 ISC Workbook Short Questions Answers / Solutions of Context

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

Question: 1. Where is Lady Macbeth now? 

Answer: Lady Macbeth is in the castle, waiting anxiously for Macbeth to complete the murder of King Duncan.

Question: 2 What does the owl refer to? What is its significance?

Answer: The owl is a symbol of death a. Its shriek in the night is interpreted by Lady Macbeth as a sign that Macbeth has killed King Duncan.

The crying of owl’s is significant as it represents  the unnatural events “the murder of the king “.

Question: 3. Explain: “He is about it”.

Answer: Here the meaning of “He is about it” tells that Macbeth is trying for the murder. Lady Macbeth is referring to Macbeth carrying out the act of killing King Duncan.

Question: 4 What preparations has Lady Macbeth done before the murder?

Answer: Lady Macbeth offer the wine to the guards of King Duncan’s chamber so that they won’t wake up during the murder. She has also laid out the daggers for Macbeth for murder.

Question: 5. What fears did Lady Macbeth voice after the extract? 

Answer: , Lady Macbeth expresses fear about the consequences after murder.

Question: 6. Why could she “Lady Macbeth” not commit the murder herself?

Answer:  because King Duncan resembled her father as he slept, which prevented her from killing him.

Question: 7. Who are ‘they’ referred to in the extract? 

Answer: ‘They’ referred to in the extract are the two chamberlains who were drunk and asleep. Macbeth had drugged their drinks to ensure they would not wake during the murder.

Question: 8. Why did they laugh and cry?

Answer: ‘The laughter and cries were likely due to the effects of the drugs and alcohol, causing them to have clearly dreams or hallucinations.

Question: 9.What could Macbeth not say after their prayer? Why?

Answer: Macbeth could not say “Amen” after their prayer. as he was overwhelmed with crime and fear . His conscience was so burdened that he felt spiritually paralyzed,

Question: 10 What did Lady Macbeth advise her husband not to do?

Answer: Lady Macbeth advised not to think too deeply on his deed. It would lead to madness and regret. She tried to convince him to wash off the blood (evidence) and not to bring the daggers back.

Question: 11.  What can you conclude about Macbeth’s state of mind?

Answer:  Macbeth is in a state of extreme guilt and fear.  He hears voices saying he has murdered sleep. He is  unable to say “Amen” in response to a prayer, indicating loss of sense

Question: 13 Why does Macbeth refer to sleep as ‘innocent’?

Answer:  because it is a natural and peaceful state that is free from guilt and wrong doing. It is the state that heals and soothes. His act of murder has disrupted this innocence, causing him to feel guilt.

Question: 14 . Who will sleep no more? Why?

Answer: Macbeth will sleep no more. as he has murdered King Duncan in his sleep, He filled with guilt  He thinks that he has ‘murdered sleep’,

Question: 15. What else does Macbeth imagine he has heard?

Answer: Macbeth imagines that he has heard a voice of cry out, “Sleep no more! Macbeth is murdering sleep.”

Question: 16.What does Lady Macbeth notice about Macbeth’s hands? 

Answer: Lady Macbeth notices that Macbeth’s hands are covered in blood, the ‘filthy witness’ of his deed.

Question: 17. What does Lady Macbeth tell him to do at once?

Answer: Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to go get some water and wash this bloody evidence from his hands. She also scolds him for bringing the daggers back, and instructs him to take them back and smear the sleeping guards with the blood to frame them for the murder.

Question: 18. How does Macbeth show his regret in committing the deed after this extract?

Answer:  Macbeth shows his regret in committing the murder by expressing his fear and horror . he is deeply disturbed by his actions and is unable to face the result of his crime.

Question: 19. What does Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth do to immediately which reveals her practicality?

Answer: She tells Macbeth to immediately wash the bloody evidence from his hands. She told for some water and wash this  hand.  After that instructs him to return the daggers to the point of incident of the crime and smear the sleeping guards with blood to frame them for the murder.

Question: 20. What is the contrast in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s state of mind? What does it reveal about their characters in the scene?

Answer: . Macbeth is filled with regret and fear, unable to bear the weight of his actions, while Lady Macbeth remains practical and focused on clear the evidence of crime So that both are not suspected for crime.

Question: 21. Who is knocking at the door? Why has the person come there?

Answer: Macduff knocking at the door  who has come to wake up King Duncan. However, he is unaware that Duncan has been murdered.

Question: 22. What does Macbeth wish for at the end of the scene? 

Answer:  Macbeth wishes to stop for the knocking as it frightens him.

— : end of Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2: ISC Workbook Questions Answers  : —

Return to :  Macbeth Workbook Solutions: Act Wise Scene Wise for ISC Class 11/12

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