Macbeth Act-3 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions. Asking Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evalution of skill among students . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-4 Context Questions ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Board ISC
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Macbeth
Session  2024-25
Topics Workbook Solutions of Act-3, Scene-4
Question Type Context Questions

Context Questions

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

Macbeth: See, they encounter thee .. … …  The table round.

Que-1:  What is the occasion? How have the guests been welcomed?

Ans: he occasion is called by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth for Macbeth’s coronation as King of Scotland . The guests, Visitors, have been welcomed heartly and are seated according to their post.

Que-2:  Who does Macbeth see at the door after the extract?

Ans: Macbeth sees one of the murderers at the door after the extract

Que-3:  Why has the person come to meet Macbeth? What does Macbeth whisper to the person?

Ans: The murderer has come to tell Macbeth about the murder of Banquo. Macbeth whispers asking about the murder if Banquo is dead

Que-4:  What does the person assure Macbeth of what he has just done?

Ans: The murderer confirms Macbeth that Banquo is dead.

Que-5:  What disturbing news does the person give to Macbeth ?

Ans: The disturbing news given to Macbeth is that, Banquo’s son, has manage to escape

Macbeth Thanks for that … … No teeth for th’ present.

Que-1:  Why does Macbeth thank the person?

Ans: Macbeth thanks the person for confirming death of Benquo that relieved him from immediate tension

Que-2:  What assurance has Macbeth got from the person?

Ans: Macbeth got assured that Banquo is dead while Banquo’s son, has manage to escape due to darkness

Que-3:  Who are the ‘serpent’ and the ‘worm’?

Ans: Here, the ‘serpent’ refers to Banquo, and the ‘worm’ refers to his Banquo’s son

Que-4:  Why is Macbeth not worried about the serpent? Why is the ‘worm’ a great source of worry for Macbeth?

Ans: Macbeth is not worried  at ‘serpent’ as he is killed confirmaly. while, the ‘worm’is a great source of worry in the future as declaration of three witches

Que-5:  After the extract what duties does Lady Macbeth remind her husband of?

Ans: After the extract, Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth of his duties as a guest chief need to be careful and cheerful to theirvisitor in coronation

Que-6:  What shock does Macbeth encounter just when he is about to sit at the table?

Ans: When Macbeth is about to sit at his table, he feels the Banquo’s ghost at his seat, which shocks him deeply..

Ross: Gentlemen, rise; His Highness …. ….. thought he will be well again.

Que-1:  What strange behaviour of Macbeth causes Ross to remark that ‘His Highness is not well’?

Ans: Ross tells  that ‘His Highness is not feeling well’ due to Macbeth’s alarming reaction and virtual conversation with the invisible Banquo’s reflection at the banquet. Macbeth’s behavior is madness and disturbed, causing anxiety among the guests and visitors at Hall.

Que-2:  What word is to be filled in the blank of the extract by which Lady Macbeth justifies her husband’s strange behaviour? Explain

Ans: The word in extract filled in the blank is “fit” . The Lady Macbeth claims to Macbeth’s strange behaviour as a temporary disease of fear since his youth.

Que-3:  What has Macbeth seen for him to behave in such a strange manner?

Ans: Macbeth behaves uncommon because he visualise the Banquo’s ghost sitting in his seat at the banquet hall. This image is invisible to others, Hence guest reaction is alarming

Que-4:  What advice does Lady Macbeth give to the Lords on how to react towards Macbeth?

Ans: Lady Macbeth advises  to ignore Macbeth’s behavior, suggesting that drawing attention may be more risky for Macbeth Therefore  She explains that it will pass quickly if ignore his behavior.

Que-5:  How does Lady Macbeth chide her husband’? What answer does he give to her?

Ans: Lady Macbeth chides her husband that his visions are hallucinations, She tells him as a woman’s story at a winter fire, told by her grandmother. She confirm that his fear is loosing kingship. In response, Macbeth finds the strangeness of his behavior and declare that the vision is virtual. He wishes that the bloodshed required for his gaining to power had ended with Duncan’s death, reflecting on the continuous nature of his ill action.

Macbeth: Avant! And quit my sight! …. …..  thou dost glare with

Que-1:  Who is Macbeth talking to? Why is he so shocked?

Ans: Macbeth is talking to the Banquo’s ghost. He is so shocked because no one else at the banquet can see. This ghost is a virtual reflection of his crime

Que-2:  How does Lady Macbeth justify Macbeth’s distressed condition?

Ans: Lady Macbeth justifies Macbeth’s distressed condition by saying to guest  that this is common for him and not to worry

Que-3:  How does Lady Macbeth try to calm Macbeth down?

Ans: Lady Macbeth tries to calm Macbeth down by ignoring the virtual vision as a hallucination, swearing his malehood, and urge to pay attention to guests.

Que-4:  In which context does Macbeth refer to the rugged Russian bear, the arm’d rhinoceros, and the Hyrcan tiger?

Ans: Macbeth refered these for his bravery. He prefer to face these animal rather than the Banquo’s ghost.

Que-5:  What is the relevance of this scene in the play? How does Macbeth betray his thoughts?

Ans: This scene illustrates Macbeth’s act of madness due to guilt. Macbeth cheats his thoughts by responsing visibly to the ghost of Banquo, hiding his inner storm and guilt over the murders he has done.

 (And bedtimes, I will) to the Weird Sisters: More shall they speak;  ….. …. … they may be scann’d

Que-1:  State two reasons why Macbeth wants to know the worst. What are the ‘worst means’ he talks about?

Ans: Macbeth wants to know the worst to prepare for upcoming dangers and to secure his kingship. The ‘worst means’  to continue using violence to maintain his power and know about his luck

Que-2:  What is Lady Macbeth’s response to the above lines?

Ans: She does not respond directly. Her reactions to Macbeth’s growing ruthlessness and madness are generally of anexity and an try to calm him

Que-3:  Explain the following lines in their context: “for mine own good, all causes shall give way”, “tedious”, and “scann’d”.

Ans: Meaning in context “for mine own good, all causes shall give way”, Macbeth explain that he will let nothing any risk in the way of his security. and “Tedious” refers that going back from his bad way is as difficult as going farward with it. “Scann’d” means that plan must be carried out before being done.

Que-4:  What strange things does Macbeth have in his head which the hand will perform?

Ans: The ‘strange things’ in Macbeth’s head for further acts of violence to secure his position,including more murders.

Que-5:  Show how Macbeth, though being a “secret man of blood”, gives himself away repeatedly in this scene?

Ans:  Althogh Macbeth is a “secret man of blood”, yet he hide his guilt and panic through his madness, strange behavior, hallucinations, which hints at his dark deeds and bloody intentions.

— End of Macbeth Act-3 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook questions solutions :–

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