Recognition of Solids ICSE Class-6th Concise Selina Maths Chapter-31

Recognition of Solids ICSE Class-6th Concise Selina Mathematics Solutions Chapter-31. We provide step by step Solutions of Exercise / lesson-31 Recognition of Solids for ICSE Class-6 Concise Selina Mathematics.

Our Solutions contain all type Questions of Exe-30 with Notes on “Recognition of Solids to develop skill and confidence. Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-6.

Recognition of Solids ICSE Class-6th Concise Selina Mathematics Solutions Chapter-31

Exercise – 31 Recognition of Solids ICSE Class-6th Concise Selina Mathematics

Question -1.

Identify the nets which can be used to form cubes :
Selina Concise Mathematicsclass 6 ICSE Solutions -Data Handling (Including Pictograph and Bar Graph)-1

Nets for a cube are (ii), (iii) and (iv).

Question- 2.

Draw at least three different nets for making cube.

Draw at least three different nets for making cube

Question -3.

The dimensions of a cuboid are 6 cm, 4 cm and 3 cm. Draw two different types of oblique sketches for this cuboid.

The dimensions of a cuboid are 6 cm, 4 cm and 3 cm. Draw two different types of oblique sketches for this cuboid.

Question- 4.

 Two cubes, each with 3 cm edge, are placed side by side to form a cuboid. For this cuboid, draw :

(i) an oblique sketch
(ii) an isometric sketch.

Two cubes, each with 3 cm edge, are placed side by side to form a cuboid oblique isometric sketch

Question -5.

 The figure, given below, shows shadows of some 3D objects, when seen under the lamp of an overhead projector :

Selina Concise Mathematicsclass 6 ICSE Solutions -Data Handling (Including Pictograph and Bar Graph)-5
In each case, name the object.

The figure, given below, shows shadows of some 3D objects, when seen under the lamp of an overhead projector

Question -6.

Look at the solids, drawn below, and fill the given chart.
Selina Concise Mathematicsclass 6 ICSE Solutions -Data Handling (Including Pictograph and Bar Graph)-6
Selina Concise Mathematicsclass 6 ICSE Solutions -Data Handling (Including Pictograph and Bar Graph)-6.

Polyhedon Faces(F) Vertices(V) Edges(E) F – E + V
(a) Triangular pyramid 4 4 6 2
(b) Square pyramid 5 5 8 2
(c) Hexahedron 8 6 12 2
(d) Hexagonal prism 8 12 18 2

P. Q. 

Using Euler’s formula, find the values of a, b, c and d.

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(i) a + 6 — 12 = 2 ⇒a = 2- 6+12 = 14-6 = 8
(ii) b + 5- 9 = 2 ⇒b-2 + 9-5 = 6
(iii) 20 + 12 – c = 2 ⇒ 32 – c = 2 ⇒ c = 32 – 2 ⇒ c = 30
(iv) 6 + d – 12 = 2⇒ d-6 = 2 ⇒ d = 2 + 6 = 8


Using an isometric dot paper, draw :
(i) a cube with each edge 3 cm.
(ii) a cuboid measuring 5 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm.

Recognition of Solids ICSE Class-6th Concise Selina Mathematics Solutions Chapter-31 Ans-6 PQ

Question- 7.

Dice are cubes with dot or dots on each face. Opposite faces of a die always have a total of seven on them.
Below are given two nets to make dice (cube), the numbers inserted in each square indicate the number of dots in it.
Selina Concise Mathematicsclass 6 ICSE Solutions -Data Handling (Including Pictograph and Bar Graph)-7
Insert suitable numbers in each blank so that numbers in opposite faces of the die have a total of seven dots.

Recognition of Solids ICSE Class-6th Concise Selina Mathematics Solutions Chapter-31 Ans-7.1


Question -8.

The following figure represents nets of some solids. Name the solids.

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The given nets are of the solid as given below :
(i) Tetrahedron
(ii) Triangular prism
(iii) Cube
(iv) Cuboid

–: End of Recognition of Solids ICSE Class-6th Solutions :–

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