The Elevator Context Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10

The Elevator Context Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10 English written by William Sleator . Passage wise answer of Context Questions of Evergreen Publication is given for complete preparation of council upcoming exam. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10 English.

The Elevator Context Questions Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10

The Elevator Context Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10 English

Board ICSE
Publications Evergreen Publications
Subject English
Class 10
Book Name  Treasure Chest
Chapter The Elevator
Writer William Sleator
Topics Solutions of Context Questions

Evergreen Workbook Questions

(The Elevator Context Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10 English)

Questions Read the following extract from William Sleator’s short story, “The Elevator” and answer the questions that follow

Of course he was always uncomfortable in elevators ,………. ………  poor lighting and the dirty walls.

Que-1:  Describe the apartment to which Martin and his father had shifted recently.

Ans: The apartment was an old building with an old and small elevator ,having capacity of three people. it was its fearful atmosphere due to the light from the only flicker a ceiling strip, and dull against dirty walls. Perhaps the problem was the door, which was never left open.

Que-2: What made the boy uncomfortable in the elevator?

Ans: The boy, Martin was uncomfortable in elevators because he was afraid that they would fall down.

Que-3: What kind of boy was Martin ?

Ans: Martin was a skinny twelve-year-old boy who was nervous by nature.

Que-4: What are we told about the door of the elevator ?

Ans: The elevator door was never left open all the way long enough, and beaten shut with that unfortunate, clanging finality.

Que-5: How does the description of the elevator contribute to the suspense in the story?

Ans: The small cramped elevator with poor lighting and dirty walls, and the ominous clanging sound of the elevator door sets an atmosphere of suspense and fear.

‘You’re not only skinny and weak and bad at sports,……. ……..  bullied at school.

Que-1: Earlier, why did father get upset with Martin?

Ans: Martin’s father got upset with him because instead of taking the elevator, He took the stairs and reached home out of breath after climbing up to the 17th floor.

Que-2: What kind of boy was Martin ?

Ans: Martin was a skinny, weak boy who was bad at sports and timid by nature.

Que-3: What did Martin have to come to terms with ?

Ans: Martin had to come to terms with using the elevator despite his fears, just as he had got used to being bullied at school by his classmates.

Que-4: Why did Martin take the elevator although he was scared of it?

Ans:  Martyn started taking elevator after his father rebuked him for being a coward and told him he would have to get used to it.

Que-5: Was Martin a coward ? Give two reasons for your answer.

Ans:  Martin was surely as a coward by his father’s expression. He was skinny, weak, bad at sports, and most importantly, afraid of using the elevator which his father considered an irrational fear that he needed to overcome.

She was wearing an old green coat that ballooned around her …….. ………  squeeze himself into a corner.

Que-1: What kind of lady was ‘she’?

Ans: The lady was fat and wore an old green coat that ballooned or swelled out around her large body.

Que-2: What is Martin’s tone while describing the lady’s stature ?

Ans:  When describing the lady’s appearance Martin’s tone was in fear and being overwhelmed by her size, as he felt the elevator sink under her weight when she waddled in.

Que-3: What was Martin’s state of mind when he confronted the lady?

Ans:  Martin felt very uncomfortable and squeezed himself into a corner to avoid brushing against her coat, indicating he was in a nervous, fearful state of mind when lady enter.

Que-4: On which floor did the lady step into the elevator ? On which floor did she actually live?

Ans: On the fourteenth floor. The lady got into the elevator  The story does not specify on which floor she lived. It only states that she entered when the elevator stopped at the 14th floor in the morning.

Que-5: How did the lady look at the boy in the elevator ?

Ans: The fat lady just kept staring at Martin constantly and did not stop looking at him for even a minute in the elevator.

She did nothing. She only watched him breathing loudly, until the elevator  …….. ……… ran nearly all the way to school

Que-1: What was the lady’s behavior while in the elevator with the boy ?

Ans: The behavior of lady did nothing in the elevator except watch Martin breathing loudly and staring at him constantly until they reached the ground floor.

Que-2: Why couldn’t Martin run past the lady?

Ans: Martin could not run past the lady to get out of the elevator first because there was no room or space due to the lady’s large size taking up most of the cramped elevator.

Que-3: What was the boy’s impression of the lady in the elevator?

Ans: The lady’s constant staring at Martin in the confined elevator gave him the impression that she was strange or crazy in her behavior.

Que-4: Where did the lady live ?

Ans: The phrase does not give exact location where the lady lived.

Que-5: What time of the day was it then? How do you know?

Ans: As phrases  “She was waiting for him at 7:30 in the morning.” It was morning time,

She nodded, and stepped in. The door slammed. …… …….. , the top floor.

Que-1: To which question of the boy did the lady nod?

Ans: The lady nodded in response to Martin’s question if she was going up in the elevator.

Que-2: What did the woman look like?

Ans: The woman looked like pudgy or fat, indicating her large physique.

Que-3: What is surprising in the lady’s pressing the button eighteen?

Ans: When the lady pressed the button for the 18th floor or top floor, she had gotten on at the 14th floor, raising questions about where she actually lived.

Que-4: Which floor do you think did the lady live on?

Ans: It is not clear which floor the lady actually lived on in the building based on her pressing different floor buttons at different times of the day,

Que-5: What makes the boy feel nervous in the elevator ?

Ans: Martin feel very nervous and uncomfortable due to constant presence and strange behavior of the large fat lady staring at him in the cramped elevator.  .

“I’m not afraid”. “You’re afraid”, said his father. “ …….. ……..  timid all your life?”

Que-1: Why does the boy retort “I’m not afraid” ?

Ans: The boy defense “I’m not afraid” when his father rebuke him of being afraid of the fat old lady he saw in the elevator.

Que-2: What was the boy’s father trying to emphasise ?

Ans: Be brave like a man, and not remain timid or fearful throughout his life is the father suggestion.

Que-3: How did Martin react to his father’s rebuke ?

Ans: The Martyn response on being scolded afraid, He managed not to cry until he went to his room, implying he broke down in tears due to his father’s harsh words.

Que-4: What does the extract tell about the relationship between the son and the father?

Ans:  there is lack of understanding relationship between the father and son, with the father being critical of Martin’s timid nature and wanting him to be braver.

Que-5: Later, what happens when the boy tries to avoid the lady ?

Ans:  When Martin tries to avoid the lady again by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, he falls down the flight of stairs and breaks his leg.

His father was silent on the way to hospital,  ….. …….. ………….  needed to walk on crutches.

Que-1: Why was the boy taken to hospital?

Ans: The boy, Martin was taken to the hospital because he had broken his leg after falling down the stairs while trying to avoid the fat lady in the elevator.

Que-2: What did the father feel about the boy’s health?

Ans: Martin’s father felt disappointed and angry with him for being a coward and acting foolishly out of his irrational fears.

Que-3: What disability had the boy suffered and how ?

Ans: Martin had suffered a broken leg from his fall down the stairs and now needed to walk with the support of crutches.

Que-4: How could this disability give some relief to Martin ?

Ans: After broken leg that required him to use crutches gave some relief to Martin, as it meant he would not need to get into the elevator for some time and avoid facing the fat lady.

Que-5: What advice was given to Martin by his doctor?

Ans: The Martin was advised by Dr to use his fractured leg as little as possible for recovery.

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Father held out his hand and pressed nine.  …….. ………. “Grow up, Martin”. The door slammed shut.

Que-1: Why did the father not want Martin to visit the neighbour along with him ?

Ans: The father did not want Martin to visit the neighbor Mrs. Ullman along with him, so that Martin would be forced to take the elevator alone to overcome his fears.

Que-2: What was the father’s advice to Martin?

Ans:  “grow up” and stop being afraid to take the elevator alone, become braver were father’s advice to Martin.

Que-3: On which floor did the neighbour live? What was her name?

Ans: The neighbor  lived on the 9th floor whom father was going to visit was named Mrs. Ullman.

Que-4: Where did the elevator stop and why?

Ans: The elevator stopped at the 10th floor, where the same fat lady Martin was afraid of was waiting to enter.

Que-5: What surprise awaited Martin in the elevator? How did the lady treat him there?

Ans: When the fat lady was waiting for him at the 10th floor of the building. Martin’s surprise When they were alone in the elevator, she greeted Martin by name and laughed, before pressing the stop button, trapping them inside.

— : End of The Elevator Context Questions: Treasure Chest Evergreen Workbook Solutions : —

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