The Glove and the Lions Extract Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions of ICSE Class 10 English written by Leigh Hunt. The Treasure Chest ( A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) workbook passage wise questions and answer of English. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class- 10 English.
The Glove and the Lions Extract Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions of ICSE Class 10 English
Board | ICSE |
Publications | Evergreen Publications |
Subject | English |
Class | 10 |
Book Name | Treasure Chest |
Chapter | The Glove and the Lions |
Writer | Leigh Hunt |
Topics | Extract Questions |
Extract Questions Solutions of Evergreen Publications
Question:– Read the following extract from the poem ‘ The Glove and the Lions ’ by Leigh Hunt and answer the questions that follow:
King Francis was a hearty king, …… …….. …. and the royal beasts below.
Que-1: Where was the king sitting? What was going on?
Ans: The king was sitting on the stadium, watching a royal sport of his lions fighting.
Que-2: For whom did the king ‘sigh’, and why?
Ans: The king sighed for a lady, and whom for Count de Lorge. due to feelings of her beauty and charm.
Que-3: Explain the last line here.
Ans: The last line underscores the grand spectacle being witnessed – a blend of bravery love, with the king observing from above and the fierce lions below, highlighting the contrasts of love, courage, and royalty.
Que-4: What picture of De Lorge’s beloved has the poet given later in the context?
Ans: The poet describes De Lorge’s beloved as a beautiful and lively young woman, with smiling lips and sharp, bright eyes that always reflected beauty and charm.
Que-5: Why did De Lorge’s beloved think of testing his valour?
Ans: De Lorge’s beloved thought of taking a test his valour because she saw an opportunity to prove his love for her in a grand manner in front of the king and the nobles, to gain attention and glory.
Ramped and roared the lions, ……… ………. ……. we’re better here than there.”
Que-1: What kind of royal sport was in progress? Who were watching it?
Ans: As a royal sport fierce fight between lions, was in progress, being watched by King and, his nobles sitting around the barricade.
Que-2: Who stole the heart of King Francis? In what state of mind was he?
Ans: The beauty of Count de Lorge’s beloved stole King Francis’s heart. He was fascinated by her charm, which put him in a state of admiration and jealousy.
Que-3: Describe the lions’ fight briefly.
Ans: As per context The lions’ fight was ferocious and intense, with the lions roaring, biting, and glaring at each other, giving powerful blows and rolling over one another.
Que-4: What did the air carry afar? What did it reveal?
Ans: The air carried the bloody foam from the lions’ fight, releasing it through the bars of the barricades, showing the scale of brutality and ferocity of the fight.
Que-5: Comment on the king’s remark. Who was attracted by his comment?
Ans: The king warned that they were better off watching from a distance than being near the dangerous fight, focusing the sense of being safe. De Lorge’s beloved was attracted on hearing the warning, seeing an opportunity to test her lover’s bravery by taking risky test.
De Lorge’s love o’ erheard the King, …….. …… …… to prove his love; great glory will be mine
Que-1: What kind of show was witnessed by the king and his courtiers? What had distracted the king’s attention?
Ans: The king and his courtiers witnessed a show of lions fighting, a royal sport. seeing the beauty of Count de Lorge’s The king’s attention was distracted.
Que-2: What did De Lorge’s beloved think about him? What was she sure of?
Ans: De Lorge’s beloved thought of him as brave as one can be, sure that he would undertake extraordinary feats to demonstrate his love for her.
Que-3: What thought struck her? What were her real intentions?
Ans: She thought to drop her glove into the lions’ pit to test her lover’s bravery and devotion. Her intentions were to test and draw attention among the nobles.
Que-4: What happened when the lady threw her glove into the pit and smiled at her lover?
Ans: She smiled at her lover when the drop her glove into the pit, De Lorge quickly leaped into the lions, pit and bounce back with the glove. , He threw the glove back at her face showing his bravery but also his dis like of her viewpoint.
She dropped her glove, …… …….. ……… , sets love a task like that.”
Que-1: Who were watching the lion fight? How was the fight going on?
Ans: The King Francis, and his his nobility were watching the lion fight. The fight was intense and fierce, with lions demonstrating their wild nature and strength.
Que-2: What idea struck De Lorge’s beloved? How did she put it into practice?
Ans: The idea was to test her lover’s love by dropping her glove into the pit of lions to see if he would capable to bring it. She put it into practice by actually dropping her glove and looking at him expectantly.
Que-3: What could have happened to De Lorge?
Ans: De Lorge could have been either attacked or killed by the lions when he jumped into the barricade to bring the glove, showing the task was risky and tough.
Que-4: Comment on De Lorge’s reaction when he came back safe from the pit.
Ans: De Lorge’s response after returning safely was anger and dislike hence he threw the glove at the lady’s face, for realization that her request was not a true love but ego.
Que-5: What no one else but De Lorge understand at the end?
Ans: At the end, De Lorge alone understood that the task set by his beloved was not a test of love but an act of ego.
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