The Pedestrian Context Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10

The Pedestrian Context Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10 English written by Ray Bradbury. Passage wise answer of Context Questions of Evergreen Publication is given for complete preparation of council upcoming exam. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10 English.

The Pedestrian Context Questions Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10

The Pedestrian Context Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10

Board ICSE
Publications Evergreen Publications
Subject English
Class 10
Book Name  Treasure Chest
Chapter The Pedestrian
Writer  Ray Bradbury
Topics Solutions of Context Questions

Evergreen Workbook Questions

(The Pedestrian Context Questions: Treasure Chest Solutions for ICSE Class 10 English written by Ray Bradbury)

Questions Read the following extract from Ray Bradbury’s short story, “The Pedestrian” and answer the questions that follow:

He would stand upon the corner of an intersection  ……. … …… , but it really made no difference.

Que-1:  Who is ‘he’ referred to? What was the routine of the person?

Ans: Mr. Leonard Mead refers as ‘He’ here . His routine involved walking through the city streets at night, often for hours, without any target.

Que-2:  Which time and month of the year does the passage describe?

Ans:  It is  a misty evening in November, around 8:00 P.M.

Que-3:  Why does the author say ‘it really made no difference’?

Ans:  Mr. Mead was the only person walking the streets, and regardless of the direction he chose, the streets were equally empty and silent.

Que-4:  What would fascinate the solitary walker?

Ans: Here The solitary walker, means Leonard Mead, would be fascinated by the emptiness and quietness of the city, as well as the eerie sight of houses with dark, silent windows.

Que-5:  Who would accompany the walker in the open? Why?

Ans: As per passage No one accompanied the walker. He was always alone during his nightly walks, as everyone else stayed inside their homes watching television.

Sudden gray phantom seemed to manifest  …….. ………. a window in a tomblike building was still open.

Que-1:  What are the gray phantoms? Why are they so called here?

Ans: The phrase “gray phantoms” refer to the faint images and shadows inside houses, possibly from the flickering light of televisions. They are called “phantoms” due to their ghostly, feature.

Que-2:  Where would he see the gray phantoms?

Ans: He saws the gray phantoms on the walls of houses where curtains were still undrawn, revealing the faint light and shadows inside.

Que-3:  Why are the houses tomblike? What kind of picture is this?

Ans: The “tomblike” means they are silent, dark, and lifeless, giving the impression of being dead or uninhabited. This paints a picture of a society where people are isolated inside their homes, disconnected from the outside world.

Que-4:  What was walking past the houses feel like?

Ans: Walking past the houses felt eerie and unsettling, as if walking through a graveyard, with the homes appearing lifeless and abandoned.

Que-5:  What kind of life is hinted at here?

Ans: There is a life of isolation and inactivity, where people stay indoors, disconnected from the outside world, and consumed by passive activities like watching television.

There was a good crystal frost in the air;  …….. ………… ,…….. all the branches filled with invisible snow.

Que-1:  What time of the day does the passage indicate? How do you know?

Ans: As per passage passage it is nighttime, as it describes the cold, frosty air and the quiet atmosphere associated with late evening.

Que-2:  What kind of experience does the speaker tell? Explain the image lungs blaze like a Christmas tree inside.

Ans: The speaker feels the sensation of breathing in cold air, which makes the lungs feel as if they are blazing or glowing. The comparison to a Christmas tree suggests a vibrant, sharp sensation, as if the cold air ignites a flickering, bright feeling inside the lungs.

Que-3:  How did the speaker react to the scenery outside?

Ans: The speaker enjoy the crisp, cold atmosphere, finding satisfaction in the sensation of walking in the frosty air and engaging with the natural world.

Que-4:  What do you learn about the speaker from this extract?

Ans: As per extract the speaker is solitude and enjoy the beauty of the night, finding pleasure in walking.

Que-5:  Explain the image ‘all the branches filled with invisible snow.’

Ans: This phrase means the feeling of coldness pervading the air, as if snow, though unseen, covers the branches, making everything feel crisp and frosty.

The street was silent and long and empty, …….. ……… ……. shadow of a hawk in mid country.

Que-1:  What kind of picture does the speaker present here?

Ans: The speaker presents a picture  of complete solitude, with an empty street stretching out before him, evoking a sense of desolation and stillness.

Que-2:  Who does the speaker compare himself with? How and to what purpose?

Ans: The speaker compares his shadow to the shadow of a hawk in mid country, suggesting a sense of freedom and isolation, but also perhaps a feeling of being watched.

Que-3:  What kind of person is the speaker?

Ans: He is a solitary, introspective person who enjoys walking alone at night, reflecting on the empty, quiet world around him.

Que-4:  Where is the speaker wandering? Why does he mention Arizona?

Ans: The speaker is wandering through a deserted city. He mentions Arizona to compare the empty streets to a vast, open desert, emphasizing the isolation and emptiness he feels.

Que-5:  Who encounters him later in the context, and why?

Ans: A police car is later encountered which stops him for questioning, as his act of walking at night is considered unusual and suspicious..

“What is it now?” he asked the houses,  ……. …….. ………..  A comedian falling off the stage?”

Que-1:  Who is the speaker in this context? Who are the listeners?

Ans: Leonard Mead is the speaker. He is rhetorically asking the houses around him, though there are no real listeners present.

Que-2:  Are the murders so frequent? Why does the speaker ask about the murders?

Ans: No, the murders are not frequent. The speaker is making a sarcastic comment about the violent and trivial nature of television programming.

Que-3:  What is a revue? Where would the revue take place?

Ans: Here a revue is a theatrical entertainment consisting of short sketches, songs, and dances. In this passage, it refers to television shows.

Que-4:  What makes the speaker ask these questions? Is he satisfied with their answers?

Ans: The speaker is frustrated with the monotony and lack of meaningful activity in the city, as everyone is absorbed by television. He is not satisfied because there is no response from the houses or the people inside.

Que-5:  What kind of life is lived by people in the city?

Ans: In city the people life is consumed by television and disconnected from the outside world.

He turned back on a side street, circling around ……… ……….. …… the illumination, and then drawn toward it.

Que-1:  Where was the speaker when he was asked to stop?

Ans: The speaker, was on a side street near his home as soon as he was asked to stop by a car of police.

Que-2:  Why do you think was the speaker stopped and by whom?

Ans: The speaker is stopped by the police, due to suspicious behavior such as walking alone at night.

Que-3:  What led to his being stunned?

Ans: He was stunned by the sudden focus of light from the police car’s headlights, which illuminated him.

Que-4:  What was his reaction when he was asked to stop?

Ans: He was entranced and stunned by the light, like a moth drawn to a flame, and he stood still as commanded.

Que-5:  Who do you think was in the car? What kind of light fell on the speaker?

Ans: No one was in the car. It is driven by an automated police system. A fierce, white, blinding light from the car’s headlight fell on the speaker.

Ever since a year ago, 2052, the election year, …….. …….  one lone car wandering and wandering empty streets.

Que-1: Which event that took place in 2052 does the story refer to?

Ans: The story refers to an election in 2052 that led to a reduction in the police force, as crime had significantly decreased.

Que-2:  Why had the police force been reduced?

Ans: The police force was reduced because crime rates were declining, making it unnecessary to maintain a large police presence.

Que-3:  What does the passage hint at about activities of the people at night?

Ans: The passage hints that people no longer venture outside at night, preferring to stay indoors, and that the streets are eerily empty.

Que-4:  Earlier the speaker says that seeing a car wandering at night is an incredible thing. How?

Ans: It was incredible because the streets were always empty and quiet, with no cars or people around. Seeing a police car at night was rare and unusual.

Que-5:  Which first question is the speaker asked by the car? What kind of car is it?

Ans: The first question asked by the car is, “Your name?” The car appears to be an automated police car, with no human officers inside.

He put his hand to the door and peered into the back seat, …….. …….. ……  clean and hard and metallic. There was nothing soft there.

Que-1:  What did the back seat look like?

Ans: It look like a small, black jail cell with bars, hard and metallic, devoid of comfort.

Que-2:  The speaker says that the back seat smelt of harsh antiseptic. What does he want to convey?

Ans: He want to conveys that the back seat felt sterile, cold, and unwelcoming, like a prison cell, emphasizing the harshness and lack of humanity.

Que-3:  Explain: ‘There was nothing soft there.’

Ans: This means the cold, hard, and impersonal nature of the back seat, reflecting the lack of comfort or warmth in the society symbolized by the police car.

Que-4:  Who was driving the car? Where was the speaker being taken?

Ans: None was driving the car. It was automated,. The speaker was being taken to the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies.

Que-5:  Why do you think was the speaker taken in the car? What crime had he committed?

Ans: Leonard Mead, was taken in custody due to his suspected behavior—walking alone at night without any special target.

— : End of The Pedestrian Context Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions for ICSE Class 10 : —

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