Treasure Trove Daffodils Line 19-24 Poem Workbook ICSE English Solutions

Treasure Trove Daffodils Line 19-24 Poem Workbook ICSE English Solutions. Workbook Exercise Question and Answer of Daffodils by William Wordsworth. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class- 9/10 English.

Treasure Trove Daffodils Line 19-24 Poem Workbook ICSE English Solutions

Board ICSE
Class 9th / 10th
Subject English
Book Name Treasure Trove
Chapter Daffodils
Lines Line 19-24
Topic Workbook Question and Answer
Session 2022-23

Lines 19 – 24 of Ch- Daffodils in Treasure Trove Poem

Question:– Read the following extract from the poem ‘ Daffodils ’ by William Wordsworth and answer the questions that follow:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils

Question 1. Explain with reference to context.


Reference: These lines are taken from the poem ‘Daffodils’ written by William Wordsworth.

Context: The poem expresses Word worth’s love for nature and how he sought solace in it from the woes and worries of this world.

Explanation: The poet knows how much the flowers have affected him. Often, when he is lying on his couch or when he is in a thoughtful  mood, an image of the daffodils comes to him, and then his heart fills with pleasure and “dances with the daffodils.”

Question 2. What happens to the poet when he is sometime in a pensive mood?

Answer: Whenever the poet lived on his couch in a unoccupied and sad mood the fond and happy memory of the daffodil flowers flushed upon his eye of imagination which is a source of joy and inspiration to the poet in such his lonely mood.

Question 3. What is the bliss of solitude referred to here?

Answer: By the term ‘bliss of solitude’ the poet wants to express that he felt really happy in the joyful company of the daffodil flowers and the waves. They seemed to compete with each other in such a mood. The poet caught the joyful mood and thus became a part of nature itself. He only kept on watching the scene, unable to decide what wealth of joy, he had received from it.

The greatest benefit of this experience was that whenever the poet lay on his couch in an unoccupied and sad mood, the fond and the sweet memory of the daffodils crashed upon his eye of imagination; which a source of joy and inspiration to the poet in his lonely and pensive mood

Question 4. What does he mean by the ‘inward eye’?

Answer: The inward eye refers to the eye of his imagination , his soul which can provide him the sight of the daffodils in his memory and he can once again experience the same joy which he had experienced when he had seen the daffodils.

–: End of Treasure Trove Daffodils Line 19-24 Poem Workbook ICSE English Solutions :–

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