Julius Caesar Act-1 Scene-2 Context Question: ICSE Class 9 Workbook Solutions

Julius Caesar Act-1 Scene-2 Context Question: ICSE Class 9 Workbook Solutions of English Drama. Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evaluation of skill among students. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-9 English.

Julius Caesar Act-1 Scene-2 Context Question ICSE Class 9 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Julius Caesar Act-1 Scene-2 Context Question

 ICSE Class 9 Workbook Solutions of English Drama

Board  ICSE
Subject English
Class 9
Book Name Julius Caesar (Workbook )
Session  2024-25
Topics Solutions of Act-1, Scene-2
Question Type Context Questions

Julius Caesar Act-1 Scene-2 Context Question

(Julius Caesar Act-1 Scene-2 ICSE Class 9 Workbook Solutions of English Drama)

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

CAESAR-Who is it in the press that calls on me? ….. …..  Caesar is turn’d to hear

Que-1:  Who called out to Caesar? What did he warn Caesar of?

Ans: The Soothsayer called out loudly to Caesar, standing out amongst the cheers and music of the crowd. He warned Caesar to “Beware the ides of March (March 15th)

Que-2:  What is the meaning of ‘Press’? Give another meaning of ‘Press’.

Ans:  Press’ refers to the crowd gathered. Another meaning of ‘press’ is apply pressure.

Que-3: Why is Caesar ‘turned to hear’? How does Caesar challenge the speaker?

Ans: Caesar is ‘turned to hear’ the Soothsayer cry because his voice was louder than music. Caesar challenges the Soothsayer aggressively, demanding “What says thou to me now?” He wants to hear the warning directly.

Que-4:  How does Caesar react to the warning of the speaker?

Ans: Caesar proudly dismisses and ignores the Soothsayer’s warning, and calling him as a “dreamer.”

Que-5: Who else tries to warn Caesar about the danger which is in store for him later in the play? What aspects of Caesar’s character are shown?

Ans: Calpurnia, Caesar’s wife, also tries to warn him (Caesar ) not to go to the Senate based on her fearful dreams. Once again he dismisses her notification. This confirm Caesar’s stubborn arrogance and sense of invulnerability.

BRUTUS – Cassius, Be not deceived:  … … ….  Conceptions only proper to myself.

Que-1: Where are Brutus and Cassius at this time? What is the occasion?

Ans:  The scene takes place on the day of Caesar’s triumphant return to Rome. Brutus and Cassius are alone in Rome while the rest of the citizens celebrate Caesar’s recent victory over Pompey and his sons. They have gathered for festivities and victory celebration.

Que-2: What has Cassius told Brutus regarding the latter’s attitude towards him?

Ans: Cassius has told Brutus that lately Brutus seems very distant and soft towards him, not showing the same, warmth and affection as he used to. Cassius says Brutus has been treating him in a cold and unfriendly manner.

Que-3:  What reason does Brutus give to Cassius for not going to the games? With whom does Brutus compare himself to?

Ans:  Brutus told to Cassius that he has not interested to join festivities because he is preoccupied with his own private thoughts and emotions that have been troubling him. He compares himself to Mark Antony, noting that Antony has an energetic, lively personality and loves attending social events, while Brutus has been solitary, moody and antisocial lately.

Que-4:  What does Brutus tell Cassius regarding his conflicting thoughts and emotions? What effects are they having on Brutus regarding his attitude towards others?

Ans: Brutus tells Cassius that he is conflicted within himself, bothered by passions and thoughts that are personal to him. He does not specify what these passions are. This inner turmoil and emotional conflict is causing him to appear detached, remote and inattentive to others, even close friends like Cassius.

Que-5: What is Cassius’ motive in showing his friendship towards Brutus? How is Cassius shown to be a schemer?

Ans:  Cassius is scheming to win Brutus over to the developing conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar. He is only pretending friendship and concern for Brutus, but his real hidden motive is political – he wants to recruit Brutus into the murder plot. So Cassius is shown to be manipulative, crafty and devious in the way he tries to play on Brutus’s emotions and sense of friendship.

CASSIUS – ‘Tis just: And it is very much lamented, …. …. Your hidden worthiness into your eye.

Que-1: What does Cassius go on to tell Brutus about what the people are lamenting about?

Ans:  Cassius goes on after the extract to tell Brutus that many Romans, including Cassius himself, are lamenting and expressing regret that Brutus does not fully see or appreciate his own true worth and virtues. They think Brutus undervalues his admirable qualities.

Que-2: What ‘dangers’ does Brutus refer to after the extract?

Ans:  After the extract, Brutus refers to the growing “dangers” of Julius Caesar gaining too much power and dominating Rome as dictator. He fears Caesar’s ambitions will lead to tyranny

Que-3:  How does Cassius offer to show the brothers his true worth?

Ans:  Cassius offers to metaphorically be a mirror for Brutus and reveal to him the hidden strengths and virtues that Brutus cannot see clearly in himself. Cassius claims he can reflect Brutus’s true qualities back at him.

Que-4:  How does Cassius convince Brutus not to doubt him?

Ans:  Cassius convinces Brutus not to doubt his motivations by insisting that he is an honest, direct, plain-spoken man, not a deceptive, fawning flatterer. Cassius claims Brutus has no reason to be suspicious of him.

Que-5:   How does Brutus portray himself to be truly concerned about the present condition prevailing in Rome?

Ans:  Brutus shows he is concerned not just for his own reputation but for the greater good of Rome. He would prefer being a common citizen of Rome to accepting tyranny or dictatorship. This makes him seem truly principled and caring about his country’s fate.

BRUTUS – What means this shouting?  ….. …. …. you would not have it so.

Que-1:  Why are Brutus and Cassius alone together at this time while the festivities are on?

Ans: Brutus and Cassius are alone together at this moment because they have stayed behind in Rome while the rest of the citizens are out celebrating Caesar’s recent military victory over Pompey. There is a festive parade going on that they are avoiding.

Que-2:   Why is Brutus not in favors of Caesar becoming king?

Ans:  Brutus does not favor Caesar becoming king because it would destroy the Roman republic and its democratic institutions, putting all power in one man’s hands. Brutus cherishes the liberties and freedoms of Rome, which he believes kingship would extinguish.

Que-3:  What two weaknesses of Caesar does Cassius highlight to Brutus?

Ans:  Cassius highlights two of Caesar’s weaknesses to Brutus – his inability to swim across a rushing Tiber river, and his susceptibility to fever and fits. Cassius uses these examples to portray Caesar as weak and unfit to rule Rome

Que-4: How does Cassius compare the names of ‘Brutus’ and ‘Cassius’ to that of the name of ‘Caesar’?

Ans: Cassius points out that the name Brutus is just as honorable and noble as the name Caesar. The founder of the Roman republic was the heroic Lucius Junius Brutus, so Cassius argues Brutus comes from an equally great lineage and family reputation as Caesar.

Que-5: Brutus comments “I do fear”. What does the word ‘fear’ signify? How does Cassius interpret the word ‘fear’ to judge Brutus mind?

Ans:  When Brutus says “I do fear,” it shows he is genuinely worried about the prospect of Caesar gaining authoritarian power. Cassius interprets Brutus’s use of the word “fear” as a sign that Brutus would strongly oppose Caesar becoming king, and could be recruited into the developing conspiracy.

I, as Aeneas, our great ancestor,  ……… …….. ……  from the waves of Tiber

Que-1:  Who speaks these lines? Who was Aeneas?

Ans: These boastful lines are spoken by Cassius. Aeneas was a legendary hero of Troy who escaped the destruction of the city while bearing his elderly father Anchises on his shoulders.

Que-2:  Why does Cassius compare himself to Aeneas?

Ans: Cassius compares himself to the heroic Aeneas in order to exaggerate and glorify his own actions. He wants to portray himself as a great savior who is rescuing Rome from Caesar’s tyranny, just as Aeneas rescued his father and the Trojan ancestral spirits from Troy’s downfall.

Que-3: Who is this ‘man’ referred to in the fourth line of the extract? What grudge does the speaker bear against this ‘man’?

Ans:  The “man” referred to scornfully in the fourth line is Julius Caesar, who Cassius greatly resents and envies. Cassius bears a bitter personal grudge against Caesar’s power and popularity.

Que-4:  How does the speaker compare this man to God?

Ans:  With heavy sarcasm and irony, Cassius compares Caesar to an immortal god in order to mock Caesar’s arrogance and ambition. Cassius sees Caesar as merely a mortal man who has unjustly made himself into a deity.

Que-5:  What does this speech reveal about the speaker?

Ans:   This hyperbolic, boastful speech reveals Cassius’s deep jealousy and hatred of Caesar. It shows his obsession with Caesar and willingness to violently conspire against him.

BRUTUS- That you do love me,  … …. … I shall recount hereafter

Que-1: What does the word ‘jealous’ mean in the extract?

Ans: In this extract, the word “jealous” means “suspicious.” Brutus is saying he does not distrust or doubt Cassius’s expressions of affection for him.

Que-2:  Brutus is aware of Cassius’ motive. What is the motive?

Ans:  Brutus seems aware that Cassius’s underlying motive is to recruit him into joining the developing conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar. That is why Cassius is so earnestly courting Brutus’s friendship.

Que-3: What does Brutus assure Cassius of after the extract that makes Cassius ‘glad’?

Ans:  After the extract, Brutus assures Cassius that he will consider what Cassius has said. This response makes Cassius glad, as he feels he is making headway in persuading Brutus.

Que-4:  Who enters after the extract?

Ans:  Shortly after this extract, Casca enters the scene and interrupts the conversation between Brutus and Cassius.

Que-5: Who does Cassius decide to ‘pluck’? Why?

Ans:  Based on his blunt conversation with Casca, Cassius decides he wants to “pluck” or recruit Casca into the conspiracy against Caesar as well. Cassius thinks Casca’s cynical, sarcastic attitude can be useful to the plot.

CAESAR-Let me have men ….. …… …. such men are dangerous.

Que-1: Who does Caesar address these words to? How does this person try to assure Caesar not to fear?

Ans:  Caesar addresses these critical words about Cassius to Mark Antony. Antony tries to reassure Caesar by insisting that Cassius is a noble Roman, not a danger.

Que-2: How is Caesar not convinced?

Ans:  Caesar is not convinced by Antony’s reassurances. He remains distrustful of Cassius’s motivations and ambitions.

Que-3:  What reasons does Caesar give for fearing the person in question?

Ans:   Caesar gives two reasons for his wariness about Cassius – that he has a “lean and hungry look,” and that he “thinks too much.” Caesar believes these traits make Cassius willing to undermine him.

Que-4:  Which weakness of Caesar is shown after the extract?

Ans: After this extract, Caesar ignores the warnings of a soothsayer about the Ides of March, showing Caesar’s superstitious weakness and egotism.

Que-5:  How is Caesar shown to be far-sighted and wise in his judgement of character?

Ans:  Caesar shows great insight and judgement of character in accurately identifying Cassius as cunning, sly and ambitious. His assessment of Cassius as a scheming, dangerous threat will prove correct.

BRUTUS – Ay, Casca; tell us  …. …. …. what had chanced.

Que-1:   What had changed that day as described by Casca?

Ans:  Casca describes several alarming incidents that happened that day – Antony offering Caesar a crown three times, Caesar refusing it reluctantly, and Caesar then suffering a fit and collapsing in public.

Que-2:  In what way was the incident a ‘mere foolery’? Give three instances.

Ans:  The whole incident with the crown was foolishness in three ways – Caesar clearly wanted the crown but pantomimed refusing it; the fickle crowd cheered or jeered based on Caesar’s reactions; and Casca calls the coronet just a flimsy ornament.

Que-3:  What information did Casca give about Flavius and Marullus?

Ans:  Casca also told Brutus and Cassius that the tribunes Marullus and Flavius were silenced and removed from power for removing ceremonial scarves from Caesar’s statues.

Que-4: What is Brutus’ assessment of Casca when he leaves? How does Cassius contradict Brutus about his assessment?

Ans:  Based on his coarse language and cynical attitude, Brutus sees Casca as a rude, blunt commoner. However, Cassius contradicts this assessment, saying Casca is actually clever and perceptive, and should be recruited into the conspiracy

Que-5:  How does Cassius judge Brutus’ character at the end of the scene? What do you think of Cassius from this judgement?

Ans: By the end of the scene, Cassius judges Brutus to have an honorable character and noble motives, unlike himself. But he thinks Brutus’s virtues can be manipulated into opposing Caesar for the greater good of Rome. This shows Cassius’s cunning political mind.

–:  End of Julius Caesar Act-1 Scene-2 Context Question: ICSE Class 9 Workbook Solutions   :–

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