Nervous System and Sense Organs Class-10 Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Biology Solutions Ch-10

The Nervous System and Sense Organs Class-10 Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Biology Solutions Ch-10. We Provide Solutions of Test yourself , MCQs, Very Short Answer, Short Answer of Exercise-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs .  All solutions are given as council prescribe guideline for next upcoming exam. Visit official Website CISCE  for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10 Biology.

Ch-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Class-10 Biology Solutions

Board ICSE
Publications Goyal Brothers publications
Subject  Biology
Class 10th
Writer Dr. K.K. Aggrawal
Chapter-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs
Topics Solutions of Test yourself, MCQ, Very short and Short Answer Questions
Edition for 2022-2023 Academic Session

Test Yourself-1

Ch-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Class-10 Biology Solutions


A. Name the following :

(i) Neurons convey impulse from receptor to the brain.

(ii) Neurons connecting sensory and motor neuron.

(iii) Inflammation of the meninge.

(iv) Matter present in the inner portion of cerebrum.

(v) A band of nerve fibre present between two cerebral hemispheres

Answer :

(i) Sensory neurons

(ii) Interneurons.

(iii) Meningitis

(iv) White matter

(v) corpus callosum

B. Mention if the following statements are True/False:

(i) Spinal cord conducts both sensory as well as motor responses.

(ii) Olfactory nerve s a sensory nerve.

(iii) Grey mater of cerebrum is composed of axons of the neurons

(iv) Medula oblongata maintains equilibrium.

(v) Peristaltic reflexes are the examples of simple reflexes.

Answer :

(i) True

(ii) True

(iii) True

(iv) False

(v) False

Test Yourself-2

Ch-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Class-10 Biology Solutions


A. Fill in the blanks :

(i) Yellow spot of eye is also known as ….macula lutea.……….

(ii) No image is formed in …...Blind Spot.…………

(iii) They are photoreceptor cells ……..Rod and Cone………

(iv) Pigment present in cone cell is …..Rhodopsin.………..

(v) inner nervous coat of eye ball is ……the retina…………..

B. Mention if the following statements are true  or false :

(i) Ciliary muscles change the thickness of the lenis when focusing.

(ii) The conjunctiva covers the entire front part of the eye.

(iii) Rods are responsibleftor colour vision.

(v) Blind spot is also called fovea centralis

(v) Astigmatism is corrected by using biconvex lens

Answer :

(i)   true  

(ii) True

(iii) True

(iv) False

(v) False

Test Yourself-3

Ch-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Class-10 Biology Solutions


A. Write the functions of following :

(i) Ear ossicle

(ii) Semicircular canals

(iii) Cochlea

(iv) Eustachain tube

Answer :

(i) These three ossicles connect the tympanic membrane to the inner ear allowing for the transmission of sound waves. The main function of the middle ear is to transmit the sound waves from the external environment to the inner ear

(ii) Your semicircular canals are three tiny, fluid-filled tubes in your inner ear that help you keep your balance. When your head moves around, the liquid inside the semicircular canals sloshes around and moves the tiny hairs that line each canal

(iii) Your semicircular canals are three tiny, fluid-filled tubes in your inner ear that help you keep your balance. When your head moves around, the liquid inside the semicircular canals sloshes around and moves the tiny hairs that line each canal

(iv) The eustachian tube (pharyngotympanic tube) connects the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx. It aerates the middle ear system and clears mucus from the middle ear into the nasopharynx.

B. Write in proper sequence, the names of all the parts of the human ear through which sound waves move.


  • External or outer ear, consisting of: Pinna or auricle. This is the outside part of the ear. …
  • Tympanic membrane (eardrum). The tympanic membrane divides the external ear from the middle ear.
  • Middle ear (tympanic cavity), consisting of: Ossicles. …
  • Inner ear, consisting of: Cochlea


Ch-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Class-10 Biology Solutions



1. The part of the human eye where rod cells and cone cells are located is the

(a) Retina

(b) Cornea

(d) Sclera

(c) Choroid

Answer : (a) Retina

2. A reflex arc in man is best described as movement of stimuli from

(a) Receptor cell, sensory neuron, relaying neuron, effector muscles.

(b) Receptor cell, efferent nerve, relaying neuron, muscles of the body.

(c) Receptor cell, spinal cord, motor reuron relaying neuron

(d) Receptor cell, synapse, motor neuron, relaying neuron.

Answer : (a) Receptor cell, sensory neuron, relaying neuron, effector muscles.

3. Which of the following is not a natural reflex action?

(a) Knee-jerk

(b) Blinking of eyes due to strong light

(c) Salivation at the sight of food

(d) Sneezing when any irritant enters the nose

Answer : (d) Sneezing when any irritant enters the nose

4. The ventral root ganglion of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of the

(a) Motor neuron

(b) Sensory neuron

(c) Intermediate neuron

(d) Association neuron

Answer :

5. The cerebral hemispheres in mammals are connected by

(a) corpus luteum

(b) Hypothalamus

(c) Pons varolli

(d) Corpus collosum

Answer : (d) Corpus collosum

6. A point of contact between two neurons is termed

(a) Synapsis

(b) Neuro motor junction

(c) Synapse

(d) Piameter

Answer : (c) Synapse

7. The photoreceptor cells of the retina sensitive to colour are

(a) Cones

(b) Rods

(c) Organ of Corti

(d) Pigments

Answer : (a) Cones

8. Which one of the following is mainly associated with the maintenance of the posture?

(a) Cerebrum

(b) Cerebellum

(c) Thalamus

(d) Pons

Answer : (b) Cerebellum

9. The part of eye which is grafted in a needy patient from a donated eye, is

(a) Choroid

(b) Sclera

(c) Cornea

(d) Iris

Answer :(c) Cornea


Ch-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Class-10 Biology Solutions


Question 1. Name the following :

(i) The fluid present between the layers of meninges.

(ii) Protective coverings located around the human brain and spinal cord.

(iii) The change in an organism resulting due to stimulus.

(iv) A fluid that occupies the larger cavity of the eyeball behind the lens.

(v) A neurotransmitter stored at the terminal end of the axon.

(vi) The internal layer of the eye which prevents reflection of light.

(vii) Structure that carries visual stimuli from retina to the brain.

(viii) The cell body of a nerve cell.

(ix) An Antiseptic substance present in tears.

(x) The part of the brain associated with memory

(xi) The ear ossicle which is attached to the tympanum.

(xii) The nerve that transmits impulses from the ear to the brain.

Answer :

(i) Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

(ii) meninges

(iii) response

(iv) vitreous humour

(v) acetylcholine

(vi) Choroid.

(vii) Optic nerve

(viii) soma, or perikaryon

(ix) lysozyme, lactoferrin, lipocalin

(x) The part of the brain associated with memory

(xi) The malleus

(xii) auditory nerve

Question 2. Complete the following statements by choosing the correct alternative out of those given in brackets:

(i) Calcium carbonate particles present in endolymph are called ….Otoliths……….  (otolith/ampullae/cochlea)

(ii) The largest region of the brain is …....cerebellum…….. (cerebellum/cerebrum/medulla)

(iii) Our tongue can perceive ………...four basic tastes..…….. (one basic taste/two basic tastes/four basic tastes/eight basic tastes)

(iv) The type of lens used to correct myopia is …..concave………. (concave/convex)

Question 3. Give the technical/biological term for the following :

(i) The eye defect caused due to the shortening of the eyeball from front to back.

(ii) The fluid that provides protection and nourishment to the cells of the brain.

(iii) Eye defect occurring in old people whereby they are unable to see near objects.

(iv) The point of contact between two neurons.

(v) Protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.

(vi) An eye defect in which the cornea becomes uneven.

(vii) The photosensitive pigment present in the cone cells of the retina.

(viii) The fluid present in the anterior part in front of the eye lens.

(ix) Inflammation of meninges.

(x) A thin membrane covering the entire front part of the eye.

(xi) The lens of eye losing flexibility resulting in a kind of long-sightedness in middle aged people.

(xii) The part of the brain that carries impulses from one hemisphere of the cerebellum to the other.

Answer :

(i) hyperopia.

(ii) cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

(iii) Hypermetropia.

(iv) synapse

(v) meninges

(vi) Astigmatism

(vii) Iodopsin

(viii) Aqueous Humour.

(ix) Meningitis

(x)  the cornea

(xi) Presbyopia Eye lens

(xii) pons varoli

Question 4. Mention if the following statements are True/False. if false, rewrite the wrong ones in the correct form by changing only the words printed in bold face:

(i) Cones enable us to see three primary colours.

(ii) Cranial nerves arise from the brain.

(iii) Rods are responsible for vision in the dark.

(iv) All voluntary actions are controlled by the cerebellum.

(v) Dilation of the pupil is brought about by the sympathetic nervous system.

Answer :

(i) False, Rods enable us to see three primary colours.

(ii) False, Cranial nerves arise from the Cranium

(iii) False, Cone are responsible for vision in the dark.

(iv) False,  All voluntary actions are controlled by the cerebrum

(v) True


Ch-10 The Nervous System and Sense Organs Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Class-10 Biology Solutions


Question 1. Define:

(i) Reflex action

(ii) Power of accommodation

(iii) Vitreous humour

(iv) Stereoscopic vision

(v) Cataract

(vi) Lacrimal gland

Answer :

(i) Reflex action is a rapid and automatic response to a stimulus. It is not under the voluntary control of the brain. For example, if we unknowingly touch a hot plate, we immediately move our hand away from it. (b) The path travelled by an impulse during a reflex action is called a reflex arc.

(ii) Power of accommodation is the ability of the eye lens to focus near and far objects clearly on the retina by adjusting its focal length. Power of accommodation of the eye is limited. It implies the focal length of the eye lens cannot be reduced beyond certain minimum limit.

(iii) The vitreous gel of the human eye, also called the vitreous humor, is the largest structure within the eye, constituting about 80% of its volume. The vitreous is a clear gel that maintains the shape of the eye and provides a clear space for light pass through to reach the retina

(iv) Taken literally, stereoscopic vision describes the ability of the visual brain to register a sense of three-dimensional shape and form from visual inputs. In current usage, stereoscopic vision often refers uniquely to the sense of depth derived from the two eyes

(v) A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. For people who have cataracts, seeing through cloudy lenses is a bit like looking through a frosty or fogged-up window

(vi) The lacrimal gland is located within the orbit above the lateral end of the eye. It continually releases fluid which cleanses and protects the eye’s surface as it lubricates and moistens it. These lacrimal secretions are commonly known as tears.

Question 2.State one difference between following pairs on the basis of what is indicated in the bracket :

(i) Rods and cones. (Pigment present)

(ii) Cerebrum and spinal cord. (Arrangement of nerve cells)

(iii) Dynamic balance and static balance. (definition)

(iv) Myopia and hypermetropia, (condition of eyeball)

(v) Spinal nerves and cranial nerves. (Number of nerves)

(vi) Near vision and distant vision. (shape of the eye lens)

(vii) Semicircular and cochlea. (sense)

Answer :

(i) Rods are responsible for vision at low light levels (scotopic vision). They do not mediate color vision, and have a low spatial acuity. Cones are active at higher light levels (photopic vision), are capable of color vision and are responsible for high spatial acuity. The central fovea is populated exclusively by cones.

(ii) Axons are placed in inner portion whereas cytons are placed in outer portion of brain but in spinal cord, axons are placed in outer side and cell bodies/cytons are placed in the inner portions

(iii) Static balance is our ability to hold our body in a specific position and posture while dynamic balance is our ability to maintain balance while moving our body and walking.


Causes Due to elongated eyeball or due to the curved cornea. Due to the flattened eyeball or short eyeball.

(v) In humans 12 pairs, the cranial nerves, are attached to the brain, and, as a rule, 31 pairs, the spinal nerves, are attached to the spinal cord

(vi) The shape of the lens during (1) near vision is flattened (2) distant vision is rounded or more convex.

(vii) The inner ear can be thought of as two organs: the semicircular canals which serve as the body’s balance organ and the cochlea which serves as the body’s microphone, converting sound pressure impulses from the outer ear into electrical impulses which are passed on to the brain via the auditory nerve.

Question 3. Mention the location and function of the following:

(i) Neurotransmitters

(ii) Cerebrospinal fluid

(iii) Pinna

(iv) Iris of the eye

(v) Eustachian tube

(vi) Myelin Sheath

(vii) Suspensory ligaments of the eye

(viii) Incus

Answer :

(i)  Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the body. Their job is to transmit signals from nerve cells to target cells. These target cells may be in muscles, glands, or other nerves

(ii) Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colourless liquid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. While the primary function of CSF is to cushion the brain within the skull and serve as a shock absorber for the central nervous system

(iii) The outer ear is called the pinna and is made of ridged cartilage covered by skin. Sound funnels through the pinna into the external auditory canal, a short tube that ends at the eardrum (tympanic membrane)

(iv) The colored tissue at the front of the eye that contains the pupil in the center. The iris helps control the size of the pupil to let more or less light into the eye.

(v) The eustachian tube (pharyngotympanic tube) connects the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx. It aerates the middle ear system and clears mucus from the middle ear into the nasopharynx. Opening and closing functions of the eustachian tube are physiologically and pathologically important

(vi) Myelin is an insulating layer, or sheath that forms around nerves, including those in the brain and spinal cord. It is made up of protein and fatty substances. This myelin sheath allows electrical impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently along the nerve cells. If myelin is damaged, these impulses slow down

(vii)  a ligament or fibrous membrane suspending an organ or part especially : a ringlike fibrous membrane connecting the ciliary body and the lens of the eye and holding the lens in place

(viii) The incus or anvil is a bone in the middle ear. The anvil-shaped small bone is one of three ossicles in the middle ear. The incus receives vibrations from the malleus, to which it is connected laterally, and transmits these to the stapes medially

Question 4. Write briefly about the following:

(i) Throat infections can lead to ear Infections.

(ii) The hand automatically shows the direction to turn a cycle without thinking.

(iii) Injury to the medulla oblongata results in death.

(iv) Power of accommodation of the eye.

(v) A person after consuming alcohol walks clumsily

(vi) One feels blinded for a short time while coming out of a dark room

(vii) We cannot distinguish colours in moonlight.

Answer :

(i) Strep throat is a contagious infection caused by a group of bacteria. Strep throat can cause a very painful sore throat that comes on very quickly. Sometimes, the bacteria from a throat infection can travel into the eustachian tubes and middle ear, causing an ear infection.

(ii) The process by which certain muscles (called ciliary muscles) function, to change the focal length of the eyes so that the image is clearly formed on the retina is called the accommodation of the eye. This will vary for near and distant objects and also for objects moving away or towards the eye

(iii) The medulla oblongata controls involuntary functions such as heart beat, rate of respiration, secretion of saliva, gut peristalsis etc. Injury to the medulla oblongata may stop important activities such as heart beat, respiration etc. This results in death.

(iv)  The power of accommodation is the ability of the eye to focus on distant as well as nearby objects by changing the focal length of lens. This focal length of eyes is changed with the help of ciliary muscles.

(v) A drunk person walks clumsily because, due to the effect of alcohol, the cerebellum is unable to coordinate muscular movements properly

(vi) When we move into a dark room from bright light the eyes need time to adjust and the iris muscles need time to dilate the pupils so that more light can enter the eye. So, in that duration when the eye muscles are trying to adjust the eyes to the amount of light we feel blinded.

(vii) In dim light colours cannot be distinguished because the rod cells are working in dim light but they do not detect colours. Cone cells detect colours but they do not work in dim light like that of moon.

— : End of The Nervous System and Sense Organs Class-10 Goyal Brothers Prakashan ICSE Biology Solutions  :–

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