Tissues in Plants Class-7th Goyal Brothers Prakashan Biology Solutions

Tissues in Plants Class-7th Goyal Brothers ICSE Biology Solutions Chapter-1 Tissue. We Provide Step by Step Answers of Objectives,  Fill in the blanks , Definitions , Match the followings and Short/Long Question Type answers of Chapter-1, Unit 1, Tissues in Plants. Visit official Website  CISCE  for detail information about ICSE Board Class-7.

Tissues in Plants ICSE Class-7th

Goyal Brothers Biology Solutions Chapter-1, Unit-2

Board ICSE
Class 7th
Subject Biology
Book Name Goyal Brothers
Chapter-1 Tissue
Unit-1 Tissues in Plants
Topic Solution of exercise questions
Session 2023-24

Tissues in Plants ICSE Class-7th Goyal Brothers

I. Multiple Choice Questions. Tick(√ ) the correct choice.

1. Tissues found in growing regions of plants are

(a) Meristematic tissues

(b) Complex tissues

(c) Simple tissues

(d) Permanent tissues

Ans:(a) Meristematic tissues

2. Meristematic tissues have

(a) Small, thin-walled cells rich in cytoplasm

(b) Small, thin-walled cells

(c) Dead cells

(d) Cells which can divide for a short period

Ans:(a) Small, thin-walled cells rich in cytoplasm

3. Sclerenchyma is a

(a) Thick-walled tissue consisting of dead cells

(b) Thick-walled tissue consisting of living cells

(c) Thin-walled, living cells

(d) None of the above

Ans:(a) Thick-walled tissue consisting of dead cells

4. Vascular tissues in a plant are

(a) Xylem and phloem

(b) Xylem, phloem and epidermis

(c) Only Xylem

(d) Only Phloem

Ans:(a) Xylem and phloem

5. Xylem is a

(a) Thin-walled tissue

(b) Vascular tissue

(c) Dermal tissue

(d) Simple permanent tissue

Ans:(b) Vascular tissue

II. Fill In The Blanks :

  1. Cells are living, elongated and thickened at the corners in _collenchyma_ tissue.
  2. Xylem and phloem constitute _vascular_ tissue in a plant body.
  3. Water moves upward inside the plant body through _Xylem_ tissue.
  4. Movement of food material in the plant body takes place through _phloem_ tissue.
  5. Cells of _meristematic_ tissue bring about increase in plant length.

III. Differentiate between the following:

1. Parenchyma and collenchyma

Parenchyma Collenchyma
1. Cell wall is relatively thin 1. The cell wall is irregularly thickened at the corners.
2. The cells in the parenchyma tissues are loosely packed. 2. There is very little space between the cells.
3. It is present in the softer parts of the plants. 3. It is present in the growing stems and leaves, providing mechanical support.


2. Collenchyma and sclerenchyma

Collenchyma Sclerenchyma
1.It is consist of thick-walled tissue consisting of living cells. 1. It is consist of thick-walled tissue consisting of dead cells.
2. It is present in the growing stems and leaves. 2. It is found in hard parts of the plant body.
3.  It provide Mechanical support to the plant parts. 3. It provide strength to the plant parts.


4. Simple and complex tissues.

Simple tissues Complex tissues
1. It is composed of similar cells. 1. It is composed of different types of cells.
2. It occurs in all parts of plant. 2. It occurs only in vascular region.
3. Example: Parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma. 3. Example: Xylem and Phloem.

IV. Find the odd-one out, giving reasons:

1. Xylem, Collenchyma, Parenchyma, Sclerenchyma

Reason: Others are the type of simple permanent tissue

2. Vessels, Companion cells, Sieve tubes, Collenchyma

Reason: Others are the part of plant transport systems.

V. Name the tissue found in the following:

1. Tips of root and stem

Answer: Meristematic tissue

2. Surface of roots

Answer: Dermal tissue

3. Mango peel

Answer: Collenchyma

VI. Which of the following statements are true(T) and which ones are false(F)? Mark T or F :

  1. Meristematic cells are small and thin-walled. [T]
  2. Cells of the permanent tissues lack the property of division . [T]
  3. Permanent tissue is an immature tissue. [F]
  4. Xylem tissue is made of sieve tubes. [F]
  5. Sclerenchyma consists of thick-walled dead cells. [T]
  6. Phloem is a complex tissue. [T]

VII. Answer the following questions :

Question 1 :- Mention the main characteristics of meristematic tissues. []

Answer: The main characteristics of meristematic tissues are:-

  • The cells are small.
  • The cells are thin-walled.
  • The cells are rich in cytoplasm with large prominent nuclei.
  • The cells lack spaces between them.
  • They divide actively, adding to the growth.

Question 2 :- Where do we find the meristematic tissue in plants?

Answer: These are present in the growing regions – the tip of the root and the tip of the stem.

Question 3:- What is the function of meristematic tissue ?

Answer: The functions of meristematic tissues is that the cells of the meristematic tissue divide actively to form specialized structures such as buds of leaves and flowers, tips of roots and shoots, etc. These cells help to increase the length and girth of the plant.

Question 4:- Name the different types of plant tissues.

Answer: Plant tissue systems fall into one of two general types: meristematic tissue, and permanent (or non-meristematic) tissue.

Question 5:- Where are stomata present in a plant cell?

Answer:  In all green plants, stomata are found in the epidermis of leaves, stems, and other parts.

Question 6:- What is the function of stomata?

Answer: The function of stomata is to exchange the gases by closing and opening the pores in the leaves.

Question 7:- Name the tissue which takes part in the movement of water and minerals in the body.

Answer: Xylem tissue consists of a variety of specialized, water-conducting cells known as tracheary elements.


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