CISCE Exam Preparation Tips: Effective Strategy for Study Plan

CISCE Exam Preparation Tips: Effective Strategy for Study Plan for session 2022-23 session. The ICSE date sheet for 2023 board exam as well as ISC date sheet for 2023 has been released by CISCE on 1st of December.

CISCE Exam Preparation Tips Effective Strategy

Now student feels much pressure and anxiety over exam issue. Therefore we are giving some effective tips for better preparation of your board exam.

CISCE Exam Preparation Tips: Effective Strategy for Study Plan

It is easy to say but difficult in reality to make a effective study plan. One Plan can not be adopted to all student due to nature , timing, family atmosphere and health.

Even we are giving common tips for preparation of exam. follow these tips as strictly as possible.

Revision Time Table

Prepare a revision time table in reverse order of your date sheet . Without a blue print for a plan you can not get the expected result in any field.

 Prepare Summary Notes

Learning / studying orally without written on notes favors for forget soon. Therefore you should prepare a summery notes subject wise / chapter wise. Psychologist said that written material stay for a longer into your mind than orally reading.

Eco Friendly Study Table / Room

Atmosphere play an important role to do a project more successfully in better way. Hence your study room table should be totally eco friendly with revision date sheet and important formula chart. All books organize in a almirah near study table. Fix chart of formula, periodic table in your room on wall.

Create group Discussion

The group discussion is the indirect test to memories your topics in more effective ways. you can guess your weakness to improve it.

Giving Online / Offline Test Frequently

Giving Online / Offline Test Frequently is also very important. This increase your confidence level in positive manner. It is also gives an idea about the answer format in descriptive type questions.

Strong Will Power

This is the most effective and turning point of your preparation strategy. A strong will power enhance the result of any target. Therefore develop a very strong will power into your mind.

Develop Competition with Class mate

Psychologist suggest that creating competitions with other is also a best factor to achieve your goal. It is a type of addiction which gives you a positive strategy to perform better than ever.

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2 thoughts on “CISCE Exam Preparation Tips: Effective Strategy for Study Plan”

  1. Firstly why exams on 13th February? All other boards have exams in March? Are ISC students robots that they don’t need time to prepare. Why board creating so much pressure on kids by keeping such early exams? We parents can create positive atmosphere but what is council doing!!! Aren’t they playing a role in increasing stress on our kids


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