Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-3 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 Eng Drama

Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-3 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 English Drama. Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evaluation of skill among students . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10 English.

Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-3 Context Questions ICSE Class 10 Eng Drama

Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-3 Context Questions: ICSE Class 10 English Drama

Board ICSE
Subject English
Class 10
Book Name Julius Caesar
Session  2024-25
Topics  Act-5, Scene-3
Question Type Context Questions

Julius Caesar Act-5 Scene-3 Context Questions

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

(Evergreen Workbook Context Questions)

CASSIUS-Go Pindarus, get higher on that hill …… …..  CASSIUS- What news

Que-1:  What does Cassius ask Pindarus to do? Who is Pindarus?

Ans: Cassius asked Pindarus to ascend upon hill to observes, specifically  Titinius’ situation among distant troops. Pindarus is a slave of Cassius, who had been saved by Cassius from death in Parthia and is thus deeply obligated to him.

Que-2:  After the exit of Pindarus, what does Cassius say about himself?

Ans:  Cassius reflects on the significance of the day, noting it as both the beginning and the potential end of his life. He acknowledges that the cycle of his life has come full circle: “This day I breathèd first — time is come round, And where I did begin, there shall I end. My life is run his compass.”

Que-3:  What news has Pindarus already brought? What is Cassius’ reaction on hearing the news?

Ans:  Pindarus reports that Titinius is surrounded by horsemen who seem to be attacking him, which leads Cassius to mistakenly believe that Titinius has been captured.

Cassius reacts with despair and determination, concluding that it’s better to die than to witness the capture or loss of his close friend: “O coward that I am, to live so long, To see my best friend taken before my face!” This despair leads him to decide on suicide as the course of action.

Que-4:  Why is the day significant to Cassius apart from being his ‘birthday’ the day he was born?

Ans: The day is significant to Cassius not only because it is his birthday but also because he sees it as a full circle of his life, from its start to its end. He believes that the day he was born is now the day he will die, marking a complete cycle of his existence.

Que-5:  What had Cassius earlier advised Brutus in the play to prove that this tragedy could be prevented? Cassius disagreed with Cassius?

Ans:  One significant piece of advice was his disagreement with Brutus over the strategy to engage Antony and Octavius’ forces. Cassius had preferred more cautious approaches at times, including the debate over whether to march to Philippi or wait for the enemy to come to them. The tragedy unfolds partly because of strategic errors and misjudgments, including Brutus’ overeagerness and mistaken beliefs about the battlefield situation.

MESSALA – Mistrust of good success  … … … The things that are not?

Que-1:  What was the ‘mistrust’ of good success? What error did Cassius make? How did his pessimism lead to his suicide?

Ans: This phrase refers to Cassius’ incorrect interpretation of the events on the battlefield, particularly his misreading of Titinius’ situation based on Pindarus’ report.

Cassius’ error was his hasty conclusion that Titinius had been captured  which was a result of his misunderstanding of the shouts of joy as signals of Titinius’ demise.

This led him to decide on suicide, believing his cause was lost and wishing not to live to see the complete defeat of his side.

Que-2:  Why is Pindarus called for? Who leaves the scene? Why?

Ans:    Cassius called Pindarus to act of killing himself, as per an earlier oath Pindarus had taken to serve Cassius even to the extent of assisting in his suicide if required.

After killing Cassius, Pindarus leaves the scene, claiming his freedom but also expressing a wish to flee far from any Roman’s notice, carrying the burden of having killed his master.

Que-3:  What does Titinius do to himself? Why?

Ans:   finding Cassius dead Titinius is overcome with grief and guilt,  believing that Cassius’ misunderstanding and subsequent suicide were due to the misinterpretation of the situation involving Titinius.

In his loyalty to Cassius, Titinius decides to kill himself with the same sword that Cassius used,

Que-4:  When Brutus enters the scene a little later, he refers to Julius Caesar. Why? What tribute does he pay to Cassius?

Ans: As soon as Brutus arrives and sees the bodies of Cassius and Titinius, he reflects on the on influence of Julius Caesar even after his death, suggesting that Caesar’s spirit is still powerful and impactful, leading to internal conflict and self-destruction among those who conspired against him.

Brutus pays tribute to Cassius by calling him “the last of all the Romans,” acknowledging his valor and the tragic end of a noble Roman. He expresses deep sorrow and vows to find time to mourn Cassius properly, indicating respect and loss.

BRUTUS-Are yet two Romans …… …… …….  Rome, should breed thy fellow.

Que-1:  Explain the line “The last of all the Romans”

Ans: “Phrase is a tribute paid by Brutus to Cassius, signifying Cassius as the epitome of Roman virtues and values, such as honor, bravery, and commitment to the Republic. Brutus implies that with Cassius’ death, the era of true Romans – those embodying the ideal qualities of Roman citizenship and character – has ended.

Que-2: About which two Romans is Brutus speaking about?

Ans: Brutus is speaking about Cassius and Titinius as exemplars of Roman virtue and valor, mourning their deaths as a significant loss to Rome and symbolizing the end of an era of noble Romans.

Que-3:  Where does Brutus send Cassius’ dead body? Why does he propose to send his body to that place?

Ans: Brutus send Cassius’ body to Thasos for burial. He proposes this to avoid holding the funeral in their camp, likely to prevent demoralizing their troops and to maintain morale in the face of upcoming battles. It reflects his concern for the welfare and spirit of his soldiers, as well as respect for Cassius.

Que-4:  What instructions are given by Brutus at the end of the scene?

Ans: , Brutus instructs his companions to prepare for another battle with the enemy. He orders Labeo and Flavius to set their battles on, indicating his determination to continue fighting despite the setbacks and the loss of Cassius.

Que-5:  How does this extract reveal an important aspect of Brutus’ character?

Ans: This extracts shows Brutus’ capacity for deep loyalty and respect for his comrades, his resilience in the face of adversity, and his commitment to the cause they are fighting for. Despite the tragic loss of Cassius and Titinius,. His actions and words demonstrate his leadership qualities, his moral integrity, and his dedication to Rome.

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