Linear Inequations Class-8 RS Aggarwal ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers

Linear Inequations Class-8 RS Aggarwal ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions Chapter-16. We provide step by step Solutions of Exercise / lesson-16 Linear Ineqations for ICSE Class-8  RS  Aggarwal Mathematics.

Our Solutions contain all type Questions of Exe-16 with Notes to develop skill and confidence. Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-8 Mathematics.

Board ICSE
Publications Goyal brothers Prakshan
Subject Maths
Class 8th
Chapter-16 Linear Inequations
Writer RS Aggrawal
Book Name Foundation
Topics Solution of Exe-16
Academic Session 2021-2022

Linear Inequations Class-8 RS Aggarwal ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions Chapter-16

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 Notes on Linear Inequations

EXE-16 ,

 Notes on Linear Inequations

A linear inequation is a statement of inequality between two expressions involving a single variable with the highest power of 1.

Replacement Set

The set from which the variable can take the values in an inequation is known as the replacement set or domain of the variable.

Solution Set.

The set of values of the variable taken from the replacement set, which satisfies the inequation, is called its solution set.

Law of Inequality

  1.  The sign of inequality remains the same, when the same number is added or subtracted on both the sides,
  2.  and when the inequation is multiplied or divided by the same positive number on both the sides.
  3. But The sign of inequality reverses when the same negative number multiplies or divides both the sides

 What is a linear inequality?

An inequality involving a linear function refers to a linear inequality. It resembles a linear equation, except that the inequality sign replaces the ‘=’, which we call linear inequations

What is the difference between linear equation and linear inequality?

The graph of linear inequalities consists of a dashed line if they are greater than or less than but not equal to. On the other hand, linear equations consist of a solid line in every condition. Furthermore, linear inequalities contain shaded regions while linear equations do not.

 How do you solve a linear inequality with absolute value?

An absolute value equation will have no solution if the absolute value expression will equal a negative number because an absolute value may never be negative. We can write an absolute value inequality as a compound inequality. This is applicable for all absolute value inequalities. You just need to replace > above with ≥ and < with ≤

Exe-16 Linear Inequations Class-8 RS Aggarwal ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions

(Page- 197-198)

Question 1:

If x ∈ { -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3}, find the solution set of each of the following inequations :

Question 2:

If x ∈ N, find the solution set of each of the following inequation :

Question 3:

If x ∈ Z, find the solution ………………………. number line .

Question 4:

Find the solution set of each of the following ………………. on the real number :


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