Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama.  Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evalution of skill among students . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Board ISC
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Macbeth
Session  2024-25
Topics Workbook Solutions of Act-3, Scene-1
Question Type Context Questions

Context Questions

Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

 Banquo: Thou hast it  … ..   father Of many kings.

Que-1: Who is Banquo speaking to? What prompts Banquo to begin having hopes of Kingship?

Ans: Banquo is speaking to himself. He thought that  forecast become true regarding Macbeth so he begin having hopes of Kingship.

Que-2: What does Banquo go on to say after the extract? What can you assess of Banquo’s character in what he says?

Ans: Banquo thinks about the forecast of witches and kingship He confuse between duty and temptation but finally saved him from such evil thought.

Que-3: How does Macbeth greet Banquo? What is the hypocrisy involved in the greeting of Macbeth?

Ans: Macbeth greets Banquo heartly, inviting him to a treat. This greeting is not real as Macbeth intention was to kill the Benquo

Que-4: What occasion does Macbeths nvite Banquo to? How genuine is Macbeth’s invitation? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: He invite inaguration to banquet. The invitation is not real, as Macbeth plans to kill Banquo.

Que-5: What are the three pertinent questions asked by Macbeth to Banquo? Why does Macbeth ask these questions?

Ans: Macbeth enquires Banquo evening plans, his tour and companions, and time. These questions help to prepare murder plan without missing.

We hear our bloody . .. … ..  state Craving us jointly.

(Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama)

Que-1: Who is Macbeth speaking to? Who are the bloody cousins?

Ans: Macbeth is speaking to Banquo,bloody cousins is referring to Malcolm and Donalbain.

Que-2: Why have the bloody cousins fled to England and Ireland?

Ans: The cousins ran to England and Ireland, seeking the risk and consequences of Duncan’s murder.

Que-3: What are the meanings of ‘bestow’d’ ‘parricide’ ‘strange invention’?

Ans: In this extract ‘Bestow’d’ means situated;  ‘parricide’means to the killing of a parent; while ‘strange invention’ tells false stories

Que-4: What does Macbeth wish for Banquo’s safety?

Ans: Macbeth expresses  Banquo’s safety, but true intentions was to murder him.

Que-5: How is the theme of appearance and reality shown in the scene?

Ans: appearance and reality shown in the scene are very common in this extract as Macbeth worries for safty of benquo hiding his real intention of murder.

Macbeth: Bring them before .. .. .. … To act in safety.

(Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama)

Que-1: Who is ‘them’? For what reason are they called by Macbeth.

Ans: ‘Here Them’ refers to the murderers  Macbeth called them to plan murder.

Que-2: Why does Macbeth fear Banquo?

Ans: Macbeth fears Banquo because of his good man bravery and wisdom, and the forecast about Banquo’s successor becoming kings, would be a treat for monopoly.

Que-3: What are Macbeth’s evil intentions towards Banquo? How does he carry them out?

Ans: Macbeth’s evil intentions towards Banquo was plan to murder him with sons to secure the king rank.

Que-4: Whose example with regard to fear does Macbeth cite when he confesses his fears regarding Banquo?

Ans: Macbeths compare with Caesar’s regarding fear when he fears about Banquo. He express his own fears with Caesar’s fearless nature.

Que-5: How did Banquo show his superiority over Macbeth? What does Macbeth deeply regret about himself?

Ans: Banquo shows his superiority at Macbeth by his great character and wisdom. Macbeth deeply regrets his own murderous deed

Your spirits shine through … … … …..  must be done tonight.

(Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions of Eng Drama)

Que-1: Explain the fines “Your spirits shine through you”.

Ans: “Your spirits shine through you” means that the confirm for reaction of the listeners are evident.

Que-2: Who is Macbeth speaking to? What instructions is Macbeth giving to the listeners?

Ans: He is speaking to the murderers. He is instructing them over plans of murder to Benqueo with his son.

Que-3: Whose removal from life is important to Macbeth? Why?

Ans: As Macbeth The removal of Banquo from life is important because of forecaste that Banquo successor would be the King.

Que-4: What is concluded for Banquo by Macbeth at the end of the scene?

Ans:   Macbeth concludes that Banquo must be kill is at any rate for safety.

Que-5:  How has Macbeth incited his listeners against their common enemy?

Ans: Macbeth prepare his listeners against Banquo telling that Banquo is their common enemy  manipulating them to conduct the deadly plan successfully.

— End of Macbeth Act-3 Scene-1 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Workbook Solutions :–

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