Macbeth Act-5 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Macbeth Act-5 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions.  Asking Context Questions are very common in English Drama because it help in the evaluation of skill among students . Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-12 English.

Macbeth Act-5 Scene-4 Context Questions ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Macbeth Act-5 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions

Board ISC
Subject English
Class 12
Book Name  Macbeth (Drama)
Session  2024-25
Topics Workbook Solutions of Act-5, Scene-4
Question Type Context Questions

Context Questions

(Macbeth Act-5 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions)

Que:  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow

Siward: What wood is this before us? ..  …..  .. ….. . … . Err in report of us.

Que-1:  How does the prophecy of the witches come true partially?

Ans: When Malcolm instructs each soldier to cut down a branch from the Birnam Wood and hold it before him to create confusion the army’s numbers and makes the spies’ reports erroneous, indirectly moving the forest towards Dunsinane as foretold, though in an unexpected manner then prophecy of the witches comes partially true.

Que-2:  Where are the speakers? What is his main hope?

Ans: In this extract of scene-4 of Act-5  the speaker, Malcolm is near Birnam Wood. His main intention is hiding the number of his soldiers by having them each carry a branch in front of them, thereby confusing the enemy regarding their true strength.

Que-3:  What do we learn of the plight of Macbeth?

Ans:  Macbeth is now isolated, with soldiers serving him only out of compulsion. He clings to the belief that he cannot be defeated until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane, unaware that his downfall is imminent as the forest symbolically ‘moves’ towards him.

Que-4:  What service is Macbeth getting from his soldiers?

Ans: Macbeth’s soldiers serve him under essentiality, indicating their lack of loyalty and zeal. This forced service spells doom for Macbeth, highlighting the depth of his isolation and the mildness of his power.

Que-5:  What sound advice does Siward give to Macduff at the end of the scene?

Ans: Near Birnam wood Siward advises soundly to Macduff for focus on their military efforts and to avoid engaging in speculative thoughts or guesswork about the outcome of their actions. He also tells the importance of taking proper military strategy.

— : End of Macbeth Act-5 Scene-4 Context Questions: ISC Class 12 Drama Workbook Solutions :–

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