Nootan Solutions Vibration of Stretched String ISC Physics Class-11 Ch-29

Nootan Solutions Vibration of Stretched String ISC Physics Class-11 Ch-29 Vol-2 Nageen Prakashan.  Step by step Solutions of Numericals of latest edition of Kumar and Mittal ISC Physics Part-2 Class-11 Nageen Prakashan Questions. Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ISC Board Class-11 Physics.

Nootan Solutions Vibration of Stretched String ISC Physics Class-11 Ch-29

Class: 11
Subject: Physics Part-2
Chapter: 29 Vibration of Stretched String
Board ISC
Writer / Publications Nootan / Nageen Prakashan / Kumar and Mittal
Topics Solved Numericals of page 1034, 1035

Nootan Solutions Vibration of Stretched String ISC Physics Class-11 Ch-29 Vol-2 Kumar and Mittal

Production of transverse stationary waves in stretched string :-

Let a string be fixed at its ends A and B . Let it be plucked at C in the middle [Fig]. A disturbance is produced.
When the string is left free, it moves downward and disturbances move towards ends A and B. These disturbances are reflected from the fixed ends A and B and travel back in the string. Along the string, incident and reflected disturbances (waves) get superposed. Their superposition produces stationary waves in the string. The stationary waves are transverse because the string moves from C to D and back from D to C, whereas waves travel along the string from A to B and B to A.

ISC Physics for Class-11 Solved chapter 29 img 2

Different modes of vibration of a strings

Nodes are produced at the fixed ends A and B, where displacement is zero and strain is maximum.

Antinode is produced in the middle (where the string was plucked) because there the displacement is maximum and strain is zero.
If the string be held at C and plucked at E—middle point of C and B [Fig. (c)] and then left free, it vibrates in two segments. Similarly, it can be made to vibrate in three segments [Fig. (d)]. Figs. (b), (c) and (d) represent different modes of vibration of a string.

Nodes and Anti nodes:

  • The opposite of a node is an anti node, a point where the amplitude of the standing wave is a maximum. These occur midway between the nodes.
  • A node is a point along with a standing wave where the wave has minimum amplitude.

Normal Mode:

A mass on a spring has one natural frequency at which it freely oscillates up and down. A stretched string with fixed ends can oscillate up and down with a whole spectrum of frequencies and patterns of vibration. These special “Modes of Vibration” of a string are called standing waves or normal modes.

Nootan Solutions Vibration of Stretched String ISC Physics Class-11 Ch-29

(Page 1034, 1035)

Question 1:

The fundamental ………………………………….. frequency.

Question 2:

The frequency …………………. of 144 N.

Question 3:

The mass of 1 metre ……………………………… modes.

Question 4:




Question 23:

A weight is ………………….. beginning.

Question 24:

A tuning fark ………………………… only ?


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