OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14. We Provide Step by Step Answer of Exe-14 with Self Evaluation and Revision of S Chand OP Malhotra Maths . Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10.
OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
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OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Circle and line in a plane :
For a circle and a line on a plane, there can be three possibilities.
i) they can be non-intersecting
ii) they can have a single common point: in this case, the line touches the circle.
ii) they can have two common points: in this case, the line cuts the circle.
Tangent :
A tangent to a circle is a line which touches the circle at exactly one point. For every point on the circle, there is a unique tangent passing through it.
Secant :
A secant to a circle is a line which has two points in common with the circle. It cuts the circle at two points, forming a chord of the circle.
A circle is a collection of all points in a plane which are at a constant distance from a fixed point.
The fixed point is called the centre.
The constant distance from the centre is called the radius.
A line segment joining any two points on a circle is called a chord.
A chord passing through the centre of the circle is called diameter. It is the longest chord.
When a line meets the circle at one point or two coincidings The line is known as points, a tangent.
The tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.
⇒ OP ⊥ AB
The lengths of the two tangents from an external point to a circle are equal.
⇒ AP = PB
Length of Tangent Segment
PB and PA are normally called the lengths of tangents from outside point P.
Properties of Tangent to Circle
Theorem 1: Prove that the tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.
Given: XY is a tangent at point P to the circle with centre O.
To prove: OP ⊥ XY
Construction: Take a point Q on XY other than P and join OQ
Proof: If point Q lies inside the circle, then XY will become a secant and not a tangent to the circle
This happens with every point on the line XY except the point P. OP is the shortest of all the distances of the point O to the points of XY
OP ⊥ XY …[Shortest side is the perpendicular]
Theorem 2: A line drawn through the end point of a radius and perpendicular to it, is the tangent to the circle.
Given: A circle C(O, r) and a line APB is perpendicular to OP, where OP is the radius.
To prove: AB is tangent at P.
Construction: Take a point Q on the line AB, different from P and join OQ.
Proof: Since OP ⊥ AB
OP < OQ ⇒ OQ > OP
The point Q lies outside the circle.
Therefore, every point on AB, other than P, lies outside the circle.
This shows that AB meets the circle at point P.
Hence, AP is a tangent to the circle at P.
Theorem 3: Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal
Given: PT and PS are tangents from an external point P to the circle with centre O.
To prove: PT = PS
Construction: Join O to P, T and S.
OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Question 1:
Fill up the blanks :
(i) O is the center of the circle .
Question 2:
In the figure O is the centre of the ……. Step of working.
Question 3:
Question 27:
In the figure AB = AC = CD, …………….. Calculate
(i) angle ABC
(ii) angle BEC
OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Question 1:
In the figure ……………. is a cyclic quadrilateral.
Question 2:
In the figure In a quad. ……………. Cyclic quad.
Question 3:
In the figure PQR is …………. QR || ST.
Question 4:
Question 12:
ABCD is a cyclic ………….. prove taht EF || DC.
Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Question 1:
(a) In figure …………… angle POQ
(b) In figure ………. fiond AC
(c) IN the figure ……………. angle QOR
Question 2:
In figure O is the center of the …………….. Find angle POS.
Question 3:
Question 10:
In figure P and Q ………….. Find AB
OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Question 1:
In figure PA and PB are ………………….. KN = AK + BN
Question 2:
In figure two ………….. point of contact.
Question 3:
Question 12:
PA and PB are tangent drawn ……………… angle APB = 2 angle CAB
Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Question 1:
In figure if AB and CD are two ………… such that
(i) A P = 8 cm ………….
(ii) AB = 12 cm …………..
(iii) AP = 6 cm ……………..
Question 2:
In the figure if AB and CD are two ………… Such that
Question 3:
Question 16:
In figure PB = BT and PT …………. prove that (i)………….. (ii)…………..
OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Question 1:
In figure PT is a tangent ……………. find angle ABT.
Question 2:
In figure TAS is a ……….. of x and y.
Question 3:
Question 10:
In the figure CD is ………………. triangle DCA
OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Question 1:
Using ruler and …………. one of them.
Question 2:
Draw a tangent to a circle …………. a given line.
Question 3:
Question 16:
Draw a regular ………….. a circle on it.
Self Evaluation And Revision
OP Malhotra Circle Class-10 S.Chand ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-14
Question 1:
(a) In the figure Chord ……….. length of CD.
(b) In the given figure AB is a ……… your answer.
Question 2:
Question 28:
Draw a line AB = 5 cm …………………… construct
(i) A circle of ……….. A and C
(ii) Construct two tangents to …………… of the tangents.
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