Probability Class 10 OP Malhotra Exe-20A ICSE Maths Solutions

Probability Class 10 OP Malhotra Exe-20A ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-20 questions as latest prescribe guideline for upcoming exam. In this article you would learn how to solve Probability Questions easily. Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10 Mathematics.

Probability Class 10 OP Malhotra Exe-20A ICSE Maths Solutions

Probability Class 10 OP Malhotra Exe-20A ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-20

Board ICSE
Publications  S Chand
Subject Maths
Class 10th
Chapter-20 Probability
Writer OP Malhotra
Exe-20A Problems on Probability
Edition 2024-2025

A Random Experiment

A random experiment is a well-defined procedure that produces an outcome that can’t be predicted in advance. The outcome of a random experiment is called an event.

An event is a set of possible outcomes from an experiment. Each event is assigned a probability, which is a measure of how likely it is to occur

How to Solve Problems on Probability Easily

  • Read the Questions carefully
  • Identify the total number of possible outcomes
  • Identify the number of desired outcomes
  • Divide the number of desired outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes
  • Express the probability as a fraction, decimal, or percentage

Exercise – 20A

(Probability Class 10 OP Malhotra Exe-20A ICSE Maths Solutions Ch-20)

Que-1: In the following events, match correctly to indicate whether the outcomes are possible, certain, or impossible.

(a) Possible
(b) Impossible
(c) Certain
(1) You will throw a 7 with a normal die.
(2) Your friend will call you tonight.
(3) A cat will give birth to puppies next year.
(4) Thursday will be the day after Wednesday next week.
(5) You will have cornflakes, samosas and toasts in your breakfast today.
(6) It will be winter in Australia when it is summer in India.
(7) You will be able to see a live dinosaur in the city zoo.
(8) You will be awarded a prize for your good performance.

Sol: (1) (b) as it has 1 to 6 numbers on it.
(2) (a) It may or may not, my friend call me.
(3) (b) as a cat gives birth to kitten not puppies
(4) (c) as every Thursday comes after Wednesday.
(5) (a) It may or may not that we get these things.
(6) (c) When it is summer in India which is in north hemisphere, it will be winter in Australia which is in south hemisphere of earth.
(7) (b) as a dinosaur is no more now.
(8) (a) It may or may not that I shall get a prize.

Que-2: Categorize each outcome as likely or unlikely, (a) Likely (b) Unlikely

(1) You will not get reservation in the train due to heavy Dusshera rush.
(2) Your friend will go to moon next month.
(3) Someone in your class will be absent next week.
(4) It will snow in Mussorie in January.
(5) There will be floods in Delhi in March next year.
(6) You will become an army officer when you grow up.

Sol: (1) (a) 1 may get or may not get reservation.
(2) (b) It is not yet possible to go to moon.
(3) (a) Generally, one or more students remain absent everyday.
(4) (a) There are chances that in January, it will fall snow in Mussorie which is situated on mountains.
(5) (b) As in month of March in Delhi, there are no heavy rains.
(6) (a) It may be or may not be me because an army officer.

Que-3: Choose the likelihood which matches the outcome of each event :

(a) Impossible
(b) Unlikely
(c) Even Chance
(d) Likely
(e) Certain
(1) The school football team will win the local tournament.
(2) Mr. Shah will cut the grass on his lawn when it is snowing.
(3) While going to school, you will pass by a white car.
(4) The mountaineer will be hurt if he falls off the mountain.
(5) The number on the top face of an ordinary die will be an even number.
(6) The next baby to be born will be a female.
(7) The member on the top face of an ordinary die when rolled will be less than 7.
(8) The Titanic will float back up to the top of the ocean.
(9) You will live for 100 years.
(10) A dog will have kittens.
(11) Monday will be the day after Tuesday next week.
(12) You will have a birthday next year.

Sol: (1) (c) There are chances to win the match.
(2) (a) It is not possible to cut the grass when it is snowing.
(3) (d) There are chances that we may pass by a white car.
(4) (e) It is certain that a mountaineer will be hurt on falling from a mountain.
(5) (c) It may or may not be possible to come an even number.
(6) (c) There are chances to be born next baby being a female.
(7) (e) A die has number from 1 to 6 which are less than 7.
(8) (a) It is not possible for the Titanic to float back.
(9) (b) There are rare chances to live up to 100 years age.
(10) (a) A dog bears to nothing.
(11) (a) Every Monday comes after Sunday but not after Tuesday.
(12) (d) If I may alive, it can be possible otherwise not.

–: End of Probability Class 10 OP Malhotra Exe-20A ICSE Maths Ch-20 Solved Practice Questions :–

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