When Great Trees Fall Extract Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions of ICSE Class 10 English

When Great Trees Fall Extract Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions of ICSE Class 10 English written by Maya Angelou. The Treasure Chest ( A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) workbook passage wise questions and answer of English. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class- 10 English.

When Great Trees Fall Extract Questions Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions of ICSE Class 10 English

When Great Trees Fall Extract Questions: Treasure Chest Workbook Solutions of ICSE Class 10

Board ICSE
Publications Evergreen Publications
Subject English
Class 10
Book Name  Treasure Chest
Chapter When Great Trees Fall
Writer Maya Angelou
Topics Extract Questions

Extract Questions Solutions of Evergreen Publications

Question:– Read the following extract from the poem ‘ When Great Trees Fall ’ by Maya Angelou and answer the questions that follow:

When great trees fall, ……. …….. lumber after safety.

Que-1:   How is the metaphor of ‘great trees’ used in the poem?

Ans: Here the ‘great trees’ is symbolize the  great persons using metaphor. When a great tree falls, it causes widespread loss, and its effects felt by people when a significant person dies.

Que-2: What does the shuddering of ‘rocks’ on distant hills symbolise?

Ans: The phrase symbolizes the far-reaching effect of the death of a great person. It signifies how the loss is felt widely, causing even far and wide.

Que-3: How do animals behave when great trees fall? Why?

Ans: The behavior of animal when great trees fall.  Lions hide in fear in tall grasses, and elephants walk awkwardly to seek shelter. This behavior is due to the immediate danger caused by the falling of great trees, reflecting the effect a great person’s death.

Que-4: What happens to small things when great trees fall?

Ans: The, small things recoil into silence, their senses contract beyond fear. This indicates that the impact of a great tree’s fall is deep affects even the smallest creatures.

Que-5: What idea does the poet give by using the extended metaphor of the fall of ‘great trees’?

Ans:  The poet explain the idea that the death of a great person has a significant and wide-ranging effect, causing immediate breakdown by using ‘great trees’, as metaphor

When great trees fall in forests, small things recoil into silence, their senses eroded beyond fear.

Que-1: What does the fall of great trees symbolise in the poem?

Ans: The phrases means the deaths of great persons, conveying the effect and breakdown by the loss of a VIP.

Que-2: What happens to big animals when great trees fall?

Ans:  see above que-3

Que-3: What happens to small things when great trees fall?

Ans: see above que-4

Que-4: Explain. ‘Their senses/eroded beyond fear’.

Ans: As per phrase tells that the small creatures are so deeply affected by the fall of great trees that their usual sense of fear is not working properly, leaving them in a state  shock and wonder.

Que-5: When great men die, what kind of ‘clarity’ do we have all of a sudden?

Ans: After the death of great man we experience a ‘hurtful clarity’, a sudden understanding of the valuable soul lost, which brings sharp and painful feeling of their importance.

When great souls die,  …… … .. …..  a hurtful clarity.

Que-1: What image from the world of nature has been used earlier in the context?

Ans: The image reflect the deaths of great persons and their sudden effect.

Que-2: What happens when great trees fall?

Ans: After falling great tree there is widespread  effect in which animals ran for safety, and the natural order is momentarily disturbed.

Que-3: ‘We breathe, briefly’. There is a pause after ‘breathe’ here. What is its significance?

Ans: The pause after the phrase “breathe”  explain a moment of shock or feeling, reflecting how the death of a great soul momentarily takes our breath away.

Que-4: What kind of ‘clarity’ does the poet refer to?

Ans:  A ‘hurtful clarity’, a painful yet clear realization of the loss of a valuable soul, which brings a sharp focus on what was unsaid or undone.

Que-5: What do we come to remember when great men die?

Ans: We suddenly remember all the moments spent with them, the kind words unsaid, and the promised walks never taken, leading to a sense of regret and loss.

Our memory, suddenly sharpened, examines, ……. ……..  promised walks never taken

Que-1: What happens when great trees fall, according to the poet?

Ans: see above

Que-2: Why does it become difficult to breathe when great souls die?

Ans:  It becomes difficult to breathe because their loss creates a sense of emptiness and despair, making the surrounding unusual.

Que-3: What do we come to remember suddenly when great souls die?

Ans: We remember the moments spent with the great soul, the kind words unsaid, and the promised walks never taken, which gnaw on us with regret and sorrow.

Que-4: In what state of mind is the speaker here?

Ans: The speaker is in sorrow, painful and regret that comes with the feeling of what was lost with the departure of a great soul.

Our minds, formed and informed  …….. … … ….   unutterable ignorance of dark, cold

Que-1: How has the poet compared the world of nature with the human world earlier in the context?

Ans:  the world of nature has compared with the human world by using the metaphor of great trees falling is the deaths of great persons, illustrating the deep effect.

Que-2: What happens when someone emotionally attached to us departs forever?

Ans: When someone departs forever, our reality shifts, our souls shrink, and we are thrown into a state of despair and ignorance, in dark, cold caves.

Que-3: How are our minds affected by great souls?

Ans: The effect of our minds, the radiance of great souls, is a sense of loss and a reduction to ignorance.

Que-4: In what state of mind are we thrown when great souls die?

Ans: We are thrown into a state of madness ignorance and despair, taking to being in dark, cold caves.

Que-5: Explain the reference to the ‘ignorance of dark, cold caves’.

Ans: The phrase cold caves’ symbolizes the deep sense of loss, disorientation, and the lack of understanding from the death of a great soul.

Our senses, restored, never to be the same, ……. …… …… …… and be better. For they existed

Que-1: How do we feel when persons attached to us die?

Ans: see above

Que-2: When do we feel at peace when great souls die?

Ans: After a period we feel at peace which blooms slowly and irregularly, indicating that healing from the loss is a gradual process facilitated by time.

Que-3: Why do our senses never achieve the former state of normalcy after the death of great souls?

Ans: The impact is so deep that our perception and senses are permanently changed whispering to us the presence and influence of the departed.

Que-4: What is the significance of the repetition of words in Lines 3-4?

Ans: The repetition emphasizes the deep impact of the departed souls on our lives and the suggestion they provide for us to live better.

Que-5: The ending of the poem is quite positive. How?

Ans:  It is quite positive the ending of the poem because it suggests that despite the pain of loss, the memory and existence of great souls inspire us to be better and to live more meaningful lives, giving a message of hope.

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