CISCE Board Copy Correction 2023: Lenient / Tough Checking

CISCE Board Copy Correction 2023: Lenient / Tough Checking from various resources.  The  ICSE and ISC exam of 2023 has been over. Now candidate of CISCE eagerly want to know the level of copy correction.  Let us start now.

CISCE Board Copy Correction 2023: Lenient / Tough Checking

CISCE Board Copy Correction 2023: As latest report through reliable sources (non official) the Checking of Board copy of CISCE has been started at various ICSE/ISC school. There is one copy checking center in each district.  The council has appointed a chief center for supervision of copy correction process accordance law.

Training of Teacher with a Duplicate Answer Sheet

New Delhi Dated 1st April 2023, According to our secret report the first of all selected teacher from various ICSE/ISC school has been selected for correction. All of these has been trained at first day of correction at checking center while main invigilator has trained already by council at New Delhi.

Step Marks in Guideline of Solved Checking Sheet

A Solved sheet of each subject has given to each checker so that marks can be awarded correctly.  These answer sheet  has well and clear guideline that step marks must be given.  There is a lot of guideline which is useful for each checker at checking center.

Full Marks if Wrong Question Attempted

As latest guideline for copy checking full marks must be awarded if candidate attempted any mis print / wrong / incomplete question. You will get full marks if any such question has been attempted.

Top 4 System from Sec-B in ICSE

In case of ICSE exam 2023 there was two section in each paper . Sec-A was MCQS while Sec-B was descriptive. candidate  should attempt all question from sec-A while only 4 Question from Sec-B.

If You have attempted more than 4 question from sec-B then each attempted question must be check and awarded legal marks. After checking only TOP 4 Marks Question


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