CISCE Result Formula 2023: How Final Marks Compute

CISCE Result Formula 2023: How Final Marks Compute for preparing your progress report. Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is now working on copy evaluation at various correction center. This evaluation process has been started after the ICSE / ISC exam of 2023 over.

The CISCE result preparation formula has been explain in detail and also mention the factor used during computation of final result.

CISCE Result Formula 2023: How Final Marks Compute

As soon as the evaluation process would be completed , The result preparation process would be started . Many factors might be taken during computation of final marks . Council might be focus on weightage so that more and more candidate could be passed in honor’s.

Factor Used in Computation of ICSE Final Marks

In case of ICSE there is only 6 subjects for calculating final marks they are —

  1. Mathematics
  2. Computer/ P.ed. ( Optinal subject )
  3. Hindi ( Regional language)
  4. Science ( Physics + Chemistry + Biology)
  5. English ( Language + Literature)
  6. Social Science ( History/ Civics + Geography )

So all these six subjects have 100 marks overall out of which you will give 80 marks in external examination while 20 marks will be given by the school based on internal assessment and projects ( except for computer in which examination will be of 100 marks )

In case of science, your physics, chemistry and biology marks are added up and then divided by 3 to get final science marks. Same is done in social science and English . Both subjects marks are added then divided by 2.

Expert Tells a Bit Different on Top 5 Criteria

For calculation of best of 5 marks in ICSE,  English marks has to be considered as one of them among top 5.

Best of 5 marks = English + best 4 subjects

Detail Analysis for Calculating Percentage in ICSE

First of all we want to inform you that there is 10 subjects in which only  6 subject would be taken as council guideline.

  • English language and English literature both are regarded as only English(The marks you will get in boards will be the average of these two subjects)
  • Biology, Chemistry and physics will be regarded as Science
  • History and Geography will be regarded as one subject
  • Computer/ Commerce
  • Hindi/Regional (second language)
  •  Maths.

In total 6 subjects. Now while calculating the percentage, you have to always consider the English marks (as its compulsory) and rest four subjects (in which you have scored well). This is known as the best five system.


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