ICSE Biology Sem-1 Answer Key of Class-10 Session 2021-22

ICSE Biology Sem-1 Answer Key of Class-10 for 2021-22 session . Step by step solutions of ICSE Class-10 Paper of Sem-1 Biology for 2021-22.  During solutions of semester-1 Biology examination paper we explain with figure , graph, table whenever necessary so that student can analysis his sem-1 exam with more accuracy.. Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Class-10.

Answer Key of ICSE Class-10 Biology Sem-1 Exam

Board ICSE
Class 10th (X)
Subject Biology (Paper-3)
Exam Semester-1
Syllabus  on bifurcated syllabus (after reduction)
Session 2021-22
Topic  Answer Key
Max  40
Time allowed one and half hour
Total Question 8 (with part)
Question Type  MCQ/ Objective (as prescribe by council)

Date of ICSE Biology Sem-1 Exam

 According press release, The Previous date sheet of sem-1 Biology exam to be held on Thursday 02 December from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. but at eleventh hour council  postponed the sem-1 Previous date sheet saying that it was  beyond their control. Therefore again CISCE press released revised date sheet.

 In Revised DATE SHEET sem-1 Biology exam to be held on Wednesday  15 December from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM in various ICSE school throughout India.

Paper Format for Sem-1 Exam of ICSE Biology

The question paper consists of a total number of Question 8 (with all parts)  with 40 max marks. For more deep information about format view Specimen Paper of ICSE Biology of sem-1 Exam. Whole Biology Paper is divided among 3 section . SECTION I (15 Marks) ,  SECTION II (15Marks) and SECTION III (10 Marks). You can view Solutions of Biology Specimen Paper Sem-1 for your practice.

Question Type 

The council has already declared that this year the council is conducting Exam of  ICSE semester 1 on MCQs format question only. It will be beneficial to every student to check the correct option given in the answer. It will help students in knowing the probable marks scored in the exam. Also, it will help in understanding the performance in the particular subject

Answer Key of ICSE Biology Sem-1 Exam 

answer key of ICSE Biology will be available whenever exam over . our team would release as soon as possible . refresh this page time to time to get answer key. we will also provide question paper so that student can match their marks with more accuracy . please click on following link to get answer key (unofficial).

PDF Answer Key of ICSE Biology Sem-1 Exam (Unofficial )

Ques.1 A: (b) Photophosphorylation Ques.3 A: (b) Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Ques.5 A: Ques.7 A:
Ques.1 B: (c) Lenticels Ques.3 B: (a) Create a suction force for absorption of water from the soil Ques.5 B: Ques.7 B:
Ques.1 C: (a) Root Pressure Ques.3 C: (d) 3:1 Ques.5 C: Ques.7 C:
Ques.1 D: (d) Recessive Ques.3 D: (a) Xylem Ques.5 D: Ques.7 D:
Ques.1 E: (e) 44 + XX Chromosomes Ques.3 E: (c) S-phase Ques.5 E: Ques.7 E:
Ques.2 A: (d) Telophase Ques.4 A: Ques.6 A: Ques.8 A:
Ques.2 B: (e) Pi  π Ques.4 B: Ques.6 B: Ques.8 B:
Ques.2 C: (b) Hypertonic Ques.4 C: Ques.6 C: Ques.8 C:
Ques.2 D: (a) Thymine Ques.4 D: Ques.6 D:
Ques.2 E: (c) Genes Ques.4 E: Ques.6 E:


How to use the ICSE Class 10 Answer Key of 2021-22?

Once you have downloaded the answer key of Sem-1 for any sybject., at first you can tally the options given with the answer you marked. By adding all the correct marks questions, you can calculate the marks obtained in the certain subject. The marks you calculated might not be the final marks. It may vary and the same will be reflected in the result. In addition, you can analyze your performance in the particular section. Students can mark the sections where they scored less than expected and can work harder for the next examination

–: End of  Answer Key for ICSE Class-10 Biology Sem-1  :-

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