ICSE Class-10 MCQ Type Questions for Semester-1 of 2021-22 Session

MCQ Type Questions for ICSE Class-10 of Semester-1 Session -2021-22. We provide you for your practice in next upcoming exam of council of 2021-22 session of Semester-1 exam preparation for all subject in ICSE Board.

The ICSE Class-10 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) at include the important objective questions in the Semester-1 reduced syllabus. These questions cover the entire chapter and help students get to the root of each topic and understand each sub-topic thoroughly. On solving these MCQs regularly, students can easily achieve more in the objective question of MCQ type question paper. MCQs also prepare students for other competitive exams as most entrance exams have questions in this format. So, it is important that students get enough MCQ practice.

MCQ Type Questions for ICSE Class-10 of Semester-1 Session -2021-22 (All Subject)

Board ICSE
Class  10th (XII)
Subject Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Question Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Syllabus Latest Reduced Syllabus
Session 2021-22
Topic MCQ / Objective Type Question
bifurcated  Pattern Semester-1

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Type Questions for ICSE Class-10 of Semester-1 Session -2021-22. We provide you for your practice in next upcoming exam of council of 2021-22 session of Semester-1 exam preparation for all subject in ICSE Class-10 Board

The ICSE Class-10 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) at include the important objective questions in the Semester-1 reduced syllabus. These questions cover the entire chapter and help students get to the root of each topic and understand each sub-topic thoroughly. On solving these MCQs regularly, students can easily achieve more in the objective question of MCQ type question paper. MCQs also prepare students for other competitive exams as most entrance exams have questions in this format. So, it is important that students get enough MCQ practice.

How to Prepare MCQ for ICSE Class-10 All Subject (Trick)

  1. Plan a time table of Chapters which you can Complete before 15th October.
  2. Read the whole concept of Chapters included in Semester-1 after reduction Topics,
  3. Prepare a self made Notes Subject-wise and chapter-wise including heading ,Subheading , Labelled Figure, Important reaction / Formula / definition
  4. Practice All Type Question of your textbook including Long, Short, very short, Figure related, Skill Type and MCQ type because every type question can be converted into MCQ type.
  5. After completing chapter concept then try to solve our Chapter-wise/ Subject-wise MCQ for your practice as following time table
  6. Again prepare revision time table for one month from 15th October to 14th November in descending order (Last paper exam date subject revision from 15th October so that last revision subject should occur at beginning of exam date)
  7. Semester-1 Exam will be held at your home but you can not cheat the council by taking help on any browsing / Guide because the new type question would be create by council thus you can not copy the answer by any illegal means.

List of Subject-wise / Chapter-wise ICSE Class-10 MCQs for Sem-1 Applicable 2021-22 Session

Practice our MCQs given below which is  Subject-wise / Chapter-wise for ICSE Class-10  to prepare your self in Semester-1 exam of council of 2021-22 session.

Maths MCQs of ICSE Class-10 for Semester-1






(Complete Unit)


Algebra 1.Linear Inequation

2.Quadratic Equation

3.Ratio & Proportional

4. Factorisation

5. Matrices6. A P
Geometry 1.Similarity


Physics MCQs of ICSE Class-10 for Semester-1






Force, Work, Power and Energy (Complete Unit) 1.Force

2.Work, Energy and Power


(Complete Unit)
1.Refraction of Light


Sound 1.Sound 


Chemistry MCQs of ICSE Class-10 for Semester-1






Periodic Properties and Variations
of Properties
(Complete Unit)
1.Periodic Table

2.Chemical  Bonding

Study of Acids, Bases and Salts
(Complete Unit)
Acid Base Salt
Analytical Chemistry
(Complete Unit)
 Analytical Chemistry
Mole Concept Mole Concept
(Complete Unit)


Biology  MCQs of ICSE Class-10 for Semester-1






Basic Biology
(Complete Unit)
1Structure of Chromosomes


Plant Physiology
(Complete Unit)
1.Absorption by Roots




Computer Applications MCQs of ICSE Class-10 for Semester-1






Revision of Class IX Syllabus
(Complete Unit)
Revision of Class IX


Class as the Basis of all Computation
(Complete Unit)
Class Basis of  all Computation
User-defined Methods (Complete Unit) User-defined  Methods
(Complete Unit)


Geography MCQs of ICSE Class-10 for Semester-1






Interpretation of topological map Interpretation of topological map (only I & II)
Location and Physical feature of India Location and Physical feature of India (Only map)
Climate Climate of India
Soil resources Soil resources of India
Natural vegetation Natural vegetation
Water resources Water resources


History/Civics MCQs of ICSE Class-10 for Semester-1






The Union
The Union Legislature
The Indian
(1857 – 1917 )
(Complete Unit)
1.First War of Independence: 1857

2. Second Phase of Indian National Movement and The Partition of Bengal

3.The Rise of Nationalism and Foundation of the Indian National Congress

The Mass Phase of the National
Movement (1915 – 1947)
(Complete Unit)
1. : Mahatma Gandhi & The National Movement (1919-1934)

2 Quit India Movement (1935-1943)

 The Last Phase 1942-47


Physical Education MCQs of ICSE Class-10 for Semester-1


Unit Chapter Name

Physical Education

Body Type
Human Growth  Development
Sport Training
Safety in Sport
Physical Fitness


We hope that it is helpful for you. please comment us if any modification needed to encourage our team

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Team icsehelp

28 thoughts on “ICSE Class-10 MCQ Type Questions for Semester-1 of 2021-22 Session”

  1. Sir I’m really grateful to you on behalf of the whole of the majority sudents those were looking for MCQ books/questions and were unable to afford it.
    I was really searching for it for approx 2 weeks but I was unable to find it anywhere I gave up hope but I striked an idea of trying it one last time and by the last search I got back to our magical site
    Thanku you so so so so so much!!!!!!!
    But please I have a request
    If possible please upload mcqs for all chapter of chemistry
    And also for computer applications
    Again a real big big big thanks to you!!!!!!

  2. Sir can u plz upload mcq questions for English language and English Literature? It will be extremely helpful for all of us. As we all know that english is a mandatory subject in ICSE and maximum marks are lost in grammar mainly in tense and preposition.

  3. There are some questions which has been repeated for more than two types please delete such questions and modify it …..
    It’s a request from myself+ from 20-25 of my friends whom I have shared…

  4. I am grateful towards you and your team for publishing so many mcq questions for us .We are facing tough times as the pattern of examination has changed and we do not have much idea aboutthis new system of examination.The questions provided are very helpfull.Theank you on behalf of every students who are benifitted from your noble help.

  5. Some answers in Physics are wrong and need correction
    Chapter 1 Force Question 5 Answer is C but shown as D
    Chapter 1 Force Question 19 Answer is C but shown as b
    Chapter 2 Work Energy Question 14 has no right options. All answers are wrong; It is 1.6×10-9
    Chapter 2 Work Energy Question 22 Answer is D shown as B


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