Srijan Class-9 Structure and Germination of seeds ICSE Biology Solutions Ch-5

Srijan Class-9 Structure and Germination of seeds ICSE Biology Solutions Ch-5. We Provide Solutions of Concept Check-1, and 2,Very Short Ans, Short Ans, Long Ans, Multiple Choice Type(including True False), Application /Skill (Figure Based ) Questions  by expert teachers as per ICSE board guidelines. Visit official Website CISCE  for detail information about ICSE Board Class-9.

Solutions of ICSE Biology Srijan Class-9 Structure and Germination of seeds 

Board ICSE
Publications Srijan Publication
Subject Biology
Class 10th
writer Veer Bala Rastogi
Chapter-5 Structure and Germination of seeds 
Topics Solutions of Concept Check-1, and 2,Very Short Ans, Short Ans, Long Ans, MCQ, Application Skill Based Questions
Edition 2021-2022

Concept Check 1  (Page 57)

Ch-5 Structure and Germination of seeds ICSE Solutions of Class-9 Srijan  Publishers Biology 

Question 1:

Fill in the blanks with suitable words :

1. The outer covering of maize grain represent pericarp fused with Seed coat.

2. Mango seeds are nonendospermic.

3. In maize, grain (seed) is yellow and contain endosperm and proteins.

4. A seed absorbs water through micropyle.

5. The part of the embryo above the cotyledons is called epicotyl.

Concept Check 2  (Page 61)

ICSE Solutions of Srijan Publishers Biology for Ch-5 Structure and Germination of seeds 

Question 1:

State whether the following statements are true or false, If false, write the correct statement by changing the incorrect word/words only.

1. Epigeal germination is found in been seed.  True

2. During seed germination, water activates the enzymes that change starch into simple sugars.  True

3. Seed need nitrogen for germination.  False

4. Viviparous germination is found in mangrove plants.  True

5. In hypogeal germination, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly and the cotyledons are paused up above the ground.  False


Srijan Publishers Solutions of ICSE Biology Ch-5 Structure and Germination of seeds 

Question 1:

State one difference on the basis of what is given in the brackets:

(a) Maize and bean (kind of germination)

(b) Hypogeal germination and epigeal germination (position of the cotyledons)

(c) Epicotyl and hypocotyl (position in relation to cotyledons)

Answer :

(a) Germination in maize is tiypogeal and germination in beans is epigeal.

(b) Epigeal germination cotyledons are pushed above the ground. and Hypogeal germination cotyledons remain underground.

(c) Epicotyl is the part of the axis lying just above the point where cotyledons are attached to it. and hypocotyl is the part of the embryonal axis between cotyledons and radicle.

Question 2: 

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(a) The embryo is in quiescent  state in a dry seed.

(b) Water is absorbed by the seed mainly through micropyle.

(c) Hilum is a point where seed was attached to the ovary wall.

(d) Mangrove plants show a special type of germination called Vivipara.

(e) The three conditions for seed germination are  water,  oxygen  and tempreture.

Question 3:

State whether the following statements are true or false.

(a) Radicle is the future shoot of the plant and plumule is the future root of the plant.  False

(b) A seed is a matured ovary formed after fertilization.  False

(c) Dicotyledonous seeds contain two cotyledons.  True

(d) Gram and pea seeds are albuminous seeds.  False

(e) Maize grain has a large endosperm.  True

Question 4:

Name the following:

(a) Part of the plumule above the embryonal axis of the seed.

(b) A chemical used in experiment to absorb oxygen.

(c) A dicotyledonous endospermic seed

(d) A monocot exalbuminous seed.

(e) Layer of endosperm of maize, rich in protein.

Answer :

(a) Epicotyl.

(b) Pyrogallol

(c) Bean

(d) Orchids

(e) Aleurone layer


Structure and Germination of seeds ICSE Class-9th Biology Solutions Srijan Publishers

Question 1:

Answer the following questions briefly:

(a) Describe the structure and function of seed coat.

(b) What is a micropyle? What are its functions?

(c) why do we use the term grain and not the seed for maize

Answer :

(a) The outer covering of a seed is called the seed coat. Seed coats help protect the embryo from injury and also from drying out. Seed coats can be thin and soft as in beans or thick and hard as in locust or coconut seeds.

b) The micropyle helps to absorb water at the time of germination of the seed. It is through this micropyle that the root emerges at the time of germination of the seed. The opening of the micropyle allows the pollen to enter the ovule for fertilization.

(c) We call the maize as a grain because the fruit wall and seed coat fuse together to form a protective sheath. And hence is called a grain, not a seed

Question 2:

Define the following:

(a) Seed dormancy

(b) Seed

(c) Germination

(d) Vivipary

Answer :

(a) Seed dormancy–Seed dormancy is defined as a state in which seeds are prevented from germinating even under environmental conditions normally favorable for germination. These conditions are a complex combination of water, light, temperature, gasses, mechanical restrictions, seed coats, and hormone structures

(b) Seed–A mature fertilized ovule of angiosperms and gymnosperms that contains an embryo and the food it will need to grow into a new plant.

(c) Germination–the development of a plant from a seed or spore after a period of dormancy

(d) Vivipary–Vivipary refers to a seed that germinates into a seedling before being shed from the parent plant, e.g., Rhizophora, red mangrove.

Question 3:

Give differences between the following:

(a) Hypogeal germination and epigeal germination

(b) Radicle and plumule

(c) Bean seed and castor seed

Answer :

(a) differences between Hypogeal germination and epigeal germination

Epigeal Germination Hypogeal Germination
In this type of seed germination, the cotyledons come out of the soil, e.g., Castor. The cotyledons remain inside the soil (e.g. Pea).
The cotyledons are brought out of the soil by the excessive growth of the hypocotyl. The hypocotyl does not elongate much. Instead, the epicotyl grows and takes the plumule above the soil.
The terminal region of the hypocotyl is curved to protect the plumule and cotyledons from the friction of the soil. The terminal part of the epicotyl is curved in order to reduce damage to plumule by friction from soil particles.
The plumule remains enclosed and protected by cotyledons till it comes out of the soil. There is no such provision
The cotyledons become green and function as the first leaves of the seedling. The cotyledons do not take part in photosynthesis.

(b) differences between Radicle and plumule

Radicle Plumule
The radicle is the embryonic root of the plant Plumule is the embryonic shoot of the plant.
Radicle is the first part of the seedling. Plumule grows after the radicle.
The radicle makes the root of the plant. Plumule makes the plant shoot.
Radicles are negatively phototropic. Plumule is positively phototropic.

(c) differences between Bean seed and castor seed

Bean seed is a dicotyledonous exalbuminous seed while castor seed is a dicotyledonous aluminous seed. The seeds of pea are non-endospermic, while castor seeds are endospermic. The endosperm in pea seeds is consumed completely during embryo development, but endosperm is not utilised in castor seeds


Solutions of Srijan Publishers for ICSE Class-9 Biology of Ch-5 Structure and Germination of seeds I

Question 1:

Describe the structure of a dicot seed.

Answer :

A dicot seed primarily consists of two basic parts- seed coat and embryo. The surface of the seed may be smooth or wrinkled. An outer seed coat ‘ tegmen’ and an inner seed coat ‘testa’ covers the seed coat. Testa is leathery, thick, and tough while tegmen is thin, fragile, conspicuous, and papery.

Question 2:

How would you demonstrate that oxygen and temperature are essential for seeds to germinate.

Answer :


  • Aim: To prove that oxygen is necessary for germination.
  • Apparatus: Two conical flask marked A and B, seeds of pea, water, cotton wool, pyrogallic acid, test tubes.
  • Procedure: Take two conical flask with a cork and mark them A and B respectively. Place a wet cotton wool in each flask with some soaked Pea seeds. Pyrogallic acid absorbs oxygen so  a test tube of in flask B in such a way that the chemical does not drop in the flask. In flask A hang a test tube of plain water.
  • Observation: The seeds in flask A germinate because of presence of oxygen and seeds in flask B do not germinate because pyrogallic acid absorbs oxygen.
  • Result: Oxygen is necessary for germination.


  • Aim: To prove that suitable temperature is necessary for germination.
  • Apparatus: Two beakers marked A and B, seeds of pea, water and cotton wool.
  • Procedure: Take two beakers marked A and B respectively. Place some pea seeds on cotton wool in both the beakers.Keep beaker A at room temperature and B in refrigerator.
  • Observation: The seeds in beaker A germinate and in B do not germinate.
  • Result: Suitable temperature is necessary for germination.

Question 3:

A farmer plough his field and make the soil loose. Give reasons

Answer :

Ploughing of soil makes the soil loosen. Farmer plough his field so that soil of field looses and aeration can take place easily. Moreover, Ploughing also gives a way of seepage to water and nutrients.

Question 4:

Four dishes A, B, C and D containing bean seeds were set up as follows and left for a few days:

I Soaked seeds over dry cotton wool

II Soaked seeds submerged in water

III Dry seeds over dry cotton wool

IV. Soaked seeds over dry iron plate

(a) In which dish would the seeds germinate the best? Give a reason.

(b) What ls the purpose of this experiment?

(c)  In which dish would the germination be uncertain?

Answer :

(a) the seeds in the first test would germinate because they have oxygen for respiration as well as water needed and to demonstrate photosynthesis and respiration in germinating seeds and The Fourth scenario is the one in which the germination would be uncertain because the so seeds are over dry iron plate which may or may not help them to grow

(b)  the purpose of this experiment that condition require for germination

(c) the germination be uncertain in Dry seeds over dry cotton wool

Structure and Germination of seeds ICSE 9th Solutions Srijan Publishers


Choose the correct answer.

Question 1 :

Seeds sown deep in the soil do not germinate because they

(a) Do not get enough sunlight

(b) Do not get much water

(c) Do not get enough oxygen

(d) None of the above

Answer :

(c) Do not get enough oxygen

Question 2 :

Epigeal germination is found in:

(a) Castor

(b) Maize

(c) Rice

(d) Gram

Answer :

(a) Castor

Question 3 :

Hypogeal germination is found in

(a) Castor

(b) French bean

(c) Maize

(d) None of the above

Answer :

(c) Maize

Ch-5 Structure and Germination of seeds ICSE 9th Solutions Srijan Publishers

E. Application/Skill-based Questions  (Page 62)

Question 1:

The adjoining diagram shows the longitudinal section through a maize grain. Now, answer the following:

(a) Label the parts marked 1 to 6.

(b) ldentify the given seed as monocot or dicot seed.

(c) What kind of germination takes place in this seed?

Figure see in your text book….

Answer :


1. Fused pericarp and testa

2. Aleurone layer

3. Epithelial layer of scutellum

4. Coleoptile

5. Radicle

6. Coleorhiza

(b) It is monocot

(c) Hypogeal germination

Question 2:

Observe the given figure and answer the following questions:

(a) Label the parts marked 1-5.

(b) ldentify whether the given seed ls a monocot seed ora dicot one. Give one reason in support of your answer

Answer :


1. Cotyledon

2. Plumule with two rudimentary leaves

3. Epicotyl

4. Hypocotyl

5. Radicle

(b) It is dicot seed because it contains two cotyledons (embryonic leaves)

–: End of Srijan Class-9 Pollination and Fertilisation ICSE Biology Solutions Ch-4 :–

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