ICSE ISC Results Update 2023: Why CISCE Is in Silent Mode. All the students who have appeared in CISCE exam of 2023 are eagerly waiting for the result .
A common question is roaming around the internet when the board of ICSE/ISC is going to publish the result of the 10th/12th class.
ICSE ISC Results Update 2023: is CISCE in Silent Mode ?
ICSE ISC Results Update 2023: The CISCE has been gone to standby mode now. Board is neither issuing any circular nor giving any update regarding the date of ICSE/ISC Result 2023. Therefore student as well as guardian are feeling more and more eagerness as day by day.
All Guess Became Null and Void
As per media report, many website / e.media including icsehelp has given their prediction regarding date and time for ICSE/ISC result 2023 but all of them are totally fail in their guess. Date 7th May , 10th May 2023 were most common among them. But the Giant questions is remain same ?
Why is Council Totally Silent
The correction has been completed and marks has been uploaded. then why council is not giving any update till now. There is no any press conference regarding result date.
According to latest report obtained through expert/reliable sources that council want to declare ICSE as well as ISC result simultaneously. Therefore result may be delayed for a while.
When Will Result Be Declare
This is the question of the day that when will result be out. Previous prediction has been proved wrong regarding the date of result. There is no any official information also.
ICSE ISC Results Update 2023
It is guess that the CISCE result 2023 may be declare around 15th of May 2023 at official website cisce.org. After the release of the CISCE Result 2023. All the students can check their marks and download the marksheet.
— : also visit :-
- Marks Can Be Increase by This Update if you are not satisfied
- ICSE ISC Copy Checking 2023: Full Marks if You Have
- CISCE Result Formula 2023
- ICSE ISC 2023 Answer Sheet: Step Marking with Lenient Checking ?
- CISCE Board Copy Correction 2023
To be honest, they all are mistaken the date, according to my calculations the results should be out by 17th May 2023 but as it is not confirmed by CISCE or CICSE whatever it is, so it could come out early like 15th May 2023 idk why the counsil has gone silent mode is it due to the arrest of chief executive of the counsil sir Gerry Arathoon?
Result will be out today on 132th may at 3.00 pm