The Leaf Class-6th Goyal Brothers Prakashan Biology Solutions

The Leaf Class-6th Goyal Brothers ICSE Biology Solutions Chapter-1 Tissue. We Provide Step by Step Answers of Objectives,  Fill in the blanks , Definitions , Match the followings and Short/Long Question Type answers of Chapter-1 The Leaf. Visit official Website  CISCE  for detail information about ICSE Board Class-6.

The Leaf ICSE Class-6th Goyal Brothers

Biology Solutions Chapter-1

Board ICSE
Class 6th
Subject Biology
Book Name Goyal Brothers
Chapter-1 The Leaf
Unit-1  The Leaf
Topic Solution of exercise questions
Session 2023-24

The Leaf ICSE Class-6th Goyal Brothers

I. Multiple Choice Questions. Tick(√ ) the correct choice.

1. Which of the following is a modified leaf ?

(a) Spines and cactus

(b) Maize

(c) Sugarcane

(d) Banyan

Ans: (a) Spines and cactus

2. Veins are present in

(a) Stems

(b) Roots

(c) Leaves

(d) Seeds

Ans: (c) Leaves

3. The flat portion of leaf is called

(a) Petiole

(b) Midrib

(c) Lamina

(d) Vein

Ans: (c) Lamina

4. Main function of a leaf is to

(a) Prepare food for the plant

(b) Protect the plant

(c) Anchor the plant

(d) Distribute food in the plant body

Ans: (a) Prepare food for the plant

II. Fill In The Blanks :

  1. In cactus, leaves are modified into _Spines_.
  2. Leaves are green as they contain _Chlorophyll_.
  3. In pitcher plant, _leaves_ are modified for trapping insects.
  4. In the shoot system, leaves arise from _a node_ on the stem.
  5. Plants synthesize food by the process of _Photosynthesis_.
  6. Tiny pores present on the leaf surface are called _stomata_.
  7. Bryophyllum shows vegetative propagation by _leaves_.

III. Answer the following questions :

Question 1 :- Define:  (i)Leaf  (ii)Venation  (iii)Phyllotaxy


  • Leaf: A green, expanded, broad part of a plant that prepares food is called a leaf.
  • Venation: Venation is known as the arrangement of veins in the lamina of the leaf. The venation is present in a leaf .
  • Phyllotaxy: Phyllotaxy refers to the pattern or arrangement of leaves on the stem or branch of a plant

Question 2 :- What imparts green colour to a leaf?

Answer: The green color is due to the presence of a green pigment called chlorophyll.

Question 3 :- Name the following:

(i) A plant with no leaf

(ii) A plant with variegated leaf

(iii) A plant in which leaves are reduced to spines.

(iv) Two plants in which leaves are modified into tendrils.

(v) Three plants are having reticulate venation in the leaves.

(vi) Three plants having parallel venation in the leaves.


(i) A plant with no leaf: Dodder (Cuscuta)

(ii) A plant with variegated leaf: Money plant and Coleus plant

(iii) A plant in which leaves are reduced to spines: Cactus

(iv) Two plants in which leaves are modified into tendrils: Sweet pea and Garden pea

(v) Three plants are having reticulate venation in the leaves: Mango, Rose and Peepal

(vi) Three plants having parallel venation in the leaves: Banana, Wheat and Palms

Question 4 :- Give differences between:

  • Simple and compound leaves

  • Reticulate and parallel venation

Answer: The differences between Simple and compound leaves are :-

Simple Leaves     Compound leaves
1. The leaf with single lamina is called Simple leaves. 1. The leaf into which lamina is cut into a number of small leaflet on a common stalk is called a compound leaves
2. Present at the leaf axil.  2. Present at the junction between petiole and stem’s node
3. Example: Banana, Mango etc 3. Example: Rose, Neem

The differences between Reticulate and parallel venation are :-

Reticulate venation Parallel venation
1. Veins are arranged in a network or web-like structure 1. Veins run parallel to each other.
2. This pattern is typically seen in dicotyledonous plants  2. This pattern is seen in monocotyledonous plants
3. For example, rose, mango, hibiscus, ficus, etc. 3. For example, wheat, maize, grass, bamboo, banana, etc

Question 5 :- Write three functions of leaves

Answer: The main functions of leaves are

  • Photosynthesis
  • Exchange of gasses
  • Transpiration

Question 6 :- What is vegetative propagation? How does it take place in Bryophyllum.

Answer: vegetative propagation is the method of producing new plants from the vegetative parts of the mother plant, such as root, stem and leaves, without the assistance of any reproductive organ.

Vegetative propagation in Bryophyllum takes place through leaves of the plant which has notches at its margins. Buds arises from the notches of the leaves and later when they drop on the soil, a new plant develops.

Question 7 :- Why no seeds are produced by vegetative propagation?

Answer: Vegetative propagation  is not a method of sexual reproduction and the new individual develops directly therefore, seed is not produced during vegetative propagation.

Question 8 :- Why are leaves modified into spines in prickly pear ?

Answer: The leaves modify into sharp, pointed spines this modification is either for protection of plant or to lessen transpiration, or for both.

— : end of  The Leaf Class-6th Goyal Brothers Prakahan:–

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