Sample Paper Commercial Studies ICSE Class-10 Specimen

Sample Paper Commercial Studies ICSE Class-10 Specimen Model 2020 . Specimen Commercial Studies  ICSE Class-10 Sample Paper for 2020. Sample Paper for ICSE Board Class-10 Commercial Studies . Hence by better practice of Sample Paper ICSE  Commercial Studies  2020 is very helpful for ICSE student appearing in 2020 exam of council.

ICSE Class 10 Specimen Sample paper

Sample Paper Commercial Studies ICSE Class-10 Specimen Model 2020


(Two hours)

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Sample Paper Commercial Studies ICSE Class-10 Specimen for 2020

Attempt all questions from this Section

Question 1

Distinguish between:
(a) Income & Expenditure Account and Profit & Loss Account. [2]
(b) Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure. [2]
(c) Direct cost and Indirect cost. [2]
(d) Advertising and Sales promotion. [2]
(e) Formal communication and informal communication. [2]

Question 2

(a) List any two qualities of a good salesman. [2]
(b) Explain the term Deferred Revenue Expenditure. [2]
(c) List two features of Receipts and Payments Account. [2]
(d) What is ATM? What is its need? [2]
(e) Give any two merits of water transportation. [2]
Question 3
(a) What is Budgeting? [2]
(b) Explain any two sources of external recruitment. [2]
(c) Give any two differences between internal and external stakeholders. [2]
(d) Differentiate between a credit card and a debit card. [2]
(e) Name any two eco friendly technologies. [2]

Question 4

(a) Give any two advantages of crossing a cheque. [2]
(b) Name any two methods of market research. [2]
(c) Give any two barriers to effective communication. [2]
(d) Give any two rights of consumers. [2]
(e) What is Chipko Movement? [2]

SECTION B (40 Marks)

Specimen Sample Model Paper Commercial Studies for ICSE Class-10

Attempt any four questions from this Section

Question 5

(a) Explain three documents used in Warehousing. [6]
(b) Explain four Code of Conduct of the advertiser. [4]

Question 6

(a) Explain any two types of selection tests. [5]
(b) Write a short note on: Role of Trade Union. [5]

Question 7

(a) Explain the expectations of any two types of stakeholders of a company. [4]
(b) Make a comparative analysis of rail and road transport. [6]

Question 8

Define Insurance. Explain any four principles of insurance. [10]

Question 9

(a) Explain five functions of Central Bank. [5]
(b) Suggest any five steps which a business organization can take to improve
the environment. [5]

Question 10

Prepare the final accounts of Mr. David for the year ended 31-03-08 from the following trial balance: [10]
Stock as on 1-04-07              Debit (Rs.)     Credit (Rs.)

Capital & Drawings                5,000                  70,000
Machinery                              40,000
Purchases & Sales                 80,000               1,50,000
Debtors and Creditors            30,000               25,000
Wages                                       20,000
Salaries                                     15,000
Furniture                                  30,000
Rent 5,000
Carriage on purchases            10,000
Discounts                                2,000                   1,200
Carriage on sales                    5,000
Commission received             5,000
Returns                                    5,000                   7,000
Bills receivable and bills payable 10,000           10,000
Cash in hand                                  3,000
Bank overdraft                               7,000
2,75,200         2,75,200

Closing stock was valued at Rs.25,000.

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