ICSE Class-10 Drama: Julius Caesar Workbook Solutions

ICSE Class-10 Drama: Julius Caesar Workbook Solutions of questions by William Shakespeare. Here you can get Scene wise Summary , MCQs, Context Questions, Charecter Sketch for your preperation of upcoming board exam Even these study material should only be treated as references. Therefore it is hereby advoice to students take help and necessory guideline with your teachers.  Visit official website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-10.

ICSE Class-10 Drama Julius Caesar Workbook Solutions

ICSE Class-10 Drama: Julius Caesar Workbook Solutions

ICSE Class-10 Drama: As per latest syllabus prescibed text book for ICSE Class 10 Drama / Play is Julius Caesar which is written by William Shakespeare. Althogh there are total 5 Act but only Act-3, Act-4, Act-5 are in class 10.

Julius Caesar Workbook Solutions

Act 3 

Scene 1 Workbook Solutions



Context Questions

Scene 2 Workbook Solutions



Context Questions

Scene 3 Workbook Solutions



Context Questions

Act 4 

Scene 1 Workbook Solutions



Context Questions

Scene 2 Workbook Solutions



Context Questions

Scene 3 Workbook Solutions



Context Questions

Act 5 

Scene 1 Workbook Solutions

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Scene 2 Workbook Solutions

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Scene 3 Workbook Solutions

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Scene 4 Workbook Solutions

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Scene 5 Workbook Solutions

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Brief Summary of Julius Caesar

Althogh detail summary is given scene wise in each Act even the brief summary is given for understanding the theme of th play Julius Caesar.

Return of Julius Caesar, After defeated Pompey’s sons

The Opening of play bigins with when The Romans leaders, and common people celebrating the return of Julius Caesar, who just defeated  enemy, Pompey’s sons. While The tribunes criticize the crowd for changing their loyalty and try to end the celebration. Caesar ignores a warning from a soothsayer about the “ides of March.” Cassius tries his best to recruit Brutus (The true patriot) to join a conspiracy against Caesar, saying Caesar is becoming too powerful. Casca tells them that Mark Antony offered Caesar the Roman crown three times, but Caesar refused.

Caesar’s famous Last Words are “Et tu, Brute?”

After reading fake letters, Brutus joins the conspiracy due to motivation. He believes that killing of Caesar is for the good of Rome. The group plans conspiracy to call Caesar in the Senate. Despite his wife Calpurnia’s warnings, Caesar goes to the Senate. A false petition as a distraction, the conspirators stab Caesar. Brutus is the last to stab him. Caesar’s famous last words are “Et tu, Brute?”

Mark Antony, Manipulates Public Sentiment Against Conspirators.

After the murder, Brutus explains to the Roman crowd that they did it for Rome’s benefit. The crowd initially supports him. However, Mark Antony, speaking at Caesar’s funeral, skillfully manipulates public sentiment against the conspirators. He mentions Caesar’s good deeds and reads his will, which leaves money to each Roman citizen. This turns the crowd against Brutus and the conspirators, leading to riots and violence.

Preparation for Civil War Against Antony

Brutus and Cassius prepare for civil war against Antony and Caesar’s adopted son, Octavius. They’re also part of a ruling trio with Lepidus. Brutus is visited by Caesar’s ghost, who warns him of defeat. In the ensuing Battle of Philippi, Cassius and Brutus both die, but not before realizing they’ve lost the cause. In the end, Antony praises Brutus as “the noblest Roman of them all,” saying he was the only one who killed Caesar for Rome’s benefit.

The play ends with a subtle hint of tension between Antony and Octavius, a theme explored in another Shakespearean play, “Antony and Cleopatra.”

— End of ICSE Class-10 Drama: Julius Caesar Workbook Solutions of questions Scene wise   :–

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